A dream

Will is a normal boy who lives in a normal house, in a normal street of a city like all the others. He likes to climb on the roof of the house, where he can spend hours and hours looking at the sky belly up. Will loves to see how the sky changes as the day goes by. He observes the form oh the clouds, sometimes they are condensed, sometimes more scattered…

The colors of the sky also vary, and his favourite moment is when the sun sets, the cold and warm colors at the same time distract him from his deepest thoughts. His head get lost between pink and purple colors. Finally, when the night arrives he enjoys the company of the stars, they are his best friends.

During the day, Will went to school but it wasn’t a school like all the others, it was an adapted school, for children with disabilities. Will can’t listen, can’t enjoy music, he is deaf, and that prevented him from having good friends.

He always has been a solitary boy with a greatest desire of going to space. His parents did everything that was in their hands to get their son distracted. They took him to museums, and to observatories, but that wasn’t enough to distract the boy from his main purpose.

One day, Leah the oldest cousin, found an ad where put: ”write us about your dream and if you have a good reason to fulfill it, we make it real”. It was a contest. Leah wrote to the newspaper about the dream of going to the space of her cousin, and the newspaper selected they as winners. The company didn’t have enough money to manage it, but they made the history of Will viral, so it reached the hearts

of many people, who participated donating money to Will.

After four months of tests and preparations, Will was already in Florida, waiting for the rocket to take off. What he felt  when he saw everything from the special ship was indescribable. He was shocked and very grateful to all the people who made it happen.

Finally his dream came true.

Pseudònim: SG


Tinc un problema amb les meves mans. La dreta no suporta a l’esquerra. És una situació que em desespera en el dia a dia. Només puc descansar quan dormo i, de vegades, si alguna cosa em desperta, tornen a començar. No sé quan va començar tot, però un dia em vaig adonar que tenien molt mala relació. La dreta volia manar a l’esquerra i l’esquerra passava de tot sense fer ni cas. Pot semblar una ximpleria, però fer coses amb les teves mans sabotejant tots els teus actes és veritablement difícil i cansat.

Em vaig plantejar que anessin a teràpia però havien d’anar, òbviament, a la mateixa sessió i no em semblava molt oportú. Vaig pensar també en amagar a una d’elles el que volia fer amb l’altra, però sempre s’assabentaven dels meus plans. Vaig voler embenar-les  perquè no sentissin les meves instruccions però les endevinaven. Al final vaig optar per tallar una. Ja no tinc el problema.

Pseudònim: Mediterrànea

Hora punta

El temps passa molt lentament  en un embús a la carretera.  Jo, crec, no sóc una persona violenta, però en aquestes situacions alguna cosa en l’aire s’apodera de mi i em transformo. Les palmes de les mans em suen aferrades al volant, els peus es mouen amunt i avall sobre els pedals amb moviments repetitius, el cor arrenca una carrera desenfrenada en el meu pit i els meus ulls ardents  intenten sortir-se de les òrbites.  Accelero de manera convulsa i sembla que el so ronc del motor, com una cançó de bressol, vulgui calmar-me. Vana idea.

Miro a dreta i esquerra perquè ningú intenti col·locar-se entre el meu cotxe i el de davant.   No vull quedar endarrerida en la caravana interminable de màquines.   .  Veig per la cantonada dreta una furgoneta que vol envair el meu espai vital, reacciono com un ressort i el meu cavall i jo saltem cap endavant impedint-ho.   És la guerra sense quarter!

Pseudònim: Barcelona


Hello! I’m Berta and I want to talk about books. Why do lots of people feel laziness to read? Why do they think are boring? Maybe you are one of these people. Firstly, you must know that many years ago books were unique and they cost a lot to get, and now, however, you can read them each day at the library. I’m not a reading person, but if I read a book that I like, I can’t stop, because books have helped me a lot to learn new things and to know how to express yourself.One book that you see like a simple object, can be a guide for your future (for example). Probably you read lots of books at school, for work, but what if you chose a nice book and you start reading? For sure you will end liking it, and stick you doing that. That thing you thought very strange and boring, can I change your point of view?

Pseudònim: Wally B


He deixat de comptar els dies que porto assegut mirant el transitar de la gent. Em sento totalment invisible, sense valor per a ningú. Apartat del món.  Vull creure que algun dia seré important per aquella persona, que tindré tot el que m’ha faltat siempre..aquella  tendresa que la meva ànima desitja, però van passant les hores i segueixo sol.

