A decisive game

He is tying his shoe laces concentrated in the game, in the seventh game of the mist important final of his life, he is hearing all the fans cheering, both teams are drawing 3-3, fans know that and they already know that his team needs they, and they are all here, shouting and intimidating the enemy team but cheering his team.
He is prepared for the game, and the other 25 players too, the referees are ready too.
The game start, lets go win.

Pseudònim: JLL


One day some LA guys had a house party. They invitated everybody in the school. The same day at night when the party was starting the most beautiful girl in the school year joined the party. One of the guys decided to ask her on a date but at the moment a clown entered the house with a pistol. All the boys and girls were scared but John the owner of the party got a shotgun from his father
and shot him but the clown was a classmate it was a prank…

Pseudònim: ET


She got onto the bus, and she saw him sipping soda from an unknown woman, then he threw a teen’s phone to the floor, but the teen picked it up and seemed fine with it. He grabbed twenty dollars from a man’s pocket, but the man didn’t see it. She shouted “don’t you see him? He’s stealing from you!”. Everybody in the bus looked in the direction she pointed at and laughed, there was nobody there.

Pseudònim: AJ


Petit però amb tanta força…
petit i a tot arreu penjat
penjat i amb el cor al meu costat
penjat a prop de les flors
penjant ben alt, allà on tothom el pot veure, allà on ningú el pot agafar
penjat per ser lliure
penjat per poder volar
Petit i penjat el meu groc llaç

Pseudònim: TATI

a magic life

jon lives in one of the best cities in Macedonia, but one day a lot of people began to come to his city, and he didn’t know who they were or why there was so many of them.
one day, he want to talk to a person, who was in the middle of the street and he asked them, why you are here? and she answered that she cames because her house was destroyed and all of her family were killed in the syrian war. So, seh explained what was happening and why they were talking a lot of time and they became friends and jon decided to help her.

Pseudònim: AB


In one school one boy was getting bullied by one arrogant younger boy (Mike).
The poor boy hadn’t any friends because of Mike, that made his life impossible.
He made fun of the boy in front of everyone and threw his food at him.
But one day the prettiest girl in the school defied him and all of her friends too.
And little by little Mike started being alone and finally he lost all his friends, and the boy become everyone’s friend.

Pseudònim: MG


Catalunya va ser víctima del terrorisme el passat 17 d’agost. El terrorisme islàmic, trencava la pacífica convivència multicultural que caracteritza el país.

Les escenes de terror, desconcert, tenyides de sang, dolor i crits que les Rambles de Barcelona van viure, van colpir al món sencer. Catalunya tornava a ser el centre, i ho tornava a ser aixecant-se amb més força d’un malson que deixava víctimes, no només amb lesions i ferides molt greus, deixava famílies trencades i un mostra de solidaritat immensa del poble català envers les víctimes i familiars.

“No tinc por” va ser el clamor moments després de superar la consternació inicial amb la que els serveis d’emergències i seguretat van treballar per recuperar la normalitat. Una realitat que demanava aixecar-nos com a un gran país del món que som.

Pseudònim: Volpellerenc

La lletra i la música

Es deia A i era vocal. La primera de totes, la que amb el seu so obria i tancava l’harmonia. B, en canvi, era bateria, i sempre havia sigut la sèptima nota, un si. Juntes i amb bona lletra van començar una banda. Fins que va arribar C, cantant i compositora, capaç de seguir el compàs com un tic-tac, i B va passar a ser la segona opció, el pla B. La segona lletra es va sentir minúscula mentre C era el centre d’atenció. A seguia els excessos de C al peu de la lletra. Sortia fins al final del dia, de cada festa, de cada gresca. Però res no l’importava perquè tenia la seva vitamina C, que la feia el triple de feliç com unes piles triple AAA. Però D va voler començar un duo i com un naixement miraculós van passar d’ a.C. a d.C. Sense A van treure un CD i abans que A pogués conèixer a la segona vocal, la E, va arribar F per dir-ne l’última paraula. Fi.

Pseudònim: Smurf

Old age

Old man, you walk alone.

Under the rain, no thunderbolt of sun shines today. Your thoughts lost among the clouds, your heart beating with lack of energy and love. I know whether you were married to a lovely woman or a single man, this now does not concern anyone.

Old man, you walk slowly.

So many remembrances left behind, no future hopes in sight. This sorrowful look may hide so many deep disappointments. Old man, rise your head to the first drops of rain. Let them join those many tears, and feel solace, at last.

Take a deep breath, stop at once. And walk again.

Pseudònim: El cucut


El plor és omnipresent. L’ alegria embriagadora d’aquell instant és una plenitud esquinçadora, potent com una droga, en cada record. El contacte amb el líquid, la pròpia sang i la d’altri es fusionen en les llàgrimes d’enamorament instantani amb el nouvingut. L’ empremta mútua genera una connexió de circuits neuronals i emocionals infinita, que mai res més podrà esborrar. Un pare i una mare es dediquen un esguard intens, profund que els uneix en la immensitat, en abraçar aquella criatura calenteta i suau com la seda, tant àvida del contacte humà com la terra ho és de l’aigua.

Benvinguda filla meva al nostre caliu.

Pseudònim: El cucut