A regular summer day

It was a hot and sunny summer day. I was at, lying in my bed. Just chilling and chatting with my friends. Suddently my mum came into my room and told me I had to do my homework that the teacher had given me to study and revise during the summer holiday. So I had to get down to some work. I was there sitting in my uncomfortable chair like a koala while my cousins were playing and swimming in the pool. If I had passed the maths exam I wouldn’t have been there. After half an hour I was getting really bored so I decided to go outside to play football with my cousins. Unfortunatly my father saw me and didn’t let me go ouside to play. If I hadn’t gone out in the garden to have some fun, my father wouldn’t have given me a punishment.

Pseudònim: PB


Once upon a time, a normal family had a good live, but one day this family had a son whose name was Jack. He was a normal boy but when he was playing with his friends, he got mad and he punched the goal and Jack broke it in two. Jack had super powers. he had a huge force. When he knew it he stole his whole live helping people. They tried to kill him many times but he never gave up and he got it he was amazing. When Jack died people made a statue to remember him. He saved his city and thousands of lives because he was a hero.

Pseudònim: AS


Hi havia una vegada una nena que no tenia joguines, tot hi això no s’avorria mai, i sempre tenia alguna cosa a fer. Aquesta setmana a entrat a les golfes de casa seva un trineu trencat i tenia decidit arreglar-lo. Volia tornar a tirar-se per les de sorra com ho feia amb la seva avia. En tenia molt bon record, sempre que hi anaven es convertia en una en una aventura, el darrer cop hi havia trobat una sabata de taló vermell tot un misteri… va resultar que la mare de Putin havia visitat feia poc el balneari de Torrevieja a Alacant, aquest quedava ben be al davant de les sorreres on anàvem a tirar-nos en trineu, es veu que aquesta dona s’aixecava i en una de les seves escapades va deixar-se la sabata entre la sorra i al despertar-se pel matí no recordava res. La nena volia anar a buscar-la i per poder viure mes d’una aventura amb l’avia.

Pseudònim: Buterfly ghost


16 April 2018

I don’t know why I keep thinking about that guy that I found chasing me secretly. It was strange, he was wearing a black hoody and black trousers. I see him with a gun on his hand. Why he wants to kill me? Did I do something wrong or is related about my dad judgment? I think she wants the money that my dad get on judgment.

17 April 2018

I am very scared, yesterday someone kill Jenny Parker, the lawyer of Ms. Smith, one of the customers of my dad. I am sure it’s the man I saw yesterday. I don’t know who is going to kill next.

Pseudònim: CR

The Murder

Yesterday I read an article on the newspaper about the murder of a woman. In that article, it said that the man who had killed the woman had run away before the police arrived. It said that the man was abusing the woman. The woman had tried to call the police but the man had killed her before she called. Today, in the morning, I was walking on the street where the murder had happened. I saw a lot of blood. I thought: why is all planet full of this kind of people? Why do they do this?

Then, suddenly, a young woman pushing a pram was walking towards me. I looked into the baby’s eyes and I saw hope.

Pseudònim: IP

Quin neguit!

No ho va pensar dues vegades. Va dir que sí i de seguida va penjar el telèfon. A partir d’aquell dia la discreció seria la seva millor amiga. Ningú podia sospitar d’ell i ningú podia detectar la seva implicació en els fets que farien història, i prou que ho van fer.
El dia 30 no podia dormir. Estava neguitós. El moment s’acostava i no es podia adormir. Patia per si els llençols se li enxaven més del compte i no el permetien sortir del llit. Tant com li agradava dormir, el patiment era normal. Tanmateix, sabia que havia de descansar una mica. El dia 1 seria llarg i ple d’emocions. Es va adormir tres hores, temps suficient per sentir- se descansat, es va vestir i va pujar al cotxe. Va arribar al casal, que era ple de gent. Ràpidament va agafar la bossa del maleter i va entrar-la. Havia complert la seva missió: teníem les urnes a lloc i vam votar.

Pseudònim: Víctor Català


Tossut ell i més tossuda ella. Ja feia 7 mesos que li havia demanat que no li dirigís la paraula, que no en volia saber res i la cosa era força complicada: compartien la colla d’amics i un munt d’aficions, entre elles els castells. A cada assaig defugien l’un de l’altre, menys quan havien de donar-se indicacions per treballar conjuntament, cosa que feien de manera excel.lent, sovint l’un ben a prop de l’altre, mirant-se. Tenien una gran complicitat que havien perdut per les pors d’un, les fermeses de l’altra, les inseguretats de tots dos i el poc diàleg. A tots els seus amics els semblava impossible. Aquell silenci no podia durar tant! Va ser llavors, quan un dia a plaça van dur el castell límit de la colla. De nou tancaven pinya, de nou l’un davant de l’altre amb el baix al mig i, de nou, van recuperar tot amb una simple, intensa i emocionada mirada. No els calia tocar-se: tenien el castell i es tenien l’un a l’altre.

Pseudònim: Víctor Català


Nothing can I do, that hadn’t been done yet.
Nothing can I say, that hadn’t been said yet.
But inside my heart, there is a power.
There is a flow inside my body
that fights all the time to get outside.
To say to all the people, anywhere, at anytime
What I am feeling.
How can I feel this sort of things!
How can I dream this sort of dreams!
That instead of making me alive, they are making me die
Like the sunlight at nightfall.

Pseudònim: M LL

Orphan cat

Once there was a grey tabby cat with blue eyes named Atlas , he was so sad because he was orphan. So he decided to travel and go to Sidney. When he arribed he made a friend named Loren , wich was an iguana .Loren was so nice and happy , they decided to go to the beach .When they arrive , it was no space because , the beach was full of animals. So they did not take a space and insted went to swim directly , when they were in the water , Loren saw a shark , it was coming very fast so they were very alarmed . When the shark was very close to Atlas , a group of dolphins saved them.
Atlas and Loren were very grateful to the dolphins and they became friends , all days Atlas and Loren went to see the dolphins and played with them and they spent the afternoon with them .

Pseudònim: JC


Today, has been a year since my best friend died. She was 18 years old.

It all started when we went to a party at a friend’s house.

She was very depressed because her boyfriend had cheated on her. She told me that she wanted to forget everything and when we got to the party, she started to dance and to drunk a lot of alcohol. I also drink a little, so I didn’t see her during the rest of the party. When the party where we were finished I saw my best friend lying in the sofa. I thought she was sleeping, but when I tried to wake-up, she didn’t move.

I called the ambulance, but when they arrived they said that it was very late, she was died.

Pseudònim: LS