Porto hores aquí i només veig parets. Davant, darrera, a l’esquerra i a la dreta. Quan aixeco el cap hi ha una llum groguenca que em cega. He provat totes les solucions, he anat en totes direccions, però no trobo la sortida.

Estic cada cop més cansat, ja no sé on anar. Noto que m’apago, que no puc més. Em costa avançar. S’ha acabat, he de parar, no he pogut sortir, i sembla que no ho podré fer.

Finalment em rendeixo, el bolígraf ja no té tinta, jo estic cansat, hauré de deixar aquest laberint per demà.

Pseudònim: TRI 41


Many years ago, when Julio César governed Rome, lots of people wanted to kill him. Julio César, did a lot of tricks in the olympic games. Also, he was selfish and a egocentric person. He didn’t think about the others; he always thought about himself and only himself. Because of that the majority of people wanted to kill him, and, when he was dead, burn them. This character, when nows that Brutus wanted very much to kill him he said to Brutus:

-If you kill me, my slaves will put you in the worst prison. Brutus, didn’t cave about the words of the dictator, because he think that he was doing the best for the village.

Finally Brutus killed Julio César abd no one did anything.

Pseudònim: PP

The Disappearance

A few years ago I was with my parents and my brother at a supermarket when my brother disappeared. Me and my parents started to look for him but we couldn’t find him.I was depressed. All my friends wanted to help me. They’re always saing:

-If I were you I wouldn’t worry too much.

But I was worried anyway. We told the police and they looked for him too but they didn’t find him. But four months ago they found a women who said she saw two men with my brother! Then the police investigated and they found the two men. And two weeks ago they found him! I’m very happy becouse they didn’t do anything to him.

Pseudònim: Twisq


L’August és freelance. Si, l’ autònom de tota la vida. Però és que ser freelance és més trendy. L’ August ha estat pare fa uns mesos. I ha iniciat, il•lusionat i convençut, el baby led weaning amb la seva bebè. Apart d’evitar minipimer, segurament deu potenciar l’empowerment dels 0-1 anys, fet que els reviews pediàtrics encara no han demostrat (però està clar que és més cool que fer purés). El més top de tot plegat és que l’August és coach i té un high potential. Entre selfie amb la bebè i post al blog de pares hipsters, prepara cursos de mindfulness pels webinars amb objectiu burnout 0. El seu marketing: August (freelance). Mindfulness webinars on Instagram

Es pot estar més on fire?

FYI (for your information), yes, es pot estar més on fire. Però ho deixarem aquí, no fos cas que féssim un spoiler.

Pseudònim: El cucut

Les pedres vermelles

Assegut dalt de la penya on la infantesa va conèixer el somni, el castell es tenyia del roig de l’albada. En terra de carrasques discretes i pins d’agulles verdes, et vaig veure aparèixer entre la remor de les branques. Sota meu, pel sender sense rumb que teixia una tela perfecta feta de roques, de silenci i d’ànimes dels homes que van escriure un bocí de la història. En eixes roques vermelles, en eixe racó del temps, on antany vam ser dos cors que bategaven amb l’escalfor de la vida que ens volia per a ella. Deu lustres més tard, t’hi vaig tornar a veure i em vas mirar de nou. Em vas regalar un darrer esguard, només per a mi, i vas acariciar la roca amb els teus dits. Altra volta, et vas allunyar pel sender de pedretes fins que la fressa del teu pas es va fer petita. Et vas girar, vas alçar la mà i els rajos del sol et van pintar del color dels somnis passats.

Pseudònim: Ginkgo

At 12:26…

I looked at the clock. It was 12:26 p.m. I heard some noises from the livingroom. There were steps. I was so scared. Suddenly my bedroom door opened and a hooked man appeared with a knife. I couldn’t see his face and I couldn’t recognise him. He was approaching slowly to me. He wanted to kill me. I didn’t know the reason and I was so scared. I looked again at the clock and it was 12:27 p.m. when the man was near me. I woke up and realised it was a dream. I looked at the clock and it was 12:26 p.m. Suddenly the door of my room opened.

Pseudònim: CG


-Oh! ¡I´m very nervous, now I have to do the science final exam! – said Sarah to Amy.
-Calm down ! it’s very easy if you have studied !
-I was studing all day!
-So, the exam will be fantastic !
Jack, who was listening to the coversation, went to Srah and said that if he was sitting next to her, he would pass the exam. In other words, he wanted to sit next to her to copy.
-Mmmm… okay-said sarah not really comvinced.
-Perfect! Thanks.
And then he go with Mia, her girlfriend, she doesn’t like him because she like’s him.
In the exam , Jack was copying Sarah and in the end , the two boys , passed the exam.
( two weeks later… )
-Sarah and Jack, please go to de direction….

Pseudònim: SC

An inhumane decision

Hello my name is Rayan Davids and I don’t have so much time, in 17 houers an steroids will impact on the Earth and finish with life as we know it. I’m a caientist and I built a space ship, the thing is that the space ship onley has space fore one person.
I have two daugters, what do I have to do?
Also the space ship only has oxigen for 30 years, if they don’t find an habitable planet in these time they will die allone in the space. Now i have 16 houers, I think… I will throw a dice…
Be brave Sarha
With love,
Dad… 00:01 H… End

Pseudònim: MN


The boy bought the best playstation game, which is called SaltLife, and excited he put the game on. Automatically he was transported to a parallel world. He was hallucinating! This was the most real game simulator. He was playing some hours. When he went back to reality and stopped playing, some strange things were going on. He went to the kitchen to talk to her mother but she wasn’t there. He searched for his father but he didn’t found it also, then he went to the city but there was nobody! He looked around for the city and entered a lot of supermarkets but there weren’t any people. The humanity had disappeared and he was alone!! But then when he was in shock by this strange fact, a very curious man appeared behind him…

Pseudònim: ML

A decisive game

He is tying his shoe laces concentrated in the game, in the seventh game of the mist important final of his life, he is hearing all the fans cheering, both teams are drawing 3-3, fans know that and they already know that his team needs they, and they are all here, shouting and intimidating the enemy team but cheering his team.
He is prepared for the game, and the other 25 players too, the referees are ready too.
The game start, lets go win.

Pseudònim: JLL