The monster of Monjuïc

One morning two friends met to go to Montjuïc at 2.00 a.m and they arrived at 5.00 a.m. At that time there weren’t any people and they started to have breakfast. They Heard a noise but they didn’t know the sound was and the two boys saw a monster. That monsterwas very dangerous and they couldn’t make any sound to catch its atention. They jumped on their bikes and they rode very fast. They made a very loud noise and one boy fell and the monster ran to get him and ate him, at the moment his friend fell he remembered that when they were small he saved his mother’s life and ran to save him, when he got in front of the monster and proposed something to him, the monster accepted to go to Barcelona and he did it was staying with his friend when the monster accepted they got on their bikes and ran out.

Pseudònim: NS

Breaking up

I was walking in the streets of New York. I had just bought flowers for my girlfriend Grace. I arrived at her house, and she opened the door. She offered me wine. We were talking for a while. She had been behavinhg in a strange way for a few days and I was worried because I didn’t know what was happening. All the conversation was very uncomfortable. Later she told me the truth:

– Luke… I have to tell you something… I think… I think we have to broke up. Lately we didn’t have a very good relationship… I don’t think we can be together anymore.

– What!? What are you saying?! Why?! We have a very good relationship!

Out of my mind, I caught a vase and I hit her head. She was dead on the floor. I started
crying, hugging Grace. The telephone started ringing. Then it stopped and I heard a voice message. It was a Grace’s friend: “Hi Grace, has he believed the prank? And Luke, if you’re listening, happy April Fool’s Day!”

Pseudònim: Artemis

Holidays without suitcaes

We are travelling to France in a car, with my husband and our dog. How we had a little car and the dog was behind, the suitcases were at the top of the car. It was a windy day and was difficult to drive on the road. After one hour of having started the trip, the cars behind us start a touch the claxon, but we ignore them. Later, one car advances and he tells us that the suitcases were falling out of the car! We stopped the car and , fortunately, a police car was catching the suitcases.

Pseudònim: EA


In the castle a princesas live with her mum, dad and with his brother, but one day the people of the village start worrying because they say that in the mountain lives a witch family and someone goes to the mountain and never returned to the village and everyone goes to the mountain and see the person who disappeared for 2 months the people of the town believed that he was already dead but they found him sitting there like a king in the house of the witches, everyone thought he was bewitched but in reality the rumors were not true so the inhabitants of the town west to see the princess and they said:
-If we have thought badly, I’d the witches are really kind
And the princess answered:
-If I also think we’ve been wrong all this time
And so they realized that the witch family was not bad and they learned to live together.

Pseudònim: AR


Long time ago…a boy that his name was Wonder, had a problem on his face. He doesn´t go in the school in his life. His mum spoke with Wonder “if you go to the school, the people don´t laugh you” because he had to go to the school, but Wonder doesn´t like this idea, because he thing that the people of the school laugh at them.

2 months later…Wonder decided goes to the school.

1st day at the school…He arrives at the school entrance and all the students look at him with disgust. and wonder wondered why people looked at him
When he arrived at class, the teacher introduced him to the whole class, and all the students laughed at least one, Jack.

From that moment, Wonder knew that there are people in the world who are good. And so every day Wonder went to the school with his friend Jack without thinking what others could say.


Pseudònim: AC


A disaster is something that we sometimes think about and imagine. But they sometimos happen.

When I was 12 years old. I was in a disaster, which was very bad. A lot of people died. I was there, and with my family we were able to survie. However, we didn’t have anywhere to go or to sleep. We were walking for five hours without anything. Fortunately, we found on the motorway with a big car. We went and slept in their car for three days. After that, we arrived at the airport. There were those people who suvived, but not much. Then, we flew and landed at 22:00 in Spain, without the passport, because we were in a disaster. One year after the disaster, the city was very beautiful and with lots of people again.

In the end, we were happy in Sain and for now we haven’t had a sisaster here. Now, we can have a normal life. But we didn’t go back.

Pseudònim: JL

The Murder of Saint George

About four months after Saint George killed the dragon, he returned to his village because he didn’t get married and he wanted to. For this reason, he returned because he wanted to got married with the princess. The princess accepted so, the next day they got married.

Saint George had two kids, lived in a big castle and his wife was beautiful. Everything was going well but…One day the cleaner of the castle entered Saint George’s room and got his sword then when Saint George saw that he shouted “What are you doing?” The cleaner answered “ I was going to got married to the princess and you came to steal her me. “ You must die!” The cleaner killed Saint George and then he escaped

The police arrived ten minutes later and they said “Who was the man that killed Saint George?” One person answered that they saw the cleaner running and probably was going to his house. When the police arrived they saw the cleaner was dead. The cleaner had killed himself. After that day nobody came to the village.

Pseudònim: VG

A Bad Day

Many years ago in a town lived a lot of people. One day, there was a thunder over the town: the people wert, into their houses. From the clouds, came lighting. When the lighting hit the grown ugly creatures appear to inside the grown. The people were scared, in silence, because nobody wanted that the ugly monsters to hear then. One family called zombie, the father told his son: If I were you, I would take a gun and started shooting the monsters, the monsters were very fragile but there was more than 1,000 monsters. But, in the end, the monsters killed the son and returned into the grown. These monsters was called zombies with honour to the son.

Pseudònim: JM

The neighborhood

I was in my house , when my parents told me that we had to move house , we had to go to a new neighborhood. When we arrived I had a very bad feeling about the house… I visited all the neighborhood and I saw a strange house by the beach , I entered it and I found a boy called Peter, who explained that if he was me , he would run away from my house, from this house a boy die… When I leaved the house I tried to discover boy’s secret, I went home and I searched, finally I found a secret underground , I went there and I found a lot of very old treasures. Finally, I discovered that the boy died for a tsunami and there where all the treasures that he protected all his life…

Pseudònim: PM


It all happened a long time ago on a small planet called B-24. This planet had a lot of natural resources, for example, they had a lot of jewels like diamonds. The people who lived there had superpowers. They could run 100 km per hour, and they were very strong. But not all the people had these powers. Only 50 %. Every day these people were trained by a “teacher” because another species wanted to conquer B-24. The other planet had conquered 20 planets and B-24 was the next, and the people who lived there knew it. If I was one of these people I would be terrified. Then a war started the B-24 lost the war but they sent people to the earth to save them.

Pseudònim: PM