One day, you went home after being in school for 8 hours. Since you’re so tired the first thing you do is sleep. When you get up, you eat a bit and then sit on your desk’s chair to study. You are very concentrated and… when you stopped to take a break you saw a huge shadow on your wall. You remember that in history class your teacher explained that every century the giant shadow appears. It’s a nameless mythological creature from Ancient Greece that goes to random teenager houses and takes them to another world. But when you looked at the kitchen, you didn’t see anything, so you thought that the shadows were figments of your imagination. But when you realized that the shadows were not figments of your imagination. But when you realize they’re not it’s too late.



La campana tañó una vez, sacándome bruscamente de mis contemplaciones.
Su voz grave e imponente se quedó flotando en el ambiente unos segundos que
me parecieron eternos, entremezclándose con ese olor a piedra fría y polvo
húmedo que tanto detestaba. Levanté la cabeza hacia el techo y entorné los ojos
durante un instante, casi como si quisiera reñir a la inoportuna campana por
haber interrumpido mi hilo de pensamientos. “Cállate”, pensé. Pero la campana
tañó otra vez, haciendo caso omiso a mi riña.
Mientras su voz de estaño se iba disipando, escondiéndose en los sitios más
recónditos del templo, miles de motitas de polvo bailaban en los haces de luz
que entraban por las vidrieras. Inspiré ese aire frío y viejo. Había llegado mi hora.



Aquell dia plovia, plovia molt i ella corria, corria molt, volia sortir d’un forat en el que la vida l’havia endinsat però la pluja que queia per dins del seu cor no la deixava sortir. Ella mai havia imaginat que una tempesta interior la pogués dur a aquell forat on a vegades veia la llum i semblava que veiés la sortida d’aquell pou on s’havia endinsat, però de sobte quan ja estava arribant a la sortida la foscor la tornava a desviar del camí.

Quan va acabar de ploure va sortir l’arc de Sant Martí amb el seu ventall de colors que brillaven com si fos el primer cop que sortia, i ella en veure aquells colors va pensar que s’havia d’arriscar a sortir d’aquella ombra en que s’havia ficat, la vida era massa acolorida per estar sempre en la foscor. Des d’aleshores la seva vida té moltes tonalitats i només plou al seu cor de tant en tant.



A few months ago, on Monday 14th March, I was walking down the street with my friends when suddenly a pickpocket appeared and told us to give him our money and phones.

We were so frightened because he had a knife in one of his hands. We started giving him the money to distract him and then a friend and I pushed him. When he fell, we took advantage of that situation and picked up his knife. When he saw that his knife was in our power, he started running away. Some people helped us to catch him.

At the end, the police took him to the police station and everything ended well. A few days later, the Mayor thanked us for our worth. That was amazing. We are proud of ourselves for stopping a theft



“So, Earthers did really exist!?”, questioned the child, watching his uncle pacing around the room, the man still processing what they had heard.

“No, those humans are just a myth, an old tale for kids like you.” He had truly believed that for so many years, yet the goosebumps on his arms were making him start to question his whole life.

“But it comes from that planet, so what kind of transmission was it?”, he asked eagerly, unaware of what he had really heard, for the child had never had the pleasure of music.



A long, long time ago the town of Montblanc was devastated by a fierce monster and terrible, that can walk, fly and swim, and had and he had such a stinking breath, that from a great distance with his breath he poisoned the air, and caused death to all who breathed it.

Montblanc thought of feeding the dragon, every day to feed a person to try to calm him down. And this is how, after a long discussion, the villagers decided to draw each day who would be the person who would end up in the dragon’s stomach.

It seems that the play went well for them, the abominable beast should feel satisfied, because it stopped wreaking havoc on those lands.



One day a young boy called Tom was on the way to see his uncle Wilson, when he decided to take a short cut through Autumn Park. It wasn’t long before Tom got lost. He looked around, but all he could see were trees. He looked into his backpack searching his phone, but his headphones fell out of his backpack. Also didn’t find his phone. He was completely sure that he had packed his phone. He decided to go where he came from. After 10 minutes walking, he found his headphone again. “What is happening?” he asked. He started runing. Suddenly, there were no more trees in the park. There was nothing. And then, he woke up. He had 3 losed calls from Wilson. He ran as fast as he could, and he reached Autumn Park again. When he was going to call his uncle, he noticed that his phone wasn’t in his backpack.
