Ten years cycling

Ten years cycling, through the city. From home to school, on the train to college and now to work … I’ve seen shops open and close, new parks, markets, schools, … new developments some which I like, others not so much. I have seen the baker close down for retirement, the girl at the grocer’s grow up. I have made friends, more than I could have imagined. I have been living here for ten years and for all the years to come. Friendship, love, heartbreak, the first kiss, all the moments you never forget…

Here at this moment I am ending my days, in a place full of metal, dirt and disorder. A sad place to die if you’re a bike, like me … My little owner Laia has grown up too, and has a boyfriend. I liked him until he gave her a beautiful, small, red, flashy Brompthon bicycle. But wait, the iron-monger has a daughter and she looks at me and looks at me again. When Laia leaves me to my destiny the little girl touches my handlebars while looking at her father, and he says: “All yours Ana, go for a ride”. My final days haven’t arrived yet!

Pseudonim: Isolde


The tree

There was once a father and a son, who lived in a modest cottage. The two were happy together, although the wife and mother had died years ago.

One day the son asked his father if he could build a tree house, and his father told him that he could built it at the almond tree near the house it was many years ago that he last give fruits and it would be cut. The child immediately went work, he spent so much time in the tree, he began to show affection and care for it, and he also cut the dry branches.

A few weeks later, the child was to improve the tree house, when suddenly he saw that the tree blossoming, and went to tell what happened to his father who was excited because the tree had been planted when they went to live with there wife.

Then the little boy understood the tree had flourished for the love and devotion he had given to it.

Pseudònim: DAONSA



No em peguis més, si us plau! Em mataràs! A l’estómac no, no, aquí, no, fes-ho a la cara, aquí on vulguis, però no al ventre. Ai! Ai!… Deixa’m, t’ho suplico, deixa’m! Vés-te’n, no trucaré, no, què no! Què no ho faré! T’ho prometo… Toca el dos d’una puta vegada, si us plau! Ai, no em facis això! Ah! Ai! Para, home, para que acabaràs amb mi! Deixa’m viure! T’ho donaré, sí, què sí! Ai! M’has trencada una dent, npugpaglá… Ecs! Uix!… Ets molt cruel! Per què em fas tot això? Ja t’he dit que et donaré els diners, sí! Ai! Paraaaaaa!!! Demà baixo al banc i els trec! Tots, sí, tots! Però, deixa’m! Salvatge! Fill de puta! Què em deixis! Prefereixo ajornar la meva mort a causa del maleït i cabronàs tumor al duodè, que allargassar-la pels cops del meu fill… No ho faràs, però, no, perquè t’he d’estimar, i ho saps, n’ets conscient… Ai! Aquí sota, no, si us plau, fill meu!

Pseudònim: Marc Vallès


James ‘perfect’ day

When James woke up that cold winter morning he knew it would be a good day. He dressed up and he went to have breakfast with his parents. While he went to  school he reviewed his maths exam. James knew it all because he had studied the day before. The exam went very well to him and he thought again that it was going to be a great day when the bully of the course went straight to him with his friends and hit him in the face. When he woke up he was in  hospital with a mask in his nose. His mother told him that they had broken his nose. Then he remembered what he had thought when he had woken up and started crying because a boy had ruined his perfect day.

Pseudònim: Juandome


Els meus somnis

Estava perdut en un bosc i no coneixia el camí a casa. Per una senda hi havia una llunyana llum, i com era l’únic camí, vaig anar per aquest.

Havia caminat uns minuts i la llum estava molt a prop però de sobte el arbres van començar a doblegar-se i van tancar el meu camí. Es va obrir un camí a la meva dreta i vaig començar a caminar per aquell camí. Després d’uns minuts va aparèixer una llunyana llum que s’apropava ràpidament, vaig apropar-me als arbres i em vaig ocultar a un forat a sota de les arrels. Van aparèixer uns peus i una espassa plena de sang i els meus pulmons es van aturar.

