Once, there was a fun monster named Jack. He was going to school Victor Duruy. There, he had many friends. One day after they had finished school, on the way home with his friend, Jack crashed into a wall and his friend saw he had blood all over his face and he had something strange so the friend began to cry and he left running, he thought of what had happened to his friend. So Jack went home running to the bathroom and washed his face and noticed something strange. He had no eyebrows!! He told his parents and his parents took him to the doctor. The doctor said this couldn’t be cured and then Jack became very sad and began to cry desperately. He couldn’t be so ugly! then Jack went to the best doctor in the world and found a cure. And then he was the most happiest monster in the world. And he thanked the doctor.

Pseudònim: OG

El pes de la responsabilitat

Eren les nou de la nit i arribava a casa després del torn de nit. Aquella sensació de l’eufòria de la solitud l’envaïa. Si, l’eufòria de la solitud. Quan has tingut fills, més d’un, aquella sensació d’isolament i melancolia dels matins de diumenge, s’obliden. Quan has tingut fills, més d’un, hi ha moments d’abandó que es transformen en eufòria. Eufòria que s’acompanya de memòries. Eufòria que s’acompanya de temps per posar-te aquelles cançons que et recorden el teu primer petó, la disbauxa després de les oposicions, la banda sonora de “Into the wild” que va acompanyar els tres mesos d’aventura treballant a Wisconsin…eufòria deserta, per imaginar una altra vida…acompanyada d’una copa de vi i llum tènue.

La Tanit, de tant en quant, els necessitava aquests moments. Per viure una vida diferent, per imaginar-se que encara era l’adolescent inquieta que pensava que la seva vida seria mutant.

Per alliberar-se de tanta responsabilitat.

Pseudònim: El cucut


Many years ago in a small town,lived a family.This family was poor.
In the family there were the parents,two boys and one girl.
The girl was named are Katy. Katy was the smallest in the family.She was 14 years old.Her brothers were Oliver and Noah.
Oliver was 18 years old and Noah was 16 years old.
Katy and Noah,went to school,her parents worked all day to earn money.
In the school Katy and Noah were the more intelligent in the class.
One day the teacher said that there was a maths contest and Noah and Katy entered the competition and they won money and a cush prize of $10,000!

Pseudònim: NM

Area 51

Once there was a girl in a secret laboratory in Ohio U.S.A her name was Carla and she works with 2 boys more, their names were Arnau and Max. One ordinal day, the United States Air Force (U.S.A.F) brought them an Alien!
The alien was big, and with humanoid form but he had tentacles and he was green and black he said that he come fron Pluton and in Pluton there were 5.000 aliens more! The U.S.A president wanted to sign up a pace treaty but Earth population couldn’t know this, so the president organised a secret meeting with the exuse that he was ill. The meeting was success so he said they would be healthy for a long time!

Pseudònim: PC

The monster from under my bed

There is a monster under my bed. I’ve never seen it, but I know it’s there. I ask my mother if she has ever seen it. She tells me that they are my imaginations. I also asked my sister. She says that she has seen it. But my mother never lets her talk about it. I think it’s because I’m adopted. There are days that I wake up with sore hands. Also somedays my mother and my sister have bruises on their faces and arms. The days pass and the blows are transformed into wounds. I ask my mother what is going on. She does not answer me. When I get up few days later, my hands are full of blood. I go to the kitchen and I see my mother on the floor, crying. Next to her, there is my sister, dead. She will take me back to the adoption center. I understand it now. The monster was always me.

Pseudònim: SE


El pirata no troba la seva ombra. La busca, però no la pot veure. I no és culpa dels equinoccis ni dels solsticis. El Sol no té res a veure. Es tracta de la foscor. A dintre, la cambra és tan fosca que els ulls li fan pampallugues quan tracta d’obrir-los. Amb prou feines s’aixeca, té les cames esmorteïdes i beslluma una finestra petita. S’aboca per l’única obertura que té la cambra a l’aire i a la llum, i albira amb dolor l’horitzó.

Fa quatre dies que roman tancat. Arrossega a les espatlles la càrrega del seu pecat.

Amb dificultat torna a alçar el cap i d’una ullada, avista la nau que encara roman ancorada al port. El vaixell que li han prés. La seva Llibertat. Tan esquívola i fuginera. Es queda allí, palplantat, quiet, corprés. Embriac d’amor.

Pseudònim: MLL

La llum al final del túnel

De nou la llum al final del túnel. De nou aquella foscor a creuar amb el cor encongit, sense entendre com la resta de gent que feia el recorregut diàriament deia sentir pau i tranquil•litat i jo només podia experimentar aquell desassossec, aquell temor que, abans de donar un sol pas, ja havia començat a créixer en el meu interior. Em vaig atrevir a avançar un peu. Em vaig obligar a mirar al capdavant, cap a la llum, sense poder evitar que els ulls miressin de reüll cada soroll provinent dels habitacles a esquerra i dreta. De nou les meves passes es van encaminar amb creixent paüra cap a la meva destinació… Cada dia em dic el mateix: haig de preguntar a la Carme, la recepcionista del Business Center, on està l’interruptor de la llum del passadís. I cada dia ho oblido.

Pseudònim: Sintaxia

FUGA (forma musical)

Què està tort? La sala està bé, els dormitoris són cómodes amb balcons plens de flors, els banys són correctes; el terra que trepitjo és càlid. Què hi fa que no em trobi a casa meva?

Ho varem decidir de comú acord, deixavem la casa perque era gran per a dues persones, a més les escales eren una incomoditat sobretot si tens problemes per a caminar. Pujar, baixar…

Què està tort i fa que no em trobi a gust en el nou pis?

Les parets parlen? Tenen memòria? No sabria dir si parlen o tenen memòria, però estic segura que tenen vida, que veuen el que fas dins d’elles. Viure vint anys en una mateixa casa dóna perque les parets hagin compartit les teves vivencies.

Les noves parets son tortes! Estan buides! No ens posem d’acord.

Pseudònim: “Bac”

Trouble in the airport

My family and I were so happy because the day of our Paris trip had arrived. Everything was above board, we had prepared our luggage and were ready to go. But as soon as we left home, everything began to go badly. Firstly, while we were going to the airport by car, there was a terrible traffic jam that made us lose a lot of time. Fortunately we arrived on time and we ran quickly to check-in. There, the biggest problem appeared, we realised that my passport had expired and we had to go to the police to update it. I wasn’t allowed to travel and we didn’t know what to do, but we tried to settle down and think of a possible solution to work out this problem .We hadn’t lost the flight yet, so my father and my sister entered the plane and my mum and I had to go to the police and buy new tickets to travel later . It was the worst week ever!

Pseudònim: MP

Back home

James was waiting for his wife who had to arrive from her work trip. – Hi Anne, well that you come again… Do you want to have dinner or you want to prepared a bath? The soap is on the furniture of the room… James went up to the bathroom and prepared all. Anne entered and James went back to the kitchen. The telephone rang, and a man said that his wife had an accident and sadly she dead. After this, he remember that Anne was very pale and she didn’t speak. He went up very fast and started to shout the name of her. No one answered. Suddenly,the door opened and she went outside, crying and with a telephone on her hand saying very loud: my husband isn’t dead, he don’t have an accident, I’m waiting him to arrive to his work trip.

Pseudònim: MC