Ella s’ha parat i em mira, em mira amb els seus ulls grans i profunds.  Els seus llavis s’obren en un dolç somriure i, tímidament, allarga una ma cap a mi.  Jo la deixo fer expectant, imaginant la seva carícia tènue però infinita. Ella m’ abraça amb aquesta passió de la primera vegada, amb la il·lusió d’haver trobat per fi el que buscava.  Em fa un petó suaument, lleuger i  sento un anhel que, fins ara, desconeixia que podia sentir.  No em moc, no puc. Per més que el meu cor estigui desbocat, sóc i sempre seré un osset de peluix.

Pseudònim: Mainada


Vaig entrar a la porteria com cada dia des de fa 11 anys. Vaig prémer el botó cromat i vaig esperar que baixés el vetust i senyorial ascensor de fusta i ferro. Quan vaig obrir la porta em va colpejar una ràfega de “alguna cosa” amb olor de aigua corrompuda que no vaig saber desxifrar però que em va estremir de cap a peus. Vaig entrar amb una mica d’aprensió  i vaig prémer el 5.   L’ascensor sotragueig una mica i va iniciar l’ascensió lentament amb un feble balanceig.   L’olor s’intensificava a mesura que ascendia i em van donar unes  arcades terribles. Vaig creure que havia arribat al meu destí quan es va parar bruscament.  Vaig obrir les portes buscant aire fresc amb desesperació però l’instint amagat em va parar en sec .. no hi havia replà ni escales .. L’ascensor estava suspès en l’aire. Poc a poc,  parets, porta, cables..tot es van anar difuminant en el no res. Un crit va morir en els meus llavis.  Va desaparèixer el sòl. Aterrida, vaig caure.

Pseudònim: Jack Daniels

My most important goal

I have been playing football since I was 8 years old, but I won my first tournament at the age of 11. I remember that day because it was fantastic. I woke up at 9 am because the football pitch was so far from my house. When I arrived there, all of my friends were there too. We started the first match at 12 am, so we could have fun before playing the match. Before playing the first match, our objective was to have fun, but after the three matches that we played before we had lunch, we changed our objective to another one – win the tournament.

There were great teams that could be difficult to beat. However, we were a great team so it might be possible. We continued winning matches and we finally arrived to the final. We started winning by two goals but at the end of the match they scored two goals so we had to decide the tournament on the penalties. We scored four goals and the other team three. It was the most important moment of my live because it was my turn. I was nervous but I could kick the ball. I kicked the ball and I scored the most important goal of my life! We celebrated all week.

Pseudònim: Vigofe


When I was three, I wanted my parents to buy me a dog because always I loved animals and my passion was to have a dog and take care of it, but my parents always said that I’m very younger to have a dog. When I was eight, in my birthday, my parents present was a dog. I was very excited because the next day we were going to do an excursion. The dog’s name was Tom and he was trained so we could go to the mountain without dog chain.

When we arrived we started to walk. Five kilometers late we saw a wild boar, Tom started chasing him. Ten minutes later we didn’t see Tom, my father was very angry because Tom didn´t as told and I was very worry because I think that he wouldn’t come back, but half an hour later Tom come back with the wild boar.

That night we dinner a delicious grilled boar that the cook of the town cooked us with a discount. I’m sorry for the boar but it’s a magnificent day with my parents an Tom.

Pseudònim: cacatuas


Every 25th April is the worst day for Arthur. Every year this day is very strange or especial. First Arthur got up very early, like a normal day. He had a shower and he put on clothes. At 7 o’clock he went to his job. He took his car, but he arrived late at work because the traffic was terrible,because of an accident. In the job he had lot of work. At 9 o’clock in the night he arrived at home. That day was a normal day only change one thing. Arthur hate April 25. Why? Because it’s his birthday! He doesn’t like grow up. When he was 7 years, he was really happy. He went to primary school with lot of friends, and they were playing all the day. He said that the time is the worst thing in the world.

Pseudònim: April


I love dancing, it’s literally my reason for living. It has helped me in the best and also the worst moments in my life, it has been like my therapy. I’ve been doing gymnastics since I was four years old and at this moment I’m training so hard to go to a competition and if I win it, I might go at the Olympics. It would be my dream come true.

A month ago, I had the worst day of my life, I was going on a trip with my family and we were travelling by car. Suddenly, the car stopped working so we had an accident. Luckily all my family survived but there’s always a bad part in every story. A few days later, I woke up in a room that wasn’t mine. A doctor walked in and started writing in a blackboard that I had been passed out for a week. I realised that I couldn’t hear anything because of an infection in my head. The doctor wrote that I was going to be deaf all my life because of that injury.

The day arrived, I had to be prepared for the big event but I was very afraid and nervous. I walked into the pavilion with two huge acoustic boxes and also without shoes, my body started to shake. All of a sudden, the music started off and all my body begun to move. I couldn’t hear anything but I could feel the beat of the music going through my feet and arriving at my arms, I was dancing, better than ever.

Pseudònim: AV