San Jordi

In an advanced city called Sant Cugat. One day, on the 23rd of April 2476, an O.V.N.I. arrived on Earth. He was studying the city for weeks, and began to kidnap people. But only people nobody cared about. He kept on kidnapping. Until they abducted a girl, Itziar, the aliens thought no one would remember her. But a boy, Jordi. He wanted to sacrifice himself for her. Proving his love for Itziar and that everyone is always loved and remembered by someone. Many claim that this is the reincarnation of the legend of Sant Jordi…

Martín Martínez


The first time I saw him I was seven years old. We coincided in an extracurricular music class in our town. He wasn’t very talented and some months later he stopped coming on the group lesson, but 2 years later we met again in an english camp. We recognized ourselves because we knew each other. Anyway, until 5 years ago when we met again, we had never had a conversation yet. This time we were at a festival in Torredembarra with some friends in common. We talked about how funny it was that we met every long time and that we didn’t talk but we didn’t forget either. Then, I thought for the first time that we were predestined and the next summer, in the same festival, we started dating in other places every week. Now here we are, on our 4rth anniversary in a relationship. We were made for each other and destiny knew it.


The Legend of The Ruler

In a faraway village of yesteryear, a boy called Jonesy was born with some special powers, which caused his mother to die in the childbirth, these powers, according to the village shaman, were the ones that granted the village its freedom. The village was tormented by The Ruler, a demon in the form of a dragon that had all the villages in his area under control, but that would change, as Jonesy was trained by the best fighter in the village throughout his childhood and adolescence. On the night of his death, the shaman prophesied The Ruler’s death at the hands of his equal, Jonesy. At the age of 18, Jonesy decided to face The Ruler on the mount of the end, after a long battle, Jonesy came out victorious and took the heart of this demon as a symbol of victory, this was shaped like a bloody rose.


My life between the pages

It all started when I was 6 years old and for my birthday I was given my first story, Little Red Riding Hood, after that I sat on my bed, opened the first page and started to read it. Without wanting to, I was transported to a familiar forest, hidden behind a tree I saw Little Red Riding Hood talking to the wolf and arguing about which way was the quickest to get to Grandma’s house, then, I followed them without being seen, as you know, finally, the hunter killed the wolf and saved Granny and at that very moment I appeared in my room again, but this time I had the story open to the last page. At the end, I closed it and fell asleep, and from that moment on, when I’m tired or I want to clear my head, I take the book I like the most and I literally go into it.

Athena 15

El tiempo

Sin darme cuenta, ya han pasado muchos años. Pero aún recuerdo tu sonrisa, tu voz, y tus palabras. Esas palabras bonitas, que decías de mí a tus amigos, y que yo siempre me escondía para escuchar.
Nunca te importó que yo no te prestará esa atención como a los demás. Lo único que te importaba, era que al menos, si podías verme todos los días.
«¿Por qué nunca me lo dijiste?».
Esa pregunta, me comió la cabeza desde pequeña. Pero con el tiempo, encontré la respuesta. Lo único que querías, es poder verme todo ese tiempo de infancia y poder disfrutarlo. Lo que te importó, era verme bien mientras el tiempo pasaba. Porque sabías que iba a llegar un momento donde los caminos ya no serían los mismos


Una mirada

Aquell dia que vaig adonar-me que m’estaves mirant, simplement, vaig ignorar-ho. Però, des d’aquell dia, cada tarda ens trobem pel camí, i tant tu com jo, ens donem una ullada l’un a l’altra, i continuem caminant com si res. Però, jo sabia que una mirada val més que mil paraules.
Com podria tenir tants pensaments si mai ens saludem? Ens veiem cada tarda, sí, però, mai t’has apropat a mi per presentar-te, i menys creuar una paraula amb mi. Ni menys em sé el teu nom i ni tu el meu.
Un dia, un nen es va apropar a mi, i em va donar una capsa, i se’n va anar corrent. Però, jo et vaig veure des de lluny, i em vas somriure.


The little giants

Once upon a time in a city named Sao Paulo a little team of the neighborhood. They was a team formed for only eleven players. The people called them the little giants. They classified for the sub-15 World Cup. They didn’ lose any game and were in the final against Argentina sub-15. The day of the match they were super concentrated, they knew that if they won they would be the best in the world but if they lost they would be the second boys. The match was amazing, the both teams played espectacular and they arrived at the penalty shootout. The penultimate penalty was in favor of Argentina but they failed, the decisive penalty it seemed took 1 hour to kick. He kicked the ball and… Marked!!! They were the best team in the world!!!. And this is the history of the best team in the world, THE LITTLE GIANTS.


L’home que es mirava el melic

Temps feia temps vivia en un Poblet del Vallès, un home que vivia mirant-se el melic. Cada dia tot just llevar-se es mirava el melic una estona abans d’anar a treballar, al metro aprofitava els deu minuts que trigava a arribar a Barcelona per mirar-se el melic i un cop al treball, quan ningú l’observava ell es posava a mirar-se el melic. A la tarda, arribava cansat a casa i s’estirava al sofà i es posava a mirar-se el melic i s’anava a dormir mirant-se el melic. Alimentava cada dia el seu melic amb la seva mirada fins que un dia el melic se’l va menjar.

El Melic

Why you

I don’t know what will happen in the future and if my future will be with you, I hope so. But I don’t believe in you because you have lied to me, you played with me and you broke me. So now I think if what you were feeling was true or they were only insincere words that you said. Because if you love someone, you don’t do the things you did to me. Currently you want me to forgive you, but I can’t, I only ask you that you leave me some time to overcome the situation.
Although I know that my love for you won’t disappear, at the same time I hate that.

Why me

The future

What is going to happen? How will we see each other in twenty years time? Could we die? Are we going to regret about the things that we haven’t said, done, or expressed?
Life is short and we don’t know what is going to happen in the future, so… say, do and express all you want.