Llegaba tarde, sudando y con esa faja nueva que prometía milagros, pero que se le clavaba hasta el alma. Ojalá no hubiera aceptado esta cita por internet.

En eso pensaba cuando entró en el local y le vio. Cuando se sentó a la mesa, soltó todo de un tirón: “Hola, ¿qué tal? Soy Irene, bipolar, gordita ‘y heterosexual. Estoy a medio camino de empoderarme y no tengo Tik-Tok, ni tampoco ganas.” Por dios, ¿había dicho todo eso? – pensó.

Pero él sonrió y contestó: “Hola Irene, yo soy Adrián, coctel de trastorno de ansiedad y un pelín de agorafobia, aprendiz de todo, sin prejuicios para nada. Y, en este momento, adoro la red social que me ha traído hasta ti. A lo que Irene contestó: “¿Y si nos empoderamos juntos?”



In a long time ago,a small civilization called Demigor some mythical creatures known as the gnomes were having a big number of deaths every month.The cause was by a giant dragon.This creature was always attacking constantly for his food,creating fear in the whole village.One day the civilization were tired of this situation,so all the gnomes started planning a plan.Enemies of civilization,different bands etc forgot they relation and started cooping each other for they lives.After 3 week they planned a plan,it basically was some gnomes will risk their lives for get attention of the beast,and then run till a round place where a orde of gnomes will shoot with their bow and hit the target.The stings of the bow will have poison,so they will slowly kill the monster.The plan went as expected,and the monster never saw the daylight again.The gnomes celebrated that victory,and called The Destiny Fight for this event.


Years ago, a little girl was living in a castle. This girl had a pet, a cat which had some superpowers. The girl normally had some strange experiences with him but she loved it a lot. This cat sometimes became a ghost and escaped from the castle and went through the big gate of the castle. The girl always thought why he was doing that, but everything she did had a reason. The cat was old and every day he thought the castle, but one day she didn’t come back. The girl decided to see if she could find it, and she found it, she was dead, but there was a card saying that he had suicided because his love decided to leave the city. Finally the cat died for love, the girl discovered that she had a love story with another cat that he left and she couldn’t stand the pain.



Perdido en la batalla de las horas,regresa los lunes cabizbajo,ha perdido el trabajo, los amigos y en la barra arrastra su destinoUna copa, otra copa y otra más, se pierde ebrio en las llamas de la hoguera, y en un llanto extraño de risa loca resuena su voz tronando en lo infinito.Amada mía porque te llevaron a ese otro mundo donde no he de alcanzarte, y dos lágrimas resbalando lentamente se deslizan por sus mejillas hasta caer en el suelo.Ella la que adoraba, se murió una primavera, en aquel instante perdió las ganas de vivir, es una triste imagen de lo que antes fuera, de aquel hombre luchador no queda nada.Se levanta, se tambalea, camina hacia su casa, aquella que perdiera en una apuesta una tarde cualquiera,prosigue su camino, se tiende en una calle y agacha su cabeza, mirando a las estrellas



Once upon a time, there was a girl who went to the library to buy a book on Sant Jordi’s day. She didn’t know what type of book want to read, so she chose the fantasy section. On the shelf Mia (the girl) saw a beautiful front page and she decided to buy the book. Suddenly, when she opened the book a very loud voice sounded in it. It seemed like a dragon talking about three wishes and it would only come true that day. The girl was really surprised, but she didn’t believe what the animal was saying. To check if it was true she asked for a chocolate pizza. The pizza didn’t appear, and the girl started to be rude with the dragon. She threw the book in the rubbish and asked that the day of Sant Jordi not exist. But the girl didn’t know that the pizza she asked was on the table in her house. As she said that she would like to disappear that day, when she arrived home it was 23:59 p.m. And she could never make the last wish.



One day a Rose was out for a walk and a girl asked her for money, but the girl said no. She got home and got into bed, but she heard a noise and went to see what it was.

She came home and got into bed, but she heard a noise and went to see what it was. She went out of the room and saw some very big footprints, so she decided to follow them. The footprints reached the basement, and she went in. She saw how the same girl who had asked her permission, turned into a dragon. She ran out, but the dragon caught her. From then on, Rose was never heard of again.



I was in my house doing homework.

Last 23th of April I was at my home and I saw the notice, they were saying that the dragon of that town had disappeared and that was a terrible notice because that was very dangerous. But I got distracted when I heard a noise from my brother’s bedroom. 

So I entered his room, and you don’t know what I found. It was the dragon and a baby dragon, my brother was helping to give birth to the baby dragon.

So that was my dream when I was asleep doing homework.



Since Emily appeared I’ve been her shadow. Being a shadow is hard because no-one knows you exist until the light appears and makes you reflect. You are always in the background of someone else’s life and it’s impossible to be who you are.

After years of being the second person, I decided to break free and start being who I really was.

When Emily realized what I was trying to do, she asked me:

“Why aren’t you following me like other shadows do?”

“Because I’m tired of being the dark side of light ”

She looked at me and said:

“If that is what you really think Lucia, then, start being yourself. And if you want, we can start our friendship from the beginning again”.



Once upon a time there was a very excited boy because the following day was her mother’s birthday and her family has prepared a very surprising present. That gift was a child dragon, it was really small and cute.

Five years after the dragon became huge and the family took the dragon out from the house. After that another boy who was called George adopted it because he lived with his family in the forest.

One day, one of his best friends went to his house. The girl was surprised because she didn’t’ know that George had a dragon. Suddenly, the dragon tried to eat her. But as all the heroes, George killed the dragon before it ate the girl.



I’ve been told that I have to leave far away and now. I may carry a small suitcase (max. 40x20x30 cm) and I can only pack words written in black on thick white cardboard. I confess that the strange equipment comforts me because I live among words. However, I have only a few hours to assemble the equipment and my mind is disturbed because I would like to put all there, from those old and resonant words to the most outlandish and postmodern ones. Also, I write big words such as freedom and democracy. And other smaller ones… as ice-cream and stars. And, above all, I write hard, Fair is foul and foul is fair, Forever is composed of nows, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Cheers, with confidence in my own language I’m off. May Dickens saves me. Because there where I am going to travel, every word outside the suitcase will not survive.