My dreams

I’m lost in a forest, I don’t know the way home, but, between the trees there is a light, a little light, very similar to the sunlight and I decide to follow it.

I start walking, but the path doesn’t finish, and when it seems closer, the trees start moving. They close the way, I try to cross between them but it’s impossible. Now there is another path on my right, but with no light. I start walking, but I don’t see anything, after some minutes walking, I see a moving light in the middle of the dark, coming to me, and I start running away but the trees start moving and close the escape route. I look back and I see the light closer, and I hide in the trees. I hear a footstep and I stop breathing. I see two man feet. He is holding a blood stained axe. He grabs me by the hair and suddenly, my mother knocks at the door and I open my eyes.

Pseudonym: NPP14


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