Once upon a time, there was a girl called Maria, she had two siblings, their names were Ariana and Max. One day, they wanted to go to the park, Maria said to her father ‘can we go to the park?’ the father answered ‘yes, of course’.

 The mother said to them ‘good bye’ she was in front of the door,but the door was suddenly closed, they were scared by the strong sound of the door.

The most important thing was that they were outdoors! they didn’t had the key to the house. As the mother was cooking, there was a paw turned on with fire, so they had to call the police! there came the police and the fighters to help them.

Finally all ending well. Maria was sad but when they went to the park she forgot what happened.



Me desperté como si fuese un día cualquiera, pero sin ser un día cualquiera.No.Hoy era un día muy especial. Un día en el cual, todo el mundo se tenia de sentir arropado y querido por sus seres queridos. Un día en el que la gente demostraba su amor regalando rosas y libros. Ese día era el día de Sant Jordi. Al salir a la calle, había un aura de alegría e ilusión. Se sentía que todo el mundo estaba disfrutando. Al tener el día libre, decidí ir a pasear por las Ramblas, las cuales estaban abarrotadas de gente. Las decenas de puestos de rosas no daban abasto con la demanda que había. Yo decidí comprarme un libro y una rosa a mi madre. Camino de volver a casa, como por casualidad, me fije en una persona mayor, que estaba adurmiendo en un banco, y pensé, como puede ser que una persona en un día como lo es hoy no tenga la oportunidad de pasarlo con nadie.



Robert William commits so many sins… Kidnappings, rapes and killing of attractive women. He keeps the bodies of the victims between the walls in the basement of his house; but this time will it be repeated in the same way?

Emma Robinson, a girl that is very beautiful, went out to a party and that’s when he kidnapped her, taking her to his basement, tying her and covering her mouth. As unexpected, he fell in love with her during the process and he decided to seduce her.

As he didn’t get the result, he wanted his heart to begin to break into pieces. So he decided to climb a ladder right where a rope hangs from the ceiling in front of her and Robert jumps in the air.

What will happen with her? Emma has escaped rape and slaughter but will she survive? Will someone find her?



When in the ”Martin” house, arrived Simon’s 8th birthday, his parents organized a treasure hunt to make his birthday more entertaining at the moment of giving the gifts.

When Simon started searching for all the clues he was so concentrated with the map and the instructions that his parents gave to him. Finally, he found everything, except one thing, but instead of it he found a strange box that looked so ancient. Simon, as soon as he found it, called his parents.

When his father saw the box, immediately he smiled, because it was not a normal box, it was the time box of the family, an old tradition. 

Bill (Simon’s father), that afternoon explained to his son all the tradition, and showed him all the things that were in it.



In a big city,there wa a boy called Mathew,who was 12 years old.He was a problematic boy,and he had many fights with his mother,Jessica.

On that day,Mathew told his mother ‘I broke the neighbour window and we have to pay it’,obviously Jessica got furious about it,both were shouting and fighting,neighbours were used to this,Mathew and Jessica too.Mathew was red with rage and he throw a clock to the floor,which broke at that moment.Suddenly,Mathew looked at his mother and to the window,he was scared and surprised.They were paralized,his mum,the birds,the cars,there wasn’t windy,all was paralized,the time was frozen.

He immeddiatly started to cry,and he tried to repare the clock,when he listen voice ‘Wake up’-Said Jessica.



Je ne te vois depuis sept ans, mois tu me manques comme le premier jour. Il ne fait pas si mal quand je pense à toi, mais c’est dur de penser que je ne te reverrai jamais. Je sais que je dois être contente parce que j’ai pu passer mon enfance avec toi, mais ça semble très peu de temps. Je me souviens quand tu lisais le journal dans le sofa, quand tu étais dans le garage, quand tu écoutais de la musique classique, quand tu rentrais du travail ou quand tu jouais avec tes petits-enfants. J’espère de ne pas m’oublier de toi, et j’espère aussi pouvoir t’embrasser encore un fois.



One night, just one night…that moment when you don’t know what to do, you over thought things to the point that you make yourself feel bad. So many things cross your mind, without realizing it; you already have a tear falling down your cheek. You touch your cheek thinking:” am I crying, if I was fine just a moment ago? Of course, I’m not okay”. I just don’t want to accept it. I don’t want admit the fact that I’m an evil person, that’s how every night is like one after other.

Waking up and watching your reflect into the mirror, telling you it’s time to set up a new day that will be like the others…



Un après-midi d’avril, je me trouvais en faisant exactement la même chose qu’en cettes moments. Tu étais devant moi. J’essayais d’écrire mon histoire et pendant je t’expliquais mes préoccupations et avec ta façon particulière, tu me réconfortais avec tes blagues. Tu me faisais rire entre les larmes. Maintenant je me souviens de ta sourire, je me souviens de la mienne… un peu triste, avec mon visage encore humide pour mes larmes. Mais ce que je ne savais pas c’est qu’après quelques jours, mes yeux seraient remplis d’une mer de larmes et de la nostalgie. Parce que c’était la dernière fois que je t’ai vu, la dernière fois que je t’ai souri…



Per què aquesta absència?… Què em produeix aquest buit? On han anat els cants dels ocells o el repicar de la pluja contra la finestra? I el meu món?… On és?

Cau la tarda, el sol és baix. Les aus es retiren a bandada. Em trobo a la finestra i una freda brisa talla la meva cara. De lluny un pagès torna a la seva casa i desapareix quan el corriol s’amaga darrere dels arbres. Aleshores torno a trobar-me sol. Enyoro les meves lectures, elles em donen la vida. Cada llibre un nou jo. Un món diferent lluny d’aquestes quatre parets; sense fronteres, sense límits. Quina aspra se’m fa la vida en aquesta llarga absència de bons llibres.



¿Por qué esta ausencia?… ¿Qué me produce este vacío? ¿Dónde han ido los cantos de los pájaros o el repiquetear de la lluvia contra la ventana? ¿Y mi mundo?… ¿Dónde está?

Cae la tarde, el sol está bajo. Las aves se retiran en bandada. Me asomo a la ventana y una fría brisa corta mi cara. A lo lejos un labrador regresa a su casa y desaparece cuando el sendero se oculta detrás de los árboles. Entonces vuelvo a encontrarme solo. Añoro mis lecturas, ellas me dan la vida. Cada libro un nuevo yo. Un mundo distinto lejos de estas cuatro paredes; sin fronteras, sin límites. Que áspera se me hace la vida en esta larga ausencia de buenos libros.