The 8th of April of 2017 was Mary’s 19th birthday .The nigt before  she had had the worst dream ever.In her nightmare a strange woman appeared telling her that everyone wanted to kill her, all her family,friends,acquaintances,…The next morning she woke up frightened and worried. But she tought that it was only a nightmare.After, when she went downstairs she found that her family were a bit strange. But she ignored.Later she left home and walked to school. While she was listening to music she heard a strange sound, she turned around and saw a boy running very fast towards her. But the boy ran past her.She arrived at school and none of her friends congratulates her. So she started thinking that the nightmare was becoming true .During the class Mary saw through the window a boy who had a knife in his hand telling her that she was going to die. Mary after that and that her family and friends are also strange opened the window and jumped.Three days after hear dead, it was the burial, and Mary’s doctor communicated to Mary’s family that her daughter suffered from schizophrenia. So that means that all what happens to Mary the day of her birthday was her only imagination.

Pseudonim: DRAMTICS

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