– Haha – said the knight after he killed the dragon. – Here you have, my princess. Here you have a rose. A special rose that is grown from the blood of this monster.

– Oh! What a beautiful rose! – exclaimed the princess. – Please my prince, take me to another place. I don’t like living here!

Do you remember this story? I hope so, because is the famous legend of Saint George. But… what happened later?

– Why don’t we go to live in a big city? A big city without dragons – proposed the knight.

– It’s a different place… I like it! – said the princess.

So, now, two years later, they live in a very big city. The princess is a perfect constructor of buildings, and the knight works in an office sailing houses, flats, and castles! Oh! And I can’t forget that, they have a pet, a very cute dragon, that is called Georgina.


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