When I remember you, I remember the best person in the world, a person who loves me and someone who cares about me. The days when I went to your nursing home were the favorite days of my week. We were talking, playing, eating… And the most important, I were with you. And suddenly, one day, you weren’t there. Since that day, I can’t see you anymore, I can’t talk with you and most importantly, I can’t hug you.



En una casita blanca, en medio del bosque llegó una niña al mundo que desde muy pequeña se hizo querer por toda la aldea cercana, a los cuatro años fallecieron sus padres, una tía vino a cuidarla, se encontró una perrita en el bosque y las dos crecieron juntas. Tenía un pequeño huerto que cultivaba repartiendo la mitad de lo que recogía entre los necesitados. Una tarde la perrita se puso mala, la llevaron al veterinario que la ingresó ensu hospital, cada día se personaba en la iglesia rezando por la perrita, un día la perrita falleció por culpa de una negligencia intencionada, pues necesitaban el cuerpo de la perrita para una necropsia. La niña dejó de rezar, de ayudar a los necesitados, se dejó ir, al poco tiempo la niña fallecía, la enterraron junto a la perrita cerca de la casita, ella murió de pena mientras los cobardes siguen campando a sus anchas y haciendo daño a otras personas.



I want to tell a little story of a zoo. It starts in a small city in Germany. One day an elephant wants to visit the city, but he doesn’t know how to get out. A child that passes by the elephant, looks at the elephant, and sees that he doesn’t look feel good. He told his parents, and they told the animal security, to do something. Then animal security let the elephant free through the city. When the elephant is free in the middle of the city, it starts to destroy everything. The police arrest the elephant, and they put it in prison for three years. All the animals in the zoo are very sad because they are friends. Three years later when the elephant goes back to the zoo, friends (the other animals) get him a present for making the elephant a smile on his face. The present was a model of the city, to have a memory of her.



Agobiado por las deudas aquel padre luchaba por sobresalir, su oficio de barrendero no le daba suficiente para vivir, una tarde se encontró una cartera repleta de dinero, que suerte, de quién será, me la quedo, al llegar a casa se la enseñó a su mujer, era sábado, el lunes pagaré todas mis deudas. El domingo un anuncio en el periódico anunciaba de un señor mayor que había perdido una cartera y suplicaba que se la devolvieran a perdería su trabajo. La conciencia le reprochaba su conducta, devolvió la cartera, mujer no podemos pagar las deudas, he devuelto la cartera. A la mañana siguiente se presentó un abogado, aquel hombre mayor le había nombrado heredero de una cuantiosa herencia, dijo que al fin había encontrado un hombre honrado.



It all started on a school camping trip. I was in a tent with my friends

And suddenly a tiny card appears with a message. I read the card out loud to my friends.

“Meet me at the Ashdown Forest at twelve, o’clock at night”

None of my friends wanted to go with me. I woke up at eleven o’ clock and I walked to the forest. A cold wind blew on the back of my neck and ears like the touch of cold fingers. The whole world seemed unnaturally dark, without light. It was taking too long. I looked at my watch again. And, in the middle of the forest, a huge werewolf appeared in front of me. I ran away as much as I could. He was so big and too fast that I knew that he would catch me. And all of a sudden my Maths teacher emerged with a knife. He threw it and he hit the mark.

My teacher and I returned to the camp without a word. Anyone will know about that.



One day, three kids decided to make an investigators team. They wanted to earn money, but they were not very clever. They were from 6 graders at a public school in Sant Cugat. Ana, Paul and Peter didn’t have many customers, so they decided to buy everything to seem like professionals, but it didn’t work. They needed luck and help. The next day at school, Ana found a new student who was super-clever, so she said she would help them in the investigators team. She was Maria, from Australia. Ana was nervous, but she invited her to her house in the afternoon.

“Hello, I’m Ana and these are Peter and Paul, my best friends. We are part from an investigators club”, said Ana.

“Oh! I think I can help you. I love cases. Also, I have something that can help us”, said Maria.

Maria took out a yellow pencil with something written there. It said, “This is a detector for things you have lost”, the three guys were surprised and decided to use it to find things and have more customers and more money. Two weeks later they received many cases, but … without the pencil! They were more clever and they were four professional detectives.



In 1 year, 52 weeks, 8760 hours and 525600 minutes, there is only 1 day, 24 hours and 1440 minutes as representative as this day, Sant Jordi, when the flowers begin to grow and the heat begins to arrive, the birds sing more and a knight saves his princess from a fearsome dragon; but let’s not rush, let’s tell the story from the beginning. In the 300s or so the king must make a draw to see who the poor man or woman will be who will have to serve food to a dragon that stalks the town, unfortunately for the chosen one is the princess. She about to be devoured appears Jordi with sword and shield gleaming to save his maid by sticking the sword in the heart of the dragon from which he sprouted a beautiful rose bush that he gave to his beloved as proof of his love.



Once upon a time, five years ago Cristian decided to go to an important university in Barcelona. His parents were very proud because Cristian was a great student and his family loved him too. At least, it is what it looked like. 

The university offered him to go to an university of E.U with all the costs paid. Christian accepted the offer at the instance.  His mother was too sad,  because he was only able to stay with his son on Christmas,  the rest of the year she couldn’t stay with him.

 Christian learned much English in USA and had excellent marks.  However he took distance a lot  with all of his family,  especially with his mother,  in the last 3 months only talked  to them one time,  because the  Christians father obligated in.  He told Christian that his mother was very strange. Christian’s parents were divorced.

 Finally, when Christmas arrived,  Christian decided to go to see his mother.  When we arrived at the house he looked at his mother with another son and she  ignored him!



Robaron en una joyería, el ladrón salió corriendo tropezando con un transeúnte que paseaba por la calle, al chocar los dos hombres una joya se desprendió del bolsillo del ladrón yendo a caer a los pies del hombre. La policía viendo la joya a sus pies lo llevó detenido, se hizo un juicio extremadamente rápido y fue condenado a veinte años, en su casa los hijos esperaban al padre que nunca llegó, la madre había muerto no hacía mucho, eran dos niños muy pequeños a los que llevaron a una guardería, siempre allí preguntaban por su padre, siempre la misma respuesta, mañana vendrán, nunca más lo vieron, igual que ese cuantos otros habrán corrido la misma suerte en un mundo que no es perfecto.



I was lost in a very high building and I heard a lot of mysterious steps. I was so scared and I started to run to the top of the building but all the doors were closed but the last, that was a little bit open. I was very scared but I opened the door to ser if I could hide there but there was only a carpet. I looked round the area and I saw the monster. It was just a little dog.