“I’d heard the rumours, but I didn’t expect to see ya here, cane and all.” Dagger sat on his big boss chair and sent his minions away, believing to be strong enough against Mrs Danielle Crow, whose bones cracked as she sat down. Her wrinkled hand fidgeted with the tip of her cane. “I know why ya came. I got more of ya’s late husband’s golden teeth than anyone else.”
Dagger smirked, but Mrs Crow ignored him as she served the tea he had put there to mock her. “Imma be the next boss once I get the rest of the teeth. No mafia will listen to an old hag.” Mrs Crow’s lips turned into an old lady’s smile as she offered a cuppa. Dagger took it and sipped, relaxing into his seat. A second later, the cup shattered to the ground. Mrs Crow hid the poison flask in her cane again. She patted Dagger’s body until she found the little bag of teeth. “Never underestimate old women, you prick.”


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