
It was dark, I didn’t know what time it was but I didn’t care either. The first thing I needed to do was found someone who can help me. I just stay lying down where I was and I started shouting, but that house, the house where everything pass. I was dirty and superficially hurt. I couldn’t remember anything that pass after that except a girl. I can remember a girl, dressed with a white dress and she was sit on a chair in front of the house, firstly I couldn’t saw her face but a lightning strike. I can saw her face clearly, she was crying but when she saw me, she got up and walk next to, finally she smile and I fell unconscious. Now I just want to walk but I remember that spirits couldn’t walk.

Pseudònim: XP

Dona Imprescindible

M’he fet imprescindible.
Tinc un chat per whatsapp i Facebook. Escric, en una revista de mi ciutat, sobre l´orografia urbana. Carrers, voreres i vorades, amb el format de Guia per la gent gran. Arriba un moment que descobreixes pendents amb diferents graus, vorades molt altes o menys. Voreres inclinades, espatllades, fins i tot enfonsades. En fi, mantinc informats puntualment als meus lectors.
De sobte, la ciutat s´actualitza i apareixen els carrers de vianants.
¡Ai de mi, amb l´ímproba tasca que tinc per davant!
¡Em passo els dies caminant!

Pseudònim: Magaly


I light up an old candle and sit right next to you. You once told me you love this particular vanilla scent, which reminds you of your childhood. You try to hold my hand, although you barely can. I cuddle the palm of your cold hand, in order to calm you down with my caresses. “Everything will be ok”, I mutter. We carefully stare at each other, knowing what that wistful look means. Years have gone by, but the glimpse of hope in your eyes has never faded, and that truly mesmerizes me. You look at me again, relentlessly trying to say something. I nod. I already know you love me, just remain quiet… I kiss your forehead. The candle peters out and so do you. This is not the ending, this is just one of them. Night-night, sweetheart. See you soon.

Pseudònim: Nairobi

Fragment de conversa

– Quim, què fem aquest any?
– No ho sé, Rosa. Crec que no val la pena…
– Però si fa anys que ho fem. És cert que els últims han sigut més justos, però si ens hi esforcem segur que trobem gent interessada.
– Mira els Claramunt, l’any passat s’ho van menjar amb patates. No ho sé…
– Quim, a mi també em fa por, però no em vull donar per vençuda.
– No podem competir contra les dels Andes, són més grans i més vermelles…
– … sí, i també han de viatjar milers de kilòmetres i les pageses que les cultiven vés a saber quines condicions laborals tenen. Hem de seguir, encara que siguem els últims que en cultivem al Maresme.

Pseudònim: Precari i valent

The strange box

Once upon a time, I was clearing up my room when the phone rang. If I hadn’t heard the phone I wouldn’t have had a problem. It was a robot and it told me that I had to go to the post office, ask for John and pick up a strange box. Obviously, I followed the instructions because I was curious. I had just finished following the orders when the weird robot sent me a message which said: “Open the box or I’ll kill you”. I was frightened of it and I thought about what I should do. I was scared although at the same time curious, so I decided to open the box. Suddenly, I vanished, and appeared in a strange room. Every day I count each day that passes. I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t opened the box.

Pseudònim: ER

A wrong Adventure

Year 2156.

Half of the Earth had been destroyed because of human contamination. The NASA was looking for a new planet to live on and they had been sending spaceships to planets for a long time.The following week, Manu and Jorge were going to Mars to look for a place to colonize. They had been training in the NASA station for 6 months,8 hours a day. When they were ready, they set off. They had never been in space, therefore they were really excited about it.But while the space ship was going to Mars, the trajectory changed due to a space rock which had impacted. Manu and Jorge landed on a different planet. Obiously, they had to repair the rocket. When they repaired the spaceship, they went back to the Earth but Manu and Jorge had discovered a new planet.

Pseudònim: AR


One night Jimmy came home late. When I entered everything seemed normal, but not everything was fine there was something that did not fit, something had changed. when suddenly I hear something, as I go towards the noise the sound grows, all the noise takes me towards the basement, which slowly, when I turn on the lights, someone knocks him out. Upon awakening he was caught in a coffer underground

Pseudònim: DR

Els [meus] plaers de la vida

Enllestir l’últim examen. Un cigarret després de dinar. Aixecar-te de la migdiada i no saber quin dia és. Menjar una bola de pipes tijuana. Anar a fer una copa i acabar veient l’alba. Plorar al acabar un llibre. No haver de posar l’alarma abans d’anar a dormir. Anar al cinema. Menjar patates a la platja. Anar al lavabo i que et surti la llagrimeta. Que et facin la cullereta. La cervesa freda. Un cacaolat calent. Nit de peli i manta. Que truqui a la porta el repartidor del Telepizza. El riure d’un nadó. Que et facin un massatge. Fer sobretaula. Cantar al cotxe. Anar a un concert. Que et diguin que no hi ha classe. Passejar pel Camí de Ronda. Rebre un missatge esperat. No anar al gimnàs i no sentir-te malament. Veure a algú guanyar el Pasapalabra. Que algú et digui que li agrada la teva olor. Treure’t els tacons. Agafar un cadell. Estar orgullós de tu mateix. Poder dir que no te’n penedeixes de res.

Pseudònim: Rosita Roja

Història explicada per una neboda

El Gonzalo s’aixeca a les vuit del matí. Esmorza sol, treu a passejar a la gossa, i parla amb els veïns del poble. Sobre les dues va fent via cap a casa de la seva filla.

Un cop allà mira el futbol i fa la mitigada. Amb sort veu algun dels seus nebots que en general mai paren per casa. A les quatre i mitja comença a caminar, poc a poc, fins la residència. Quan arriba dona de berenar a la Luisa, i li parla. Se la mira. Tot i que ella ja no contesta. Ni veu.

A les sis, després d’acomiadar-se de cadascuna de les infermeres, torna sense pressa cap a casa. Es fa el sopar i mira la tele una mica més. Un altre cop, solet.

I així, des de fa anys, visita cada dia a la seva dona, plogui, nevi, o faci sol. I se’m cauen les llàgrimes de pensar-ho, i de lo injust que és. Però explica’m tu una història d’amor més real que aquesta.

Pseudònim: Donuta

The biggest form of rebellion

To learn to love the stretch marks, and sagging breasts. Spots in the face, and wrinkles around the eyes. Hair in the nipples, and double chins. Bitten nails, and fat fingers. Big thighs, and long thin legs. Straight or curly hair. To be tall or to be small.

To rise the voice before an aggression. To see other women as sisters. To empower every single girl. To talk freely about sex, about what we like and what we want. To speak out loud about what we DO NOT want. To travel alone, because we can.

For Jénnifer, Celia, María del Pilar, María Adela, María Paz, Dolores, María del Carmen, Patricia, Elena, Sacramento, Manela, Carmen, Antonia, Felisa, Marina, Laura, Cris, Lucía, Alejandro, and for all of those who do not have a name yet.

To be.

Pseudònim: Donuta