School of thieves

Once upon a time, there was a pig called “The Big Pig” that had a friend called “Gherkin The Armadillo” and they were going to their animals’ class of Spanish and they were the worst students in the school and one day they were expelled from school. After that, they decided to start to stealing and as a result of this, they created a school of thieves. And the school was very successful but when it started to grow they realized that what they were doing was not right. They decided to close the school and return to learn Spanish to go to Spain and live there. And so they did it. Big Pig and Gherkin The Armadillo were very happy and they were having fun in Spain. Finally Big Pig and Gherkin The Armadillo got married and had a great party with all their friends.                                                                                                                      

Pseudònim: CM

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