Et il est parti sans dire au revoir, sans donner aucune explication. Elle essaya de plonger dans ses sentiments mais ne trouva que le silence. Maintenant, son cœur est un anneau échoué dans la désillusion, au milieu d’une main qui cherche une autre illusion.



Después de tanto tiempo, Roma, mi vecina, por fin la ví. Esperaba con ansía verla. Seguía tan enamorado de ella, miraba su ventana cada día con la esperanza de ver su bonito rostro, pero no aparecía. Pasaron las semanas y cada vez perdía la fe en verla, pero llegó ese día, por fin la vi desde mi ventana. Allí yacía asomada en la suya mirándome fijamente, me quedé ensimismado cuando el sonido del timbre me despertó de mis pensamientos.

Era la madre de Roma, lo que me dijo me dejó helado. Roma, mi querida Roma, había fallecido hacía tres semanas.

¿Había sido mi imaginación o realmente me estaba volviendo loco?



Se hace saber que ayer nació una niña a las cuatro de la mañana y que goza de buena salud, también se hace saber que las vacas del Eustaquio se han escapado, se ofrece una recompensa de dos mil reales para aquel que las encuentre, atentos, noticias de última hora. Se informa que la Adelina y el cartero han roto relaciones a dos semanas de celebrarse la boda por culpa de la madre de ella que busco un novio rico para desposarla y que el muchacho se ha marchado del pueblo, la niña desesperada se ha fugado detrás del cartero, dice el alcalde que es cosa corriente, riauuuu, riauuuuuu, es todo.



Six friends were sent by their parents to a forest camp as they didn’t live up to the expectations of their parents. They thought that by going camping they would learn to have more responsibilities. But they didn’t know what their children would have to cope with. The first days were great, the friends were spending a good time with each other. But one day, they came across an enormous bear. Everybody started shouting and running away. There was nobody they could ask for help, because all the teachers were far away doing other activities. They ran until they came across a huge lake. They didn’t have time to think so they just jumped into the water and started swimming to reach the other border. However that didn’t stop the bear which was each time closer. Suddenly, a shot was heard and the bear fell over. What seemed to be a hunter appeared through the woods and anxiously asked “Is everybody all right?”



I met a pretty girl.

I met a pretty, smart, smiley girl.

I met a pretty, smart, smiley Spanish girl.

I met a pretty, smart, smiley Spanish girl who I became friends with.

The pretty, smart, smiley Spanish girl who I became friends with used to cry in front of the mirror.

The pretty, smart, smiley Spanish girl who I became friends with used to cry in front of the mirror every day because she saw the worst of her.

I fell in love with the pretty, smart, smiley Spanish girl.

And now I see how of a pretty, smart, smiley Spanish girl I am.



Solía despistarme con facilidad, pero esta vez fue diferente, me llego una suave brisa que me brindó paz. Es difícil describir una sensación con claridad, supongo que todos tenemos nuestra manera de captar ciertas cosas, solo puedo decir que esta era especial. A lo lejos oía voces, puede que de la gente que se suponía que tenía cerca, risas, susurros… cada voz con su propia armonía. Al dar un paso sentí un leve cosquilleo en mis pies desnudos. ¿Qué hacía descalza en mitad de la calle?, me pregunté. De repente se desvanecieron todas aquellas voces. Al mirar a mi alrededor comprendí que no estaba en la calle. Aquella vez, a diferencia de otras, estaba en la luna.



El estuche de María tenía vida y los útiles escolares de su interior tenían algo que contarme.

Lápiz se quejaba de que era el más usado, con diferencia; le desagradaba que María cuando se aburría en clase, sobre todo en la de matemáticas, lo mordiera hasta agotarlo.

Goma tenía que estar pendiente todo el día de los errores que cometía Lápiz, y deseaba que María leyera más para mejorar sus faltas de ortografía: se estaba consumiendo y cada vez era más pequeña.

Bolígrafo Azul se sentía culpable de no poder corregir los errores que detectaba; aunque algunos días, para su tranquilidad, María llevaba corrector y rectificaba las faltas. Además, le parecía injusto que Bolígrafo rojo estuviera siempre ocioso, mientras él no paraba de trabajar en la escritura.

Al final, Lápiz se agotó; Goma se consumió y Bolígrafo azul se quedó sin tinta.

¿Por qué no los habría escuchado antes?



It was raining.

I opened the umbrella.

I looked at the sky.

My eyes filled with tears, almost indistinguishable from the raindrops that had fallen on me earlier.

I cried more and more.

I saw it.

I ran to him no matter what he thought of me anymore.

I didn’t care.

I wanted him.

He looked at me somewhat incredulous at the unexpected situation.

We were him and I, under the rain, under the clouds.

I sniffled, crying more and more intensely.

I approached.

He smiled at me, a sad smile.

I saw a tear slide down her cheek.

I kissed him.

I close the book.

Why don’t stories end like this in real life? -I asked myself.



Once upon a time in the furthest village of all time, a really bizarre traveller, arrived. At first nobody at the village noticed that they had a really mysterious visit, but on a few days, they saw lots of things that didn’t fit in their village the reason of that things was that the traveller was an ancient wizard, which was trying to create new spells, but the results of that were terrible. The environment of the village was dying, but what the village didn’t noticed was that the responsible of that was the traveller. They did everything they could to save their village and to survive, but they couldn’t do anything. The traveller showed them a solution to look after their village, but it was part of the plan of the traveller and after a few weeks they where under the control of the traveller and that’s how they become lab rats and chose their unexpected final



In this house (Peter John`s house), lived his elderly parents (Lady and Saviour) who didn’t care what their son did. As soon as you entered, there was the dining room and next to it the kitchen; going up to the ‘‘top floor ‘‘, there was the bedroom of Peter’s parents. But oddly enough, the best place in the house was the basement, where Peter lived spoiled. While watching a series on Netflix, he smoked a bong, and he had given this one a nickname too: shisha. He lived in a town called Sentmenat, in Barcelona. Finally, he decided to look in the ovens where the bread was baked to see if he could find any trace. But so far Peter did’t know this. At first, he thought it was normal, since the supermarket moor has the right to smoke. He lifted his arm in the direction of the oven and when he was on his way home, he decided to take the bread and then make himself a sandwich. He raised his arm in the direction of the oven and when he went to open it, he couldn’t, it seemed to be stuck with glue. He pulled hard and the ovens fell causing a big noise and knocking Peter down. When Peter got up, he was surrounded by five young men, including a woman. Then one of them reloaded his gun and before Peter could see it coming, he punched him, knocking him out. Peter then punched him and finally, now he was free of everyone.