Even bigger!

What has your largest travel ever been? Did you feel really far from home? I think that we all can agree on the huge size of our planet. But our planet is not as huge as it looks when we compare it with other things. For example, when we compare it with the sun or another star. Sun has more than 99% of the mass in the solar system, and a radius 110 times bigger than earth’s. But even being that huge, it’s not as huge when we compare it with other things. We can compare it to a black hole. A star minimum needs 55 solar masses to become a black hole, and when it becomes one, it gets bigger and bigger. For you having an idea about the mass of a star that’ll become a black hole, only one solar mass it’s the same than 1,989·1030 kg! But if we compare it with other things… we can find bigger things for the infinite!


The magic world

One day Maria and her sister Sophie were playing together in the garden. But suddenly they heard a strange noise coming from the shrubs. The two little girls were scared because they didn’t knew what was happening. They didn’t see anyone but a weird sound was coming out of the plants.  After a while Maria decided to walk to the shrubs to discover what was happening. When she looked out she suddenly fell inside and disappeared. At the moment Sophie ran after her sister but she also fell inside the shrub. They didn’t know where they were, it was very dark. They saw a little light and they decided to follow it. The light guided them to a beautiful place full of animals, fairies, flowers and rainbows. They discovered a magic world!

Wonder Woman

The mysterious creature

A long time ago a family visited a huge and beautiful lake in Scotland, the family went to an island inside the lake to eat the lunch that they had prepared and when they were eating the son saw a strange shadow in the water but he didn’t mind about it.
Later, the family started playing in the lake and they noted that the water started to do strange movements so they decided to return to house, when they were in the boat they saw a huge wave behind they so the family started going faster and when they arrived to the shore they saw a giant snake swimming in the water.


The worst scare of my life

December 28th… I remember it as if it happened yesterday.  I was watching a series quietly as I had just come home from work and my son was not there as he had gone to a party.

I thought my son wouldn’t be back until the next day because he told me he had stayed over at a friend’s house. After a while I heard a loud noise in my garden and I got a little scared, I went to see what it was and saw a silhouette with a gun. I ran to hide in my house and called the police. The thief came through the window, he saw me and pointed the gun at me and luckily the police just came in. The thief took off his mask and started to laugh. I looked at him and started to laugh, it was my son who was playing a joke on me. That day I knew what it was to be really afraid.


The mysterious story of the missing book

Hundreds of years ago, in Montblanc, was worn Jordi. After a while, Jordi became the town’s mayor. Suddenly, one day, his life and of all the citizens changed. On the night of 22 April, the most valuable object in their possession, the book, disappeared. At that moment, the whole town, desperate for the news, helped in the search for the object. At first, the people searched in their houses and the museum, where it had last been seen. But, Jordi tired of looking everywhere without finding anything, so he decided to go home. All of the sudden, he found it. When Jordi saw the book on their bed, he put his hands on his head because he didn’t understand what he was doing there. Quickly, without missing a beat, he leaves the house and heads for the town hall to tell all the neighbours the news. Today, the explanation for the strange event remains a mystery, nobody knows the true anwer, only hipotesis.

Captain America

The school trip

Five years ago we went on a school excursion to a lake.
It was one of the stranger trips of my life.

First, we arrived there and had lunch. We were starving!
Then, the teacher told us that in the lake was a monster
who likes to eat children, so in no case we had to go near
the lake. Suddenly we saw something moving in the
water. At that moment we detected a boy was missing.
The monster has eaten him, we thought!

A minute later, one of the teachers said to us that the boy
has fallen into the water and there was no monster. I’ll
never forget that excursion.

Little woman

L’été qui nous a appris à vivre

Le sable de la plage, notre maison
la rivière humide et sèche à la fois, notre refuge
les chants des mouettes, notre chanson préférée
les coquillages du rivage, nos signaux
la mousse des vagues, notre route
le froid de l’eau, notre raison
la chaleur du soleil, notre passion
la brise de la mer, notre air


Un dia més

Encara puc escoltar el soroll del motoret d’aquell petit expremedor cada matí sens falta. Jo obria els ulls i sabia que em quedaven quasi un parell de horetes abans d’anar a l’escola. Era una sensació reconfortant. La certesa de la rutina de cada dia, de sentir te protegit, de planificar a què jugaria aquella tarda en tornar a casa. Ara, força anys després, em trobo aquí sense vosaltres, en plena matinada sentint també soroll de motoret però aquest és continu i no m’agrada, no em porta seguretat ni les certeses del dia següent. Ans al contrari és incertesa,por, de no saber si tot anirà bé de si els tornaré a veure a tots i ens podrem ajuntar com abans. Entretant les bombes fan la seva feina i els tractaments van passant. El pàrquing engega el llum verd, el sol treu el nas per Rosselló i a fora torna a començar la dansa de les formigues, la tant enyorada rutina.

Eric Cid

The Hope

Sometimes I would like my dreams come true because for most of the people, life isn’t as easy as they expected and sometimes it’s difficult to continue. But with effort, and being confident, you can reach your goals, just by yourself without others’ help.


Five murderers

I remember all. It was the 3rd of April 1979, I was in my room when everything happened. Five murderers entered in my house. I still hear my little sister’s screams in my head when they stabbed her with a knife, and my father telling them “please let her alive!”, but the murderers killed all of them anyway. I quickly hid into the closet and tried even not to breath, I didn’t want to make any sound, but they found me. I still remember the feeling of the knife passing slowly through my neck, and my blood running down my chest. Now, my soul reminds in that house trying to avenge my family, so everyone who enters the house, will never leave it.
