Hello! I’m Marta and I’m special.

I am 16 years old and last week, my life changed radically.

I was in my secondary school, in my class, when I felt dizzy, I standed up and I fainted.

I wake up in a hospital, my parents were with me. I opened my eyes and i could read other peoples minds. My parents thoughts the doctor’s thoughts and he thought.

The doctor came and examined me, she said that i was really good and she said that tomorrow I would go to school.

Next day in school, I read the mind of all the people, It was terrible! Some students thought about me and I was depressed.

Next day, I’m fainted once more. When I stand up, i was in the hospital and I couldn’t read other peoples minds! I explained everything to my parents and they told me that i didn’t move from this hospital, It was a dream!

Pseudònim: AL

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