No sé antes, pero ahora no usan pizarras. Prefieren ser asertivos y dialogar, sin generar grandes frustraciones ̶ aunque eso no siempre se consiga̶. Lo cierto es que aún recuerdo demasiado bien a algunos y son difíciles de perdonar. Pensar en ellos me perturba, desearía borrar de mi mente cualquier cosa que guardara relación. Volver atrás y aniquilarlos por completo sin dejar señal. La especialista me dijo que no sea tan radical, que intente comprenderlos a ellos y a mí en primer lugar. Insiste en que recuerde que seguramente algo saqué de ellos. Puede que tenga razón y que yo me haya vuelto a equivocar. Supongo que sí y que, al fin y al cabo, de los errores se aprende.



On 10th April I discovered that I don’t see you as just a friend. How you caressed me. How you looked at me. How do you not realize how I feel about you? All the time that I am with you is all I need in my life. What am I supposed to do with this I feel? When you told me “you look beautiful tonight” what did you want to tell me? I never thought I could feel what I feel for you. Your hugs became my safe zone. When you pass my hair behind my ear and look at me that way, you cause an explosion of emotions in me. Tell me, do you think that something could happen more than a friendship between us?



Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a castle, far from the city, in the mountain peak. One day Maria (the princess) went to the city to buy something in the clothes shops, when she suddenly ran into a man, he had brown hair and green eyes, it was the prince. They talked with him for a few minutes, he was very kind. They decided to invite him in her house, we had passed a fun moment. They kept seeing him, and 2 years later they had marryed.



That same day, I was lying on the couch, crying, desperate and not knowing how to react. I had been like that for hours and hours, thinking about everything we had been through, about our history, the good and the bad, when we laughed and when we cried together. I started to look at the album he gave me with pictures of us, of our best and happiest moments of our lives, but he was gone, never to return. I felt frustrated and angry with everyone. He had left me there alone that very morning. My best friend, that beautiful summer morning, had come to see me. A few hours later Claudia, his mother, called me crying because her son had died in a motorcycle accident. The same one on which she used to take me for rides. He had died.



I have lots and lots of money. And it has all come to me from my father’s company. I am famous and everything I do will have a social repercussion and I will be “Trending Topic” in the social networks.

It sounds good, and anyone who sees me envies me because I don’t really lack anything. And I have so much money, that if the world were for sale, I could buy it. Every day I go to meetings with other rich people dressed in clothes and suits so expensive that if they were sold with that money, I could surely buy a continent.

And I have tried everything, I have enjoyed vacations in all those places you can imagine, I have traveled to all the places you can think of, I have been with all the celebrities of this world, I have met women as beautiful as the muses of ancient Greece, I have tried everything that brings new sensations to the body, I have enjoyed all the activities you can count and I have tasted all the delicacies that exist in this world.

And from the beginning I looked for real happiness in all these things. I never found it.

Then I started a family, and I put money aside and put my heart and effort into that family. Something strange happened in me. That empty feeling of doing something disappeared. That feeling that I was used to disappeared. Then, I put my efforts to look for an answer to it.

Why was he happy now? I came to think that it was money that made me unhappy and unhappy. But I realized that when I started a family, when I forced myself to think about other people, I stopped thinking only about myself, and that gave me happiness.

Now I am happy, and now I strive to make other people happy. Money helps me, but it’s not the column that holds that. A person sees in you that you love him, when he notices that you stop doing what you want to do, to do what he wants.



I had never felt like this before, after spending almost four years in an absurd war, where brothers fought against brothers, I could not believe that this had happened. I could hardly speak because of the pain, the anguish, and the loss of many loved ones, I could not be the same as before, I felt insecure, useless, I did not feel like before, I had lived many things, I had seen many deaths, and at night I only saw the faces of my dead or badly wounded comrades. However, I had never been so close to my family, the time after the war brought me closer to them than I had ever been in my whole life, they loved me, cared for me and supported me in spite of everything. Now I think that, despite the suffering, I know that everything bad leads to something good.



Escriure’m és com acariciar-me.

Quan escric em despullo de fora endins, arraconant una capa rere l’altra. Infiltrant-me poc a poc dins de les estructures toves del meu ésser fins arribar a veure’m tal i com soc, anatòmicament parlant. Deixo que les neurones poètiques, no pas les biològiques, s’encarreguin elles d’agafar les regnes de cada descàrrega vital. Així, suaument, navego per la sang que em porta a indrets amagats del cor que no sabia que patien o sentien. M’he arribat a capbussar dins aquesta sang tant vermella d’emocions i he trobat algunes llàgrimes incapaces de dissoldre’s, de tant d’oli de tristor que desprenen.

Crec que no voldré tornar a sortir per veure el meu rostre i perfil dins del mirall. Prefereixo romandre en aquest aixopluc i anar escrivint per buidar la ment i, ben aviat però no ara, tornar-la a omplir de vida.



El filtre de llum no havia aconseguit difuminar completament les arrugues de la cara però, almenys des d’aquell angle, destacava la palmera sobre aquell blau turquesa que causava aquell efecte tan desitjat.

Aquella captura, com la carena nevada de fa uns dies o les petjades a la sorra, era a punt de descarregar l’adrenalina instigada per l’anhel dels altres. De nou, i ben aviat, rebria tots aquells likes, equivalents a més veneració i dependència: estímul pur d’autoestima al capdavall.

Va revisar-la vàries vegades, delitant-se’n, i finalment complaguda va disposar-se a fer el lliscament digital sentenciós.

Simultàniament, com si servís d’avís l’entrebanc amb el sac de sorra utilitzat fa uns dies, va adonar-se d’un petit detall: avui era el seixanta-sisè dia que no sortia de casa.



Once upon a time in a town in the U.S.A a boy lived called Mikel. Mikel was a dreamer, but he knew that his dreams never  became true. But one day Mikel thinks that if he let the time pass, maybe the dream that he dreamt can be true.


Mikel was still a boy and his dreams never changed. But one day Mikel was going to school by car and:

  • Oh no it can’t be possible

He saw Lionel Messi. They stopped the car faster and Mikel asked him for one picture.

And his dream came true.




Era un hombre como cualquier otro, tenía una familia que había crecido con amor, era feliz viendo a sus nietecitos jugando y recordaba aquellas sonrisa de sus hijos cuando eran pequeños. Se sentía feliz, lo tenía todo, una tarde poco a poco fue perdiendo la memoria, primero olvidaba cosas, luego a sus seres queridos, llegó un momento en que no pudo vestirse, la comida le resbalaba por la cuchara incapaz de sujetarla. Su mujer, sus hijos veían como su vida se apagaba poco a poco, aquel hombre que lo había dado todo por ellos ya era solo un ser perdido en la profundidad de no se sabía que, quizás los reconociera aunque fuera incapaz de hacerlo sentir

Una tarde se fue de este mundo sin apenas darse cuenta, la terrible enfermedad del Alzheimer se lo llevó poco a poco.