The fake beggar

Once upon a time there was a wizard. This wizard dressed himself like a beggar to reward the people who helped him for charity with infinite good luck. Then, one day a citizen told a rich man called Trankos that the wizard rewarded the people who helped him. The next day, in the morning, Trankos rode a horse to the city to help the beggar and have infinite good luck. When he arrived in the city, searched the beggar and he gave him one thousand coins of silver. The wizard looked into his eyes and said “You don’t help me for charity, you only want good luck but I will curse you”. The wizard cursed Trankos and he became a poor man. He ran away into the forest. People say that Trankos learnt magic and started to help people. When the wizard saw Trankos was not selfish, he took the curse away and Trankos became the new fake beggar.

Pseudònim: Jatriex


The message

One day I was walking down the street, when suddenly something happened: from the sky, a stone with a paper tied on it hit me hard on my head. A message was written in the paper. It said: “Help I am lost in an island, and there are a lot of sharks. Please help me, I´ve been here for seventeen years”.

How a stone could have been thrown from the sky? Who or what had thrown it? When 10 minutes later, I arrived home wondering what was happened, I decided to examine the paper again. When I reviewed it, I saw two letters at the end of the message, J and C. I began to think, and I remembered a name: James Carter, the famous thief who disappeared in a shipwreck in 1999. But, how was he able to throw a stone from thousand miles away? What do you think?

Pseudònim: Conguito



Llavors, cavaller i drac van donar-se la mà per tal de segellar el pacte que acabaven de fer. Tots dos sortien guanyant. El drac deixaria de representar el paper de dolent i podria fer aquell viatge a Escòcia (on hi tenia els pares) que portava temps esperant. Per altra banda, Sant Jordi seduiria per fi la encantadora princesa, que fins al  moment no havia posat els ulls en ell. A més a més, de ben segur que el rei rebria amb els braços ben oberts el futur heroi, després de la (simulada) proesa. Tanmateix, hi havia un petit detall que el genet havia oblidat de mencionar al monstre: era al·lèrgic a les roses.

Pseudònim:  Atrepsed



Sempre he sentit un profund respecte pels felins. La seva mirada esmolada sovint em resulta amenaçant. Però aquesta vegada els seus ulls tristos van inspirar-me compassió. Ronronejà suaument i es gratà el llom contra el tronc nuós de la vella morera. L’olor de les serradures ho aromatitzava tot. Després de quasi un segle em resultava insuportable la lúgubre presència d’aquells troncs com rodanxes.

Les llàgrimes estaven més que justificades davant el  buit que de sobte tot ho havia envaït. Jo també vaig plorar. Però la vida segueix i amb decisió vaig alçar el vol cap a Collserola. Allà vaig trobar de nou un racó espès en el qual niar.

Pseudònim: Oreneta



M’aturo en una de les parades menys plenes de gent per poder llegir amb calma els resums de les contraportades. Moles de peixos de novel·la, conte o poesia que vaig pescant sense ham i engolint amb els ulls. M’atrapa el del títol de llimona i començo a fullejar-lo. Arriba un nou pescador que es col·loca a la meva esquerra i jo li faig una mica de lloc. Tira la canya, una rosa ben roja que cau amb delicadesa sobre el llibre que estic llegint. Sens dubte, el millor Sant Jordi de la meva vida.

Pseudònim: Drecera


The Boss of the Bandits

Not too far from Alejandria lived a trader and his wife . The trader, whose name was Geoffrey, loaded his horses and said goodbye to his wife. But at the last minute his wife asked him not to take the shorter way because it was too dangerous: There were bandits all over this way, it was near the mountains a good place for them to hide. So he took the longest way, but with more security. Two hours later he was on his way to the city when a very friendly man started to talk to Geoffrey . During the conversation he talked to his new mate about his worries about the bandits. Every time Geoffry said the word “bandit” the mysterious man smiled. Two days later they arrived to their destiny and said goodbye to each other.

Next morning when Geoffrey was reading the newspaper he couldn’t believe it: a photograph of his friendly mate was on the first page as the boss of the bandits.

Pseudònim: Coque


What happened to the poor green whale?

Did you know about the story of the green whale and the little sea turtle?

The story takes place in the dangerous warm waters of the Pacific Ocean.

This tale begins with the situation of the green whale. His peculiar colour attracted

the ambitious fishermen and the poor whale couldn’t escape from them.

They were all day behind her, waiting for her to come up to the surface to breath.

But one day, a curious sea turtle saw the pintoresc whale, chased by a lot of boats,

and she decided to go there and discover what was happening. There, she found that

the whale wasn’t itself green, she was covered by a huge green fishing net!

The little sea turtle wanted to help her, so she asked for help to other animals and

together freed the now, happy whale, making humans disappear forever.


Pseudònim: ņ∫å§


El somni

Era al matí; vaig anar a esmorzar,quan vaig veure la meva mare, amb un Ganivet a la mà. Inicialment, vaig pensar que l’utilitzaria per tallar un aliment, però de sobte, se’m va apropar amb cara que em volia matar. Em vaig tancar a la meva habitació i vaig trucar a la policía. Van arribar en poc temps i,es van dur la meva mare a comissaria. Després de dur-se-la, vaig anar a la seva habitació per mirar si s’havia drogat quan, de cop i volta, em vaig despertar. Tot això va ser un somni però, no vaig tornar a mirar a la meva mare de la mateixa manera que abans.

Pseudònim: Galin



And after analyzing his weekly timetable,

he began to search into his schedule,

page after page. Then, he took his

glasses off and began to cry.

Indeed, he did not found the day

to start fulfilling his dreams.




If all men eat the same, why the food tastes different at each site? We try to solve the riddle.
All men eat the same in each place (meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, cereals, etc …). This is not only due to the place where food comes from, but it has much to do this simple process.
In some places (like Asia) raw foods, such as sushi, sasimi, etc… but others (like Europe) they eat are eaten after a complicated process, such as spaghetti and sausages.
Elsewhere they prefer to throw food seasonings in Asia and Europe soy salt. Every place in the world has its taste, what do you prefer?