L’home em va agafar per la samarreta i de sobte la meva mare va picar a la porta i vaig obrir els meus ulls.

Pseudònim: NPP14


Volar al migdia

Em giro a mirar per la finestra i en pocs segons abandono la sala on em trobava. N’he sortit volant en un dels meus habituals passeigs de migdia. Exploro terres llunyanes tot somniant visitar-les algun dia. Recorro camins pels que només els imaginadors caminem. Volo per sobre els caps de tothom observant com fan la seva vida.

Poc a poc però començo a alentir el meu vol, ja és hora de tornar. Amb més penes que alegries travesso la finestra que fa pocs minuts m’ha obert una via cap a mons fantàstics però que ara m’obliga a tornar a la petita presó que és el meu cervell.

Un cop dins torno a l’avorrida realitat que en aquest moment consisteix en números incomprensibles escrits a la pissarra tot desitjant que sigui demà per poder tornar a volar al migdia.

Pseudònim: Lyra


My dreams

I’m lost in a forest, I don’t know the way home, but, between the trees there is a light, a little light, very similar to the sunlight and I decide to follow it.

I start walking, but the path doesn’t finish, and when it seems closer, the trees start moving. They close the way, I try to cross between them but it’s impossible. Now there is another path on my right, but with no light. I start walking, but I don’t see anything, after some minutes walking, I see a moving light in the middle of the dark, coming to me, and I start running away but the trees start moving and close the escape route. I look back and I see the light closer, and I hide in the trees. I hear a footstep and I stop breathing. I see two man feet. He is holding a blood stained axe. He grabs me by the hair and suddenly, my mother knocks at the door and I open my eyes.

Pseudonym: NPP14



En Joan estava enamorat. Però era un amor impossible.

La Laura vivía a dos carrers de casa seva, però el seu pare, un músic frustrat amb una notòria afició a la beguda, la maltractava i no li deixava sortir.

La Laura era una dona tímida, amb ànsies de sortir al món. També estava enamorada: havia vist a en Joan per la finestra de la seva habitació durant tot l´any.

Un dia, en Joan acabava de sortir del supermercat quan va trobar-se amb una noia molt desarreglada que corria i corria: fugia d´un home. Era la Laura. En Joan va voler ajudar-la, però en un instant, la Laura es va desplomar sobre el terre. Havia mort. Mai no van trobar al seu pare,ni la pistola utilitzada al crim. En Joan va morir sol, sense ningú al seu costat, després d´una malaltia. Sí, malalt d´amor.

Pseudònim: PB


The fake beggar

Once upon a time there was a wizard. This wizard dressed himself like a beggar to reward the people who helped him for charity with infinite good luck. Then, one day a citizen told a rich man called Trankos that the wizard rewarded the people who helped him. The next day, in the morning, Trankos rode a horse to the city to help the beggar and have infinite good luck. When he arrived in the city, searched the beggar and he gave him one thousand coins of silver. The wizard looked into his eyes and said “You don’t help me for charity, you only want good luck but I will curse you”. The wizard cursed Trankos and he became a poor man. He ran away into the forest. People say that Trankos learnt magic and started to help people. When the wizard saw Trankos was not selfish, he took the curse away and Trankos became the new fake beggar.

Pseudònim: Jatriex


The message

One day I was walking down the street, when suddenly something happened: from the sky, a stone with a paper tied on it hit me hard on my head. A message was written in the paper. It said: “Help I am lost in an island, and there are a lot of sharks. Please help me, I´ve been here for seventeen years”.

How a stone could have been thrown from the sky? Who or what had thrown it? When 10 minutes later, I arrived home wondering what was happened, I decided to examine the paper again. When I reviewed it, I saw two letters at the end of the message, J and C. I began to think, and I remembered a name: James Carter, the famous thief who disappeared in a shipwreck in 1999. But, how was he able to throw a stone from thousand miles away? What do you think?

Pseudònim: Conguito