
I like when I stay in front of the beach because I relax a lot. I feel so happy when the people that I love are also happy and are having a good time. The day when my little brother was born, I was very nervous, but with a big smile in my mouth, because I knew that I was welcoming my new soulmate. I think the best feeling you can experiment is love and I have lived it in many different ways, but I can assure you that one of the purest is the siblings love.



Nowadays, we live surrounded by sad news, depressed kids, unemployed adults, hopeless people etc…That’s why I believe the feeling of satisfaction is really important for us. In my case, this sense is my personal weapon to fight against my fears. I feel satisfied when I achieve my goals after a really big sacrifice. I also feel satisfied when I’m able to overcome a very difficult problem. When you are in trouble you always have to look for something that motives you, for example getting out of your current situation to improve a bit. Furthermore, I feel satisfied when I help somebody, especially my dad or my family.So, my advice is to battle the problems through satisfaction.



El tren surt atapeït de Catalunya. La pressió dels uns sobre els altres permet un equilibri inestable. Algú baixa a Provença, abans que es reompli l’espai, ocupo el lloc. Amb la vergonya de qui ha donat algun cop de colze per poder seure, miro a terra. No vull veure qui ho mereix més que jo, ni sentir la veu de la meva mare dient que he de cedir el lloc. Em fan mal els peus en les sabates de buscar feina. Sarrià. Algú davant meu amb auriculars i caputxa posada, enganxa un serrell llarg a la finestra. Fa sorolls amb el nas i s’eixuga amb la màniga negra. Baixador. Joventut indefinida. Perd llàgrimes. La Floresta distreu els pensaments obssessius dels qui seiem prop del noi que plora. Valldoreix. Baixo. El seu lloc és buit. A prop, algú somriu.



Hate, envy, resentment, jealousy… feelings that we think that are “hate”, but they are NOT. In some occasion you’ve probably said: “I hate you”. Maybe during a discussion with your friend or also with your parents. Well, you didn’t mean it, you just couldn’t think straight in those moments. You only feel “hate” when you want to become invisible for someone who doesn’t let you be yourself. It’s a feeling that no one will be able to describe.


My sporting change

I’m a shy, unconfident, tiny and nervous person, but there are some important moments in my life where I feel very powerful, strong and confident. Are you thinking about what makes me feel like that?  The answer is in all the feelings that cause me Mugendo. 
What is that? It’s a type of Martial art that combines Karate, taekwondo, tait-chi, personal defence… And makes me feel the hardest girl on Earth.


Entre livre et livre

Pourquoi cette absence? … Que produit en moi ce vide? Où sont passés les
chants des oiseaux ou le crépitement de la pluie contre la fenêtre? Et mon
monde? … Où est-il?

Le soir tombe, le soleil est bas. Les oiseaux s’envolent. Je regarde par la fenêtre et une brise froide me coupe le visage. Au loin, un laboureur retourne chez lui et disparaît lorsque le chemin est caché derrière les arbres. Puis à nouveau je me retrouve seul. Mes lectures me manquent, elles me donnent la vie. Chaque livre un nouveau moi. Un monde différent loin de ces quatre murs; sans frontières, sans limites. Comme ma vie est âpre dans cette longue absence de bons livres!

Queralt R.

Ma petite je

Qui sait comment sera notre avenir et comment finirons-nous? Il me manque mon enfance et les moments où il n’y avait aucune inquiétude. De retour à vivre les petites ilusions pour apprendre quelque chose nouvelle et ignorant quelle était la pression. Je dois y retourner, à ce moment de ma vie, je ne savais pas comment le valoriser. Je ne veux pas grandir, je ne sais pas comment sera mon avenir, et je suis terrifié. J’aimerais sentir à nouveau ces petites sensations d’être libre et de pouvoir tout faire avec ce petit sourire dans le visage.

Toi, moi d’autre part

My dream

If I were in a dream where I had to live in, I would like to be in one where every one were happy. After all, it’s a dream, isn’t it? In that dream I would like that the anguish, despair or anything related to bad feelings didn’t exist, because in my dream I would like to live without worries, as any person would want. Maybe some people would relate this to having money and fame but deep down the only thing they want is to live well, like every human would want.



Estirada sobre l’herba, sento la frescor de les fulles humides al clatell, a l’esquena, al tou de les cames. La nit encara manté l’escalfor d’aquest llarg i xafogós dia d’estiu. L’aire dens m’acarona el cos i m’omple els pulmons d’un fluid tebi i amorós. Respiro relaxada, compassant el ritme als pensaments banals que arriben, resten uns instants i desapareixen. Miro el firmament sense veure’l. Un escenari infinit i plaent. De cop, passa un estel fugaç. El cap se m’omple d’anhels inabastables i frustrants que em provoquen un gran desassossec. No ho dubto ni un instant. Tanco els ulls i desitjo amb totes les meves forces no tornar-ne a veure mai més cap.


The beast

It was in a forest, a wild forest in Canada, when I felt the real danger of the wild animals. I was with my Canadian brother, when we heard a bellow. It was a black bear. We were riding a bicycle when we heard that. We didn’t know what to do in that situation, we thought we would be eaten by that beast. When his father appeared and he screamed at us saying: “Run to the road!”. We started running and we were able to go away from that beast. That day was the worst day of my life.

Gazeau Gang