Els versos mai no recitats de Sant Jordi

El primer que va fer l’Ahmad quan va rebre aquell ninot esquinçat va ser mirar a la noia que li havia donat i preguntar-li, sorprès, si de debò aquella joguina era tota seua. Ella va fer que sí amb el cap i va somriure. L’Ahmad no podia creure la seua sort! A les seues mans tenia el més valent dels cavallers, amb el que podria jugar amb el seu millor amic del centre de menors no acompanyats, el Khalid, a qui li havien regalat un drac verd. A l’Ahmad li sonava la llegenda de Sant Jordi i volia recrear-la tot jugant amb el Khalid, però de sobte unes llàgrimes van néixer als seus ulls, que encara sentien tot sovint la pols d’aquella Síria que va haver de deixar enrere. El Drac, va pensar, no escopiria foc sinó roses i el cavaller escriuria poemes amb la seua espasa.


The legend of Georgina

Little did she know that it would be her courage and determination what would end up saving the Charming Prince from the fierce claws of the mightiest Dragon of them all. She –who used to be hesitant, silent and weak– managed to become the knight in shining armour; a warrior both warm-hearted and lethal. Riding the bravest stallion in the Kingdom of Aragon, she galloped towards the beast’s lair, where the Prince was being kept alongside many an innocent peasant. She took off her glittering helmet and her gentle, auburn hair fell off suavely, dancing in the air. The Dragon and all the prisoners stared at her, flabbergasted. “We’re doomed! It’s only a woman!”, shouted a heavily bearded man just as she slew the Monster with a precise thrust at its blackened heart.

Isha Iwai


“Don’t tell me who I am.
Don’t tell me who I ought to be.
Don’t tell me I should be nice in order to fit.
Let me be who I really am.
Let me be who I want to be.
Let me choose if I want to fit or if I prefer to wander in this world as a solitary soul, or maybe find others like me.”
Those were her last words before she closed the door and left. Leaving me to wonder if she will ever come back.
Please, come back.

Forever hoping

La vie en un instant

Lundi, 6 de matin, ma mère pleure, quelque chose dans sa tête. Mon père et
moi, nous l’aidons à se lever et s’habiller. Mes grands-parents arrivent chez-
nous. Notre voisine nous emmène avec elle à l’école et mes parents et grands-parents vont à l’hôpital avec ma mère.
Depuis ce jour, chaque matin ou soir pendant un mois nous allons à l’hôpital pour la visiter en espérant que tout aille bien.
Trois opérations, vint cinq jours dans la USI, une valve pour toute la vie…
Dans un instant la vie peut changer, nous devons la profiter, puis nous ne
savons pas ce que va passer le lendemain.



Everything started with a call that you made me accidentally… Then I got curious to know who were you and we started talking. Since the first day, I knew that you were a special boy, also that you were so pretty. When we saw each other for the first time, I felt a connection between us, as if we were soul mates. At that moment I didn’t want to let you go. Days, weeks, months have gone by…and I don’t know nothing about you. It’s 4 am and I miss your smile, I miss you…I know that you won’t come back but I will wait for you forever.



I like when I stay in front of the beach because I relax a lot. I feel so happy when the people that I love are also happy and are having a good time. The day when my little brother was born, I was very nervous, but with a big smile in my mouth, because I knew that I was welcoming my new soulmate. I think the best feeling you can experiment is love and I have lived it in many different ways, but I can assure you that one of the purest is the siblings love.



Nowadays, we live surrounded by sad news, depressed kids, unemployed adults, hopeless people etc…That’s why I believe the feeling of satisfaction is really important for us. In my case, this sense is my personal weapon to fight against my fears. I feel satisfied when I achieve my goals after a really big sacrifice. I also feel satisfied when I’m able to overcome a very difficult problem. When you are in trouble you always have to look for something that motives you, for example getting out of your current situation to improve a bit. Furthermore, I feel satisfied when I help somebody, especially my dad or my family.So, my advice is to battle the problems through satisfaction.



El tren surt atapeït de Catalunya. La pressió dels uns sobre els altres permet un equilibri inestable. Algú baixa a Provença, abans que es reompli l’espai, ocupo el lloc. Amb la vergonya de qui ha donat algun cop de colze per poder seure, miro a terra. No vull veure qui ho mereix més que jo, ni sentir la veu de la meva mare dient que he de cedir el lloc. Em fan mal els peus en les sabates de buscar feina. Sarrià. Algú davant meu amb auriculars i caputxa posada, enganxa un serrell llarg a la finestra. Fa sorolls amb el nas i s’eixuga amb la màniga negra. Baixador. Joventut indefinida. Perd llàgrimes. La Floresta distreu els pensaments obssessius dels qui seiem prop del noi que plora. Valldoreix. Baixo. El seu lloc és buit. A prop, algú somriu.



Hate, envy, resentment, jealousy… feelings that we think that are “hate”, but they are NOT. In some occasion you’ve probably said: “I hate you”. Maybe during a discussion with your friend or also with your parents. Well, you didn’t mean it, you just couldn’t think straight in those moments. You only feel “hate” when you want to become invisible for someone who doesn’t let you be yourself. It’s a feeling that no one will be able to describe.


My sporting change

I’m a shy, unconfident, tiny and nervous person, but there are some important moments in my life where I feel very powerful, strong and confident. Are you thinking about what makes me feel like that?  The answer is in all the feelings that cause me Mugendo. 
What is that? It’s a type of Martial art that combines Karate, taekwondo, tait-chi, personal defence… And makes me feel the hardest girl on Earth.
