In a long time ago,a small civilization called Demigor some mythical creatures known as the gnomes were having a big number of deaths every month.The cause was by a giant dragon.This creature was always attacking constantly for his food,creating fear in the whole village.One day the civilization were tired of this situation,so all the gnomes started planning a plan.Enemies of civilization,different bands etc forgot they relation and started cooping each other for they lives.After 3 week they planned a plan,it basically was some gnomes will risk their lives for get attention of the beast,and then run till a round place where a orde of gnomes will shoot with their bow and hit the target.The stings of the bow will have poison,so they will slowly kill the monster.The plan went as expected,and the monster never saw the daylight again.The gnomes celebrated that victory,and called The Destiny Fight for this event.


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