Hi, I am the most important pen of a girl called Laura. With me she writes her daily life in his diary. Laura is a charming girl, but now she is going through a bad time of her life. 3 weeks ago, her beloved grandfather died and he was a very important person for her. Life didn’t make sense if her grandfather wasn’t next to her.

One day she decided to leave the room, where she had been closed for days, and go for a walk. As she walked through her neighborhood, she suddenly hit with a bicycle that was going too fast, and when she fell down she hit her head with the ground. Laura got a skull fracture. This fracture was very serious and caused amnesia and a disease in the skull that would reduce her life. All her life and memories were erased from his mind. The doctor said that she will die in 2 or 5 months. Upon hearing this, Laura was very shocked.

She went to a center with other children who had similar illnesses. She started creating her new life and enjoying the time to the max. Laura was always playing and having a great time with her group of friends. But suddenly arrived the worst day of all, the moment to leave the life. While her mum was crying, Laura said to her: -Mum, don’t ever forget me-. Laura learned a lot during those months, made new friends and always had a smile on her face despite knowing that she would die in a short time. She died calm and well accompanied. And I will never let anyone to erase the last phrase that Laura wrote minutes before dying: Thank you for this lesson of life.

Pseudònim: Kai


It’s the year 3050 everyone has revolutionise because they have created new technologies;  phones are transparens and tablets too. In this year there is a girl, this girl have an terrible diseases, his dad  always invent thing to help his daughter, and one time he invented a “chip”.

When  people put this chip in their head and touch the patient the people who has the chip feels what the patient feels. Doctors used it as well. They Are able to find the cure to diseases,and  the dad felt all the pain his daughter felt. Two years after all the people of the world has this chip, doctors, kids, teenagers, adults, middle age people, old people, young people etc…

The dad finally found the cure for that terrible diseases finally the girl could be happy.

And all the people that had a diseases could be happy.

Pseudònim: AL


Here I am, standing next to this traffic light post. Yeah, I think it’s a great choice, this is the perfect place, from here my friends will be able to watch me all the time.

After two years the moment has finally arrived.

Damn it! Is that my phone? Why are they calling me now? Cancel, cancel, cancel. Come on Alex, stay calmed. Enjoy the moment. Breathe deeply. Have fun. Oh no! Where are they? That’s the last thing I needed. I don’t want to feel alone in this crucial moment. Well, I guess I have no choice. I’ll wait here.

-Hi Alex! It’s nice to finally get to meet you face to face.

He was even better than I had imagined.

Pseudònim: Tress

The story of a girl

Once upon a time, a girl who liked reading a lot, got into a story. The story of Sant Jordi. She was the princess but something strange happened. She wasn’t in love with the prince. She fell in love with the dragon, because he was beautiful and big. When the prince found out, he killed the dragon and hist blood turned into. And the prince gave one of them to the princes.

Pseudònim: AA

A day with a difference

It was a 23 of April, the day of my birthday. My parents weren’t in the house because they had travelled to Paris for work. I woke up at 7:30 a.m., I was alone. I went to school. We started the day with the physics chemistry, worst class ever. Nobody of my friends wished me a happy birthday. The school finished and nobody had wished me a happy birthday. I went to my house. I was so sad. I cooked my lunch, after I went to the academy, when I returned to my house it was in fire I forgot to turn off the stove!!! I had some money, I when to a hotel to spend the night. I went to sleep after I had called my parents, they didn’t wished me a happy birthday. After that I thought that it was the worst day of my life.

Pseudònim: 777

School of thieves

Once upon a time, there was a pig called “The Big Pig” that had a friend called “Gherkin The Armadillo” and they were going to their animals’ class of Spanish and they were the worst students in the school and one day they were expelled from school. After that, they decided to start to stealing and as a result of this, they created a school of thieves. And the school was very successful but when it started to grow they realized that what they were doing was not right. They decided to close the school and return to learn Spanish to go to Spain and live there. And so they did it. Big Pig and Gherkin The Armadillo were very happy and they were having fun in Spain. Finally Big Pig and Gherkin The Armadillo got married and had a great party with all their friends.                                                                                                                      

Pseudònim: CM

Podria ser pitjor

Dubto que a ningú li passi pel cap que portar ortodòncia és una bona experiència. Tanmateix us puc confirmar que hi ha una situació pitjor: portar-ne durant un apocalipsi.

Encara ningú sap com va passar però fa trenta-quatre anys ens vam llevar per descobrir que tres quartes parts de la humanitat s’havien convertit en pols. Ara sóc un vell amb ortodòncia que porta tres dècades buscant l’últim odontòleg viu a fi que me la retiri. Un document trobat entre les runes de l’hospital de Sant Pau m’ha portat a les llunyanes terres de Matadepera, on ningú ha posat un peu des de la catàstrofe. El refugi secret del doctor Bracespeare es troba a cent metres sota terra. Segons he llegit ha sobreviscut durant aquests anys abastint-se de llaminadures. Rere lluitar contra els esbarzers que el protegeixen arribo al refugi per a trobar-me amb el doctor però, horror! A dins només hi ha una muntanya de pols.

Pseudònim: Nathawk

Manny the Bunny the White Rabbit Accidentally Destroys the supermarket

It was a sunny day when Manny the bunny the white rabbit went happily to the supermarket, he was hungry and he so went to look for his dad. He went in. All the people who were shopping fainted when they so him. The first place where Manny went was the vegetables aisle to eat some carrots. When he has finished he went was the dairy aisle, he was surprised by all the milk which where there. After he went to the cosmetics aisle because he wanted to have a new look. He started with the blush and when he was finished he was a pink and blue rabbit. Finnally he went to the meat aisle. He saw a pig without its head. Mannys ran and he tripped over witha a special package, one with a rabbit in it, “Dad!” showted Manny, he satrted to destroy the supermarket. The supermarket’s boss woke up and saw the supermarket destroyed and a note: “ It was an accident, don’t kill more rabbits. Manny the bunny the pink and blue rabbit”.

Pseudònim: PR


Once upon a time, there was a 8-year-old boy named Rocky.

One day, his mum Alexandra told him that she had reserved a room for two nights at the Sea Hotel for the first weekend of August. They were happy because his mum’s friend had been there one year before, and she’d told them that her daughter Selena had made a lot of friends there, so Rocky’s mum thought that Sea Hotel was a good idea because Rocky didn’t have too many friends…

The first weekend of August arrived, and Rocky and his mum went to the hotel. The first day, they were in the pool, and Alexandra told Rocky: “Go to the little pool and play with those guys”.

Twenty years later, Rocky was hanging out with those friends.

Pseudònim: MORTY

Monarquía Absoluta

Lo puedo hacer. Dijo pausadamente mientras la escalera mecánica funcionaba bajo su cuerpo.
La puerta se abrió de sopotón al identificar su masa.
Tan solo es un chasquido, no más que eso. Pensó para ella misma
Sus pies, desnudos, emprendieron el camino hacia la sala.
Fuera, los pájaros mantenían intensas discusiones sobre política, y dentro, los humanos, combatian a arañazos por mantener su liderazgo.
Al entrar a la sala, todas las cabezas se dirijieron a su rostro, y ella, implausible, unió el dedo pulgar con el medio, repitiendo su característica señal.
Los hombres atacaron el banquete y los pájaros mantubieron su monarquía.

Pseudònim: Frille