
Tom and Carmen were travelling around the moon for the first time with their jetpacks. All of sudden they met alliens spaceship and they were abdactet. Inside the spaceship, there were a lot of alliens. Their skins was blue and they had six arms and one leg. The biggest allien came near the two humans. He was the boss, and he said that he wanted to use the Earth to expand. Tom and Carmen will be used to make experiments and understand humans. After the experiments, Tom and Carmen died. The allien’s plan was to kill all the humans and colonise the Earth.their plan was perfect except for one thing. Humans were prepared to die and they prepared an explosion of all the nuclear bombs and the Earth exploded.

Pseudònim: AS


Last year I went to on a Mediterranean cruise with my family. It was very big, it had about five thousand passengers and two thousand crew members. It was called “Meraviglia”, named after the username of the person who has designed it. The cabins were enormous and very cosy, with four or five beds, a big television, a bathroom and a very big balcony. One day, when I was outside with my little sister and my cousin looking at the dolphins going around the ship, my favourite bracelet, which was made by my best friend, fell into the sea. I was very sad because my bes friend, was living in London, and I missed her a lot. When I returned to Barcelona, my parets gave me an incredible surprise, they told me that the following week we were going to travel to London to see my best friend. I was very happy beause I missed her too much.

Pseudònim: AG

The Murder of the English Teacher

I was running, the police were chasing me and they were shouting at me:
-Stop, stop, where’s Jeff?
After 10 minutes of chasing me and shouts, they caught me.
Only one hour after this I was at the police station and a very tall man with a gun was interrogating me.
He showed me a photo of my scholl and anotherone of my Englishroom, and he said to me:
-This i the last place where we saw Jeff (the english teacher), Where is he?
And I said:
I don’t know anything!
He pointed the gun at me and he repeated:
Where’s Jeff?
And I answered:
-Okay, okay, I killed Jeff because he gave us a lot of homework.
After this sentence the man handcuffed me and he sent me to prison.

Pseudònim: IV


Per fi havia aconseguit introduir kriptonita al celler del seu restaurant.Tothom sap que aquest verdós mineral debilita als superherois però,per contra, proporciona als éssers humans una potència sexual il•limitada. Un conegut gurú de la gastronomia li va dir: “El client sempre té la raó” i es repetia aquest mantra per justificar les vegades que posava unes gotetes al plat dels comensals. Des que el van nomenar Primer Sommelier de la Comarca es va adonar que la seva prioritat era transformar el seu restaurant en un restaurant únic al món. Disposava ja d’una llista d’espera de 8 mesos i això alimentava el seu ego narcisista. Clark Kent ja el va alertar abans de passar-li “la comanda”. Ernest sabia perfectament els devastadors efectes secundaris de barrejar el verd-esperança de la kriptonita amb el vermell-passió del Rivera del Duero.

Pseudònim: Splash

The night that I thought I was going to die

It was late on Saturday night. I was sleeping when an alarm began to sound. It was the alarm from my neighbor’s house. I went quickly to see what was happening. A burglar had broken into my neighbor’s house and it was the criminal who robbed the bank last week.

First of all, I called the police who came here and then I went to help my neighbor. When I came into his house I saw the burglar but he didn’t see me. He had a gun. I attacked him quickly from behind but the burglar, heard to me and he shot my leg.

He was going to kill me when, suddenly, thee police appeared and arrested him. Also the ambulance came and took me to the hospital.

Pseudònim: MG


It all started a the second break,a guy from second of ” Bachillerato ” gave a rose and a note to one of my friends. The boy told us that it was from an anonymus sender. When the break finished ,almost all my class knew about it. We were all trying to guess who the sender could be. We asked everyone on my class but no one semed to know the sender. Some people were comparing the note writting with everyone’s handwriting. But suddently the same guy that brought the rose entered and took it. After apolagising, the guy said that he made an error because the rose was for another person.

Pseudònim: JN

What happeend last nigth?

I woke up in a strange place, I didn’t remember anything about last night, I sent out with my friends to a party in Viladecans. I remeber that we drank too much. I left alone one moment, and I can only remember when a boy that I didn’t know, told me something that I didn’t recaild.
In that moment I was in a place that I didn’t know. I was alone and I felt hopless when i heard a voice which I can asked why I was there. I told him that I wanted leave. I spend five days there and the boy didn’t let me go. I didn’t call anyone and I never seen the face of the boy.
Finally, the police found me and they asked me lots of questions, I told them all. They invastigated and they discovered that the boy was the boyfriend of my mother.

Pseudònim: AM

The small monsters

The alarm was ringing, this meant that all the monsters were coming. I was alone. So I was very afraid. These little creatures destroy all the things that are in their hands, the only thing that they know is shouting very loudly. Most people like these monsters but I think that they are demons. I think that they know where I am, in the frightening kindergarten. Yes, a lot of monsters, well the people called them babies were about to kill me. All of them entered the room and with all my effort I was able to put the monsters to sleep. I’m going to leave this job I can’t live with this.

Pseudònim: SC


Two summers ago, a family went to the mountains. Their mother was very saad because her boyfriend died, because he had drunk him self to death but she want the best for her sons.
She has three sons; Martí was the older brother and he had two little sisters Marta and Sara, they are twins.
One day Martí went to the middle of the frorest and he saw a pretty girl. The girl that Martí saw in the forest lived near the family summer house.
Martí asked her mother if he could go to the city, his mother saids – yes.
When Martí stayed in a bar he saw the girl and he went to talk with her. The girl was very nice.
After that day they met many more times. Martí falls in love to her.
But the girl talked to him and she said that she was gay, but she wanted to be friends.
The family returned to their house .
And Martí forgot the girl.

Pseudònim: ML


Two best friends were at the park, it was 12:00p.m, and Hayley wanted to play a questions game. So, she asked Harley “what’s your full name?” and Harley said “Harley Marinii Dorothy”.Hayley fainted. From her pocket, dropped her ID card there was Harley’s photo, “Harley Marinii Dorothy’s” photo. Hayley read her full name. There were sisters! She was in shock, but she called an ambulance.

When they were in the ambulance Harley woke up, she looked very pale. She was intimidating Hayley. They hugged and they started to cry. A lot. The driver didn’t know what was happening, the doctor didn’t know what was happening, the nurse didn’t know what was happening, anybody knew what was happening! Then, Harley said “You are. My sister!”

Pseudònim: NR