Luis, he was going out with his grandmother for breakfast on Sundays. He liked to hear her stories and her advices.

One day, you don’t quite know how what happened, the breakfasts were over because a virus had arrived and I had to stay at home. It looked like a movie, but it was real.

Sadness overwhelmed him. His mother encouraged him to go out on the balcony to clap; that applause gave strength to all those who now took care of their grandmother. And so he did, every day she applauded: for hope, for the hugs, for the following breakfasts, and of course for courage, for the heroes. Time passed. Luis learned that together we won, that if we don’t lose hope we win.

Pseudònim: Donte


Hello doctors and nurses, 

I do not want to think about what you are going through, the immense effort you are making for all the infected. Therefore, I want and we want to give you support so that we can get out of this not only for the doctors  so for those who are having a hard time because of this disease, with a little effort you will get out of this healthy and happy.

Also give great encouragement to families who have someone in the hospital.

We must stay at home for prevent to infect other people.

We will come out of this much stronger and with hope. 

 I give you all my courage and strength!

Pseudònim: A7

The natural metropolis

Once upon a time, in a small town located in the Pyrenees, a tree that always bore fruit in abundance. The villagers of that town considered them as the best in the world.

Every day, the inhabitants of that remote place descend from the hill where the tree was located with dozens of baskets full of those ripe fruits. Thanks to the tree, hunting was also good, since the animals approached dawn to enjoy that fruit.

One day, a line of supermarkets opened a store on the outskirts of the village. Locals, observing such an exotic place, decided to buy and try. Contemplating that wonder, where they could choose between miles of delights never seen before, they abandoned the tree.

Years later, the villagers became citizens. A huge city was built in that valley and due to industrialization the tree was lost. 

Pseudònim: Dudu

The real figth

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather who loved gardening. It has a name for each one of his flowers, although it has a lot. But among them the most beautiful was a red rose, which he called precisely “pretty”. When the confinement started he was even glad he could spend more time with his favorite rose.
But “pretty” became ill. He first cared, but then realized that the real struggle was in hospitals, with all the people risking their lives in hospitals.  When “pretty” died, he could only offer her suffering for all the victims of this terrible virus.

Pseudònim: Steve Rogers

Família en creixement

Aquest era un noi al que li havien deixat als seus pares quan era molt petit. Aquest noi sempre a viscut a Nueva York, allí es va criar amb una comunitat secreta de vagabunds que vivien en una mina abandonada a les afores de la ciutat. Aquest noi que se anomenava en Jordi, totes els dies per menjar anava a una plaça on havia molt de gent, ell les demanava i casi sempre havia algú que li donava una mica de menjar.

En Nueva York és il·legal que un menor de edat sigui vagabund i per això un dia a Jordi li van descobrir i la policia l’hi porto a un centre de acollida. A en Jordi li va adoptar una parella que ja havia adoptat a 7 altres nois i noies. A l principi li va costar molt encaixar, però com que els set nois i els nous pares seus eren molt bons, a Jordi li costo un par de setmanes sentir-se com de la família. 

Pseudònim: Gussy

COnVIDo a 19

Aquesta és la llista dels convidats a la festa que faré quan haguem vençut: el DJ Confinament del primer, la Manuela que va complir 82 anys, el Robert que va vèncer el Coronavirus, els veïns més petits que han aguantat amb força, la Julie que ho ha viscut fora del seu país; en Joan, el mestre; en Manel que ens ha mantingut en forma, la família nombrosa del tercer (quina paciència han tingut), i l’Anna i el Martí que ens van connectar a tots sota les xarxes socials.

I sobretot, es mereixen que vinguin la Sara i la Marta. Les dues úniques veïnes que han seguit treballant fora de casa ja que una salvava vides i l’altra ens alimentava des d’un supermercat.

Quan tot això acabi, COnVIDaré a 19 veïns/es que he conegut aquests dies.

Pseudònim: Bay-o

Els tres capitans

Era una vegada tres germans que els seus avis li van regala un vaixell. El dia següent van sortir de col·legi emocionats per provar el vaixell. Quan van provar el vaixell tenia un forat avall llavors els dos nens petits van dir.

  • No vull jugar amb un forat avall perquè sen fonarà.
  • Jo penso el mateix que Joan

Però el gran no es va rendir i va trucar els seus avis explicar-los el seu problema. L´avi va dir que no es preocupessin que aquesta seria la seva primera aventura. El nen gran va començar a arreglar-lo i no podia va trocar els seus germans i amb molts intents estava fet i els seu avi va dir molt be però no serà la ultima aventura i tots tres van dir a per totes nosaltres las farem.

Pseudònim:  El raptenat 


It was a day like other spring day, sunny and clear. The squirrel, as usual, went out for its daily morning walk.

But something was different from what she was used to, the streets were empty of all those people who every morning went out to work, have breakfast, or even take a walk. The squirrel could not believe it, and asked his friend, the wise snail, if he knew what had happened.

The snail explained that a new disease, called Coronavirus, was lurking around the world, but to stop and defeat it, people had to stay at home. At first it seemed a sad view, but the squirrel realized that, after all, everyone had united for the same goal, leaving aside their differences, to defeat the coronavirus.

Pseudònim: Mrdj17


Yesterday, I was watching a film and suddenly my neighbourhood began clapping. I didn’t understand why they were doing that, so I asked my mum. She told me that those claps were because of the doctors that now are looking after the infected patients. When I was at the balcony, I saw my neighbour crying, his mother had died because of the sadly famous virus that is taking away so many lives. I’m going to be honest. I had differences with him, and I haven’t always liked him, but in this situation, we are all together. We have to leave our differences behind and stay strong because together we can achieve all the things we want to do.

Pseudònim: El lobo


L’avi Bartolí viu sol en un pis del centre, te un balcó al davant i un balcó al darrera, aquests dies surt més al balcó que mai.

Surt a penjar la roba al balcó de davant, la penja amb molta delicadesa, després seu a la cadira de fusta i mira qui entra al supermercat.

Per la tarda, surt al balcó de darrera, els petits criden i fan soroll, i això li agrada molt, ell els somriu i li diuen, hola Bartol í!!!! Quan són les vuit, surt al balcó del davant i aplaudeix amb ganes, mentres mira al cel i demana amb fe que tot passi. L’àvi Bartolí passa els dies a casa pensant amb els seus amics, parla amb els seus nets, fa un ratet  d’exercici i mira una estona pel balcó del davant i una estona pel del darrera.