My name is Aina and I’m 14 years old.

I woke up and I packed my things because I was going to spend my holidays in Italy. I had never been there but I always wanted to. 

I went by car. It was a long trip of almost 14 hours. When I arrived I unpacked my things and I couldn’t wait to visit the city. The roads were empty and absolutely beautiful. I took lots of photos but sadly it was getting dark and I had to return to the hotel. 

Next day I went to the beach and I tried to find beautiful big rocks. I found sea stars instead and I saved them. 

The rest of the days I did a lot of things like eating pizza, pasta and going to museums, but then the day arrived to return back to Spain. 

I’ll never forget my trip to Italy. I hope I can get back there sometime. 



I went to Japan with my family. I was really happy because it was a new experience. 

The flight was about four hours in the plane. I was past the entire flight  sleeping and I got up when the pilot says that there was turbulence. There it was terrible. A few minutes later the pilot says that everything is solved. It was just a scare. When we arrived at the airport in Japan the suitcases are missing and there aren’t anywhere place. We reclaimed, but the flight agency doesn’t know any. There thing that the suitcases where left in spain.

In Japon we bought new clothes and we went to the hotel. It was a terrible day.



In a little village there was a castle where a man named Jorge lived with his daughter named Kylie, he always wanted her to be dressed with dresses, skirts… But she didn’t like it; also her father didn’t want her to play “boy games” and things like that. When Kylie had 14 years old, she was furious with her father  and she decided to talk with him; when she did it, her father wasn’t agreeing with her, and he told her if she starts doing the things he told her she can’t do or dress, he will punish her without meeting her friends for 4 weeks. She disagreed with him so she decided to escape home that night. She didn’t know where she would go but the only thing she wanted was justice.Now no one knows about her.
This is a history, but it actually happens , and it shouldn’t happen.



Porto anys enmig aquesta illa deserta i ningú m’ha vingut a buscar. Després de l’accident d’avió, tots són morts menys jo. Quan aixeco al cap solament hi veig soledat. He provat totes les solucions, però les ones no em deixen marxar.

Estic cada cop més cansat, pel meu cap em venen les ganes d’aclucar els ulls. Per això, he de reconèixer que ho vaig intentar. Però la manca de material no em va deixar. Per aquesta raó, una esperança ha vingut al meu cor. De sobreviure i intentar-ho abans de morir sol.

Un rai vaig crear i em vaig llençar a la mar. Dies remaré per intentar trobar un vaixell que em torni cap a casa amb companyia dels meus familiars. I, finalment, parlar de penes i alegries amb tots aquells que van estar amb els meus pensaments nit i dia.



En face d’une falaise, courant de brise

qui m’emmêle mes cheveux.

Le parfum marin et la lumière du soleil chaude

qui éclaboussent ma peau.

Celui qui est assis devant moi avec ses yeux doux

me regarde fermement.

Parfois, la folie peut-être une personne

avec qui vous partagez un endroit.



It all began on her birthday, we didn’t know each other, and I was nervous. I had started talking with her some days ago on Instagram because she caught my eye, but we couldn’t talk too much because she was punished. We made lots of plans and promises which I didn’t know if they would be true someday. The first time I saw her, she told me a thousand words and at that moment I felt a connection that I hadn’t felt with anyone. I knew she felt the same as me, and I decided to take the first step. When I asked her to be my couple, she said yes and that was one of the best moments in my life. I would never forget it. We had a terrible October, fights, insecurities, mistrusts, it was the first time that these types of things hurt me. I think I knew the reason why I was suffering, it was her.



It has been 4 years since it happened, but I can still remember it. The moment when my mother told to my brother and me that we we were going to see Grandpa. We had to go down the same way we had always done to see my him to the hospital. But that day, it was different from other times because it would be the last one I could see him. I didn’t know how I could cope with that but I remember telling him that when I grew up I would have a good future and not to worry about me, I could notice his soul smiling. The next day my parents told me he had passed away.