L’Antoni i l’Enriqueta jeien, com era habitual, a la porta d’entrada d’aquella caseta petita que hi havia al costat de l’escola. Els cotxes passaven amb fruïció deixant anar tot tipus de gasos contaminants, el que em va fer pensar que els seus pulmons devien ser més negres que el carbó, ja que passaven cada dia de l’any asseguts en aquelles atrotinades cadires esperant ves a saber que. Un dia després de l’escola, al observar que la cadireta de l’Enriqueta no reposava al seu lloc habitual, vaig tocar el timbre. A l’instant va aparèixer la figura encorvada de l’Antoni, que em va relatar que l’Enriqueta ens havia deixat. Després d’aquella impactant notícia se’m va acudir preguntar-li que perquè eren allà cada tarda, ell em va dir que era únicament un recordatori de la fugacitat de la vida i la necessitat de viure-la com cal.



He turned around to look her straight in her eyes. “This-” he pointed at her, and then at himself. “This is never going to work. Never.” A slight quaver in his voice gave him away.

His blue eyes seemed cloudier than usual, like a storm was about to break amidst that sea of ice. After what seemed like an eternal minute, he ultimately stormed off, slamming the door behind him. And there she was left, alone again.

She stood there in the center of the room, the moonlight that seeped through the open window painting everything of pale silver. A teardrop streaked her cheek, leaving a glistening salty trail behind it. She curled up on the sofa as the impassible moon reached its highest point in the sky. The night seemed to grow even more silent as a slight wind rose up and cuddled her in its arms, until she finally fell asleep



Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved reading and spent many hours in the town’s library. One day, while peeking through a book of fairy tales, she found a piece of paper with a note that said: “If you want to live the adventure of your life, come to the square at midnight.” Curiosity took over and she decided to go and when she arrived, a dragon was waiting for her. Surprisingly, instead of attacking her, the dragon gave her a task: to find the key that would unlock the chest containing the greatest treasure in the world. And so, the young girl set out to find the key, not knowing that the real reward was the journey she had to undertake to find it.



Her name was love and she never had talk with any boy because she was too shy to stay in front of someone. In the school there was a new boy called Alex, when he explained things about of himself to the class. She connected in that moment and she offered give him a tour with a one rule… He couldn’t see her eyes.



Sabía que era su única oportunidad, la vida se le escapaba y quería vivir un poco más, se entregó a la vida de una noche de pasión y a la mañana siguiente fallecía entre los brazos del amante, una sonrisa se perpetuaba en su boca. Murió soñando con la vida



When Frank’s wife had a car accident, she was so bad because she fell into a coma. Years passed but Frank did not stop visiting his wife at the hospital. Even though almost everyone – including the doctors – had given up hope, he remained faithful that she would one day recover. Every time he visited her, he began talking to her, recounting all those beautiful moments they spend with each other. One day, when he showed her the video of their wedding day, she slowly began to move her hand. She whispered his name and began gaining consciousness. Several weeks after she had woken up, she had fully recovered and was finally allowed to leave the hospital for good. When the couple left, she told Frank that she heard his voice while she was in a coma and that it was his voice that was the greatest aid in helping her to return to consciousness.



It was a day of the summer in the year 2023 and Jackson was playing videogames when his best friend Paul called him to go to play football at the park and Jackson told him to go to a football pitch where it was behind the house of Jackson and Paul agreed.

Both of them arrived at the same time at the football pitch,Paul shot the ball and Paul broke the window of an abandoned house and Paul told Jackson to go with him. Paul opened the door and he found the ball but it was a reflection of the ball,the house was haunted,Paul and Jackson started searching for the ball but Paul saw a very strange man,he call Jackson but Jackson didn’t see anything,but Paul recorded that he had visions of her brother,because he saw her brother dead and he told Jackson that the house was not haunted,that he have visions of her brother.Jackson find the ball and both guys returned to play football.



A long, long time ago, in a little town located in middle of the no wear, there was a pretty princess, named Bethany. This was the prettiest girl in the word. One day her dad who was the king of the castle saw that she was going out with bad guys. Later on the day nobody knows nothing more about her.

Five days later, a woman that was walking heard a scream coming out the ground nearby the castle. She asks to the police what was going on there, the police watch the plans of the castle, and saw that there was an underground prison. They came in the castle and go directly there. They arrived and saw and enormous underground prison. One of them make out that there was a girl attached to the wall. They unattached her and directly go to his dad “the king” and arrested them.



Esperando tu llamada el treinta de febrero, pero ¿por qué si no tienes señal donde estás?. Mirando al techo con una tristeza horrible cuando veo esa estrella que me diste, me duele el corazón, es que es ilógico como la luz de tu alma sigue iluminando la mía, y tu voz que no escucho sigue deleitando mis oídos, y con tu presencia que no está siento que me cuidas, aquel abril era el ser más feliz y triste a la vez. Me dejaste helada en ese Mar de agua salada con ese vestido rojo que tanto te gustaba, sonaron las sirenas y llegaron en el momento inoportuno, te fuiste y me dejaste, ahora te espero, pero la pregunta es a quien espero, tú no regresarás porque son veinte puñaladas igual que los años que estarás, eso pensé, pero te veía en las nubes y no fue así, años adelante te conseguiste otra vida y yo quede solo en tu recuerdo.



Cada matí a la Princesa li agrada prendre tranquil·lament el café amb llet abans de sortir de casa cap a la feina. Aquells minuts de calma, asseguda davant la tassa vermella, fumejant, remenant i mirant a l’infinit; el café fort, els pensaments que es dissolen dins la tassa. Després s’atansa sigil·losament a l’habitació del Cavaller, tan petit ell, tan vulnerable encara; l’espia, se li acosta i li fa un petó. Per un moment percep el seu somni: ell ha crescut i lluita per protegir-la, del Drac, de la gent que li vol fer mal. Però el Cavaller encara és petit, la seva espasa és de joguina i les batalles que pot lluitar són de fantasia, de cotó de sucre. La princesa surt i, abans de marxar, es col·loca l’armadura. El Drac l’espera a fora en forma de fòbia, de terror als espais grans i a la gent.