Minvant i degradant-me de la nostra jerarquia m’useu per tafurejar a l’amor que posseeixo, sóc les vostres ments i emocions en concordança. Em robeu extremitats del ramillet ple d’espines toves i indefenses, únicament em dedico a ser objecte de la indecisió dependent de nombres parells o senars, quina bogeria! Jugant i manipulant-me mentre brameu una sèrie contínua i reiterada de paraules m’arranqueu del sòl. M’heu degollat per després controlar-me, no em trobo amb vida. Ja quan m’heu extret tots els meus teixits de pètal m’heu llançat amb menyspreança, amb decepció i lleu esperança. Ja no hi sóc, no existeixo, no en queda de constància de la meva vida, una corda despullada i indefensa. Em consola saber que trobareu els meus pètals i espero que em trobeu a faltar. Sigueu feliços essent dos individus que van sorgir d’un parell. Jo us seguiré esperant. Constància. Sospir.

Pseudònim: Orchidflower


It was a great day when suddenly everything changed, and it seemed not to get back. Everything started one Saturday morning while we were preparing ourselves and we were watching the forecast decided to go anyway. At first it was a sunny day, but hours were passing by and the sky was getting darker and darker when we suddenly heard a strange noise behind us. We were in the middle of an avalanche with no way to escape, we were trapped underneath the snow and we though that it was the end for our lives. Some hours later when we were almost unconscious, we heard a noise by a man removing the snow we had above us and we know that we were reborn.

Pseudònim: JF


Both experts were climbing an inclined valley. Suddenly they saw a group of people.

They were carrying some machines from the year 3214, a little bit old but they worked very well.

– What do you think? – said the boss.

– In my opinion it’s horrible! – said the scared assistant.

They get close to that scene.

There were lots of human statues, medieval people and modern people! They were too realistic!

– I think they are petrified, sir… – said the assistant.

– I think so too – affirmed the boss.

Then they saw a sign that it were some descriptions in Greek.

They used the new translator, it showed “traitors will rest here until the end” It was very frightening…

They searched for this descriptions in the new searching app but they didn’t appear anywhere.

They took a photo.

They didn’t worry about those consequences.

A mermaid appeared, she had a female body and snakes instead of hair.

They saw her eyes.

She wasn’t strong enough to move the sign.

She needed help. But should we help her, or not?

Pseudònim: GOD


It is 12 o’clock in the morning of December 24th, a day is missing for Christmas. I walk down a quiet street, with a lost look and everything seems to go in slow motion. While I’m walking I hear screams from women and I notice how people from a distance do not stop watching me. To tell you the truth, it seems normal to me to look and scream, after all, I’m naked, covered in blood and I have a head in my hands. I still can not believe what I did last night, although deep down I have a sense of tranquility and inner peace that I’ve never had. It’s strange but it’s true.
I start hearing the police siren. I leave the head and smile. Before I fall unconscious from a punch in the head, I say:
-Tomorrow it’s Christmas.

Pseudònim: Albert Einstein

Micky you’re for drug trafficking

Micky was in his big house,  he was rich. It was 9 am,  one of his servants was going to the bakery to bring Micky breakfast. Suddenly,  the three bodyguards that he has in the principal door,  shouted.  He told the servant that he had next to him to go and see what happened.  The servant ran and shouted. Micky was afraid of who could be.  He ran to see it for himself. He saw the police. He ran to his secrets corridors,  because he knew what they were searching for. Micky was in his secret room. With a special product that he had lately bought it. Drugs. But he thought that it was impossible the police find him because only five people knew about this room. All of a sudden the servant with the breakfast entered and said ‘hello’,  happily. Behind him policemen. Micky was cheated,  probably the servant was a secret agent. 

Pseudònim: Steven Taylor,  from F. B. I.

My story

Hi, it’s 31st December of 2099 and I’m here to explain to you my story. Why? Because I’m bored and there are still five hours for the year to start.
Well, I was born in 2009 in Siria. When I was little I wasn’t aware of the war and that we could die there. However, my mother was very sure of that, so she was trying to leave the country constantly. Seriously if you have five kids and you were in war you would do everything to save your family and it’s what she did. She fought very hard and she never gave up so for that we spent 20 days in the sea and when we arrived in Miami we spent 2 months in a refugee camp. Then we managed to become official
citizens of Miami and a few years later I began fighting for the rights of foregeins.
This is my story, now I have to leave because the count down begins.

Pseudònim: M. C. T

L’hora robada (o La caiguda de l’imperi digital)

Les agulles del despertador marcaven les vuit menys vint del dia vuit de febrer quan Ashford es va llevar. Només disposava de vint minuts per arribar a la feina. El seu cap el va rebre furiós amb el pretext que arribava una hora tard. Ashford va comprovar amb incredulitat que l’agulla petita del seu rellotge de polsera encara trigaria cinc minuts en arribar a les vuit, però el seu ordinador en diferia. Mentre intentava calmar la seva confusió el va sorprendre una veu:


-Qui és?

-No et giris. No estàs boig, he avançat l’hora de tots els rellotges digitals. Ara només tu i jo tenim el poder del temps real.

Pseudònim: Nathawk

En bici per Sant Cugat (fets reals)

En bici cap a casa. Carrer 30. Tranquil. El comptaquilòmetres marca 22 km/h. Lleugera pujada. Un cotxe s’acosta de lluny a uns 50 km/h. Mantinc la posició. Objectiu, carril bici = salvació a 200 m. Tinc el cotxe a sobre. Redueix i frena. Està a menys de 2 m. Espera que m’aparti. Segueixo amb la meva posició pel centre esquerra. A la dreta tinc una filera de cotxes aparcats. 100 m per arribar a la cruïlla i carril bici. S’està posant nerviós. M’ensenya el morro que posa a l’alçada de la meva roda de darrera. Es sorprèn molt que no m’aparti. CLÀXON! 50 m pel carril bici i continuo amb els bons “hàbits ciclistes”. Baixa la finestra i crida: APÁRTATE CABRÓN! Carril bici. Respiro fons. Sona l’Al·leluia. El cotxe alliberat, accelera sorollosament i desapareix a una velocitat més que il·legal. Relax. Baixo pulsacions. Salvat. Demà tornem-hi.

Pseudònim: Jennifer Beals

Me mata, me da la vida

Era un de tants partits de futbol, i havien tornat a discutir. Perquè era impossible posar-se d’acord. Allò no era falta; el número 5 sempre fa teatre; els teus van a fer mal. Això sí que era un clàssic, i no el que acabaven de veure. Bueno, almenys era la seva costum. Prendre una cervesa, veure el partit, criticar l’equip rival i rabiar si tocava perdre. Marxar a casa ben emprenyat, o ben content per haver aconseguir l’èxit. I fins la propera.
A un li agradava l’esport. A l’altre, per contra, li agradava tocar els nassos a tothom, fou col·lega o rival. I per això, abans del partit, s’entenien, i després no podien aguantar la presència de l’altre. Reien, i discutien. Però aquell dia va acabar d’una altra manera. Sense saber com, van acabar agafats de la mà. I la ciutat, al voltant, es va transformar en un somni. I ells ja no van voler despertar.

Pseudònim: Noti