Había un niño que en los primeros días de confinamiento estaba feliz de estar en casa todo el día. Pero pronto se dio cuenta de que no podía salir, no podía hacer el horario que quería, ni ver al resto de su familia, y comenzó a darse cuenta de la difícil situación que estamos viviendo, y comenzó a pensar en los pacientes del hospital, pero no están solos porque tienen a los médicos y enfermeras que los atienden con amor, y nos dimos cuenta de que saldremos adelante de esta situación si tenemos esperanza.



Me levanté. Me puse mi mejor traje, estaba recién planchado, el color azul marino me sentaba bien. “Elegante, sofisticado, refinado, exquisito…” me murmuraba estos elogios a la vez que acababa de arreglarme. Salí de mi casa y me dirigí hacia mi floristería favorita. Y con las dalias negras, eché a caminar hacia el cementerio. Era un día soleado y templado, una suave brisa me acompañaba. Es irónico que en un día así hubiese tanta gente rodeando y llorando sobre una tumba, mi tumba. Todo el mundo estaba presente, mis padres, mis amigos, mi cadáver y yo. Por supuesto, mi queridísima novia, Leila, que estaba dando un emotivo discurso sobre como ella debería de haber muerto en mi lugar. Bonita historia, ¿Cuento ahora lo que sucedió? ¿O preferís seguir escuchando las mentiras de Leila, la asesina, mi asesina?



It was a day of early spring, like any other. When the trees turned green, where the plants flourished and had their colored petals, you could breathe clean air, an exotic air on earth, an air that transmits peace and tranquility. I went out and I walked down the street and saw people waving in the street, people who were at odds with each other, people who felt judged no longer had that feeling. Later I went out again and realized that the weather had returned to normal. Well, that feeling is probably the one that suffers a child seeing that those who mess with him because of some disability or some physical aspect, do not come to the educational center or some environment in which they are seen. Sometimes the person affected by not telling their parents the feeling every time who saw the little group that harassed him has

come to lose their lives.



L’altre dia va ser el dia de Nadal. Els meus pares em van regalar el que més desitjava del món: un telèfon mòbil per a mi sol i per parlar amb la meva millor amiga. Després de dinar, vaig sortir corrent a casa de la meva amiga. Vam programar el mòbil i vaig alegrar-me molt. Em va dir que havia d’anar amb molt de compte perquè se’m podia trencar, però jo, no li vaig fer gaire cas. Quan estava tornant a casa, va relliscar-me de les mans i va caure. Em vaig posar a plorar. En arribar a casa, els meus pares em van castigar. Un dia, després de l’escola, vaig anar a casa de la meva amiga i em vaig adonar que no tenia el móvil. No s’ho vaig dir a ningú. L’endemà al matí, va venir la meva amiga amb el meu mòbil arreglat. Ara tindré més cura amb les coses.



“I’d heard the rumours, but I didn’t expect to see ya here, cane and all.” Dagger sat on his big boss chair and sent his minions away, believing to be strong enough against Mrs Danielle Crow, whose bones cracked as she sat down. Her wrinkled hand fidgeted with the tip of her cane. “I know why ya came. I got more of ya’s late husband’s golden teeth than anyone else.”
Dagger smirked, but Mrs Crow ignored him as she served the tea he had put there to mock her. “Imma be the next boss once I get the rest of the teeth. No mafia will listen to an old hag.” Mrs Crow’s lips turned into an old lady’s smile as she offered a cuppa. Dagger took it and sipped, relaxing into his seat. A second later, the cup shattered to the ground. Mrs Crow hid the poison flask in her cane again. She patted Dagger’s body until she found the little bag of teeth. “Never underestimate old women, you prick.”



The love of the family is the most important and the truest that you could find in the world. Friends could be in the good times, but in reallity who will be in the bad times is the familly. You didn’t choose the family that touched you, but the union that has been created and the good times that we have passed together, creates the affection and the instinct to protect who you love.



I wake up feeling lonely. Bustle of doctors and nurses in my room. Noise, people, but I have the feeling that nothing goes with me. Just one more day… tomorrow at home!



It all starts with too much homework and exams, the students don’t know how to organize, the teachers believe that the students know how to do it. And that’s when the stress comes. You see that you can’t control it, anxiety arrives, and it can be a psychological problem. Then, more and more psychological problems come and depending on which, they may lead to suicide and all this because you don’t know how to manage work.



Sometimes it wasn’t visible,

Sometimes it made me more fragile.

This fear seemed to be immersed in me,

That deep form. Nobody knows since

When it exists, including me.

Suddenly, an opportunity appears in front of you.

Maybe you are afraid because it’s impossible

Not to be.



Happiness is an emotion that occurs in a conscious being when they reach a moment of conformation, well-being or when achieving certain goals that fulfill them as an individual, although each person can have their own meaning about what happiness means to them.

For example, what is happiness according to philosophy? Being happy means self-realization, reaching the goals of a human being. Aristotle, a disciple of Plato, maintained that all men pursued happiness. Some are happy earning money; others receiving honors, and others travelling. Everyone has the secret of their own happiness.

In conclusion, sometimes my happiness is not the happiness of the others.