My best friend turned out to be toxic

Hi, I’m Jenny and sometimes people are not what they seem to be.Like a wolf disguised as a sheep.My story is about someone who is exactly like that.

A year ago my family and I moved to a new city. So, of course, I had to adapt to a new city, new friends …I got along with everyone, but everything changed during one of the lessons. When I was sitting next to Rachel.

She stands out for the way she dresses, the way she talks … As time went on I realized that we had many things in common and that we liked the same things. In a few weeks we became best friends. Apparently it turned out to be the opposite that what I thought.

She made sarcastic comments about me,about my music taste or about me in general.

I became paranoid, maybe I was worrying too much.

Rachel always made comments  in front of people so that I could see myself humiliated,she left me alone  and when I finally realized. I had already made many friends and they did appreciate me.

At that moment I decided that the best thing would be to get away from her, I was lucky to reacice it before and not let her manipulate me.

Pseudònim: pepa2


It was April 23, the day of Saint George. It was a normal school day, but at the time of the playground they were selling roses and books. I was buying a rose for my mom when a dragon suddenly appeared and it was spitting fire.

Everyone started to run out of the school escaping from the dragon and the fire. We were all terrified, but it seemed that we all managed to escape. However, the teachers discovered that a girl from my level was missing. Nobody could go looking for her because the school was totally set on fire. Although, after a few moments the girl appeared in Saint George’s arms and she was protected by Saint George’s body. Finally, he gave a rose in flames to the girl and he disappeared.

Pseudònim: GN

Magic Machine

As always Daniel went to the game store when he left the institute.
As soon as he arrived at the store he saw that only two machines were unoccupied, one of them with a sign that said “out of order”.
He ran to the operative machine, but another boy won the race so instead of going home, he started to touch the machine. He didn’t know what he touched and in a few seconds he saw a blue light and he was in another place.
Eventually Daniel realised that all around him was like a familiar game that he used to play at home. In front of him he sawed a cookie and he had the impression that he had to catch it.
At that very moment a counter appeared on top of it like that game, it was very strange but he continued walking.
A short while later he noticed that was a green flower pot in front of him, but when he was about to see what was inside a red plant came out of the pot and bit him.
Soon after that Daniel reappeared at the beginning. All of a sudden know what he had to do, he started running while he was catching cookies and dodging that flower pots.
At the end of the road he saw a white door with a poster with the word “exit”.
In next to no time Daniel saw an intense white light, when he could open his eyes he realised that he was on the floor of the shop and a lot of people was looking at him.
Daniel suffered an electric shock when he was touching the machine. At last everyone believed that it had been a painful experience, but for Daniel it was the best experience of his life.

Pseudònim: HE


Saint George’s day I was very happy because that day I was going to return to my family in Catalonia, I had been in Canada for a year. But I had a big problem because in Canada that day was very cloudy and in the airport they told us that any plane can’t flight in these conditions and we had to stay there in case the conditions change, when I heard those words I was very sad because I wanted to spend this day with their. After I went to look in the airport shops and I found one which sold roses. I decided to buy one thinking about the great day in Catalonia. To make the full day I went to buy also a book and I spent all the time like if I were there with my family.

Pseudònim: Color blue


On the 22nd of August 2007 there were a brother and a sister, who were watching the cartoons “Peppa Pig”. They loved those cartoons, and when they arrived home they always started to watch like 50 episodes of “Peppa Pig”. One night, the boy and the girl found a TV remote, pressed a button and they were teleported to CAILOU. They appeared inside his house, and said -Hello Caillou , are you? Said the boy – Yes! Answered Caillou – Oh my god, do you want to come with us to an adventure? They pressed the button and finally the appeared on “Peppa Pig” and they were so happy. They threw a party all together… But everything had been a dream.

Pseudònim: DREAM

Esta mañana

Guardé la nota de suicidio de mi padre en el bolsillo interior de mi chaqueta, descolgué la cuerda y salí de casa.

Hacía frío. Debería haber cogido otro abrigo.

Pseudònim: Bluebird


Un pitido suena sin cesar, yazco en la orilla del mar, noto como el agua acaricia mis mejillas quemadas por el sol. Consigo levantar mi ligero cuerpo ya sin fuerzas. Mis labios están salados mis ojos sin luz, avanzo poca a poco clavando mis pies en la arena de la playa. Caigo de nuevo al suelo, puedo ver ojos clavados en mí, llenos de curiosidad pero con poco afán de ayudar, murmuran sin cesar. Estoy agotado, pensado que todo llega a su fin, entonces a mi mente vienen todos esos recuerdos , el de mi madre delante mío con sus manos acariciándome, con sus ojos verdes llenos de lágrimas, dando esos consejos que solo una madre puede dar y que no sabe si va a volver a ver a su hijo, mi hermano pequeño abrazando mi pierna con todas sus fuerzas, dejándome el pantalón empapado de sus apenadas lágrimas, la despedida es dura pero debo embarcar en el pequeño bote que me espera en la orilla, esperando conseguir un futuro mejor, hasta que una ola me lo arrebató, destrozando la barca en mil pedazos, empecé a sentir un fuerte pitido hasta que desperté. He de seguir dando pasos fuertes en la arena y seguir adelante para conseguir mis sueños.

Pseudònim: EGG

La clau dels records

Les coses no pintaven bé per l’Ona…. Recordava el lloc amb claredat però no el nom de la ciutat. I de sobte, la va trobar, la tenia allà, a les seves mans. Entre un munt de papers va torbar la fotografia que tant havia buscat. Amb l’emoció encara a flor de pell, l’observava en detall i a poc a poc li anaven venint al cap infinitat de records d’aquell estiu a Civitavecchia. Els carrers empedrats, el cremós gelat de cafè, el petó d’en Miquel… Mentre l’observava, es deixava endur imaginant-se que encara hi era allà, però en un moment tot es va esborrar, el pols li començà a tremolar fins que una veu amiga al seu costat li digué: -“ Ona, tot bé?” Era en Miquel o en Miki com ella li acostumava a dir.  Cap ficada i amb veu tremolosa li digué: – “Si, tan sols és que… he perdut de nou les claus.”

Pseudònim: Píndola

The bills marked with“163-PJ”

Nowadays money talks! I have to pay my course today to begin it tomorrow, then yesterday at night, I went to the bank of my street to get money from the cash machine but suddenly, I was thunderstruck when I saw the money obtained. Every bill had on its surface this mark “163-PJ”. I thought the money was false and I went to the Mossos d’Esquadra to denounce it. There I explained the situation and during 10 seconds of silent, the policeman said me: “163-PJ” means “163-Prova Judicial”. Where did you get these bills? And I told him Money talks!

Pseudònim: Skynet 2019


That witty smile wasn’t very reassuring, the run down building, nothing as we expected, was remote from the city. Patrick encouraged us to be positive but we just couldn’t.

The old woman standing on the blotchy white porch was utterly odd with her purple shoes and green skirt. Lily and Patrick had brainwashed and convinced me to sign up for the coolest summer camp in London. I knew I wasn’t getting a very good feeling about it when I saw the price, surprisingly low in comparison to others. And how come, I was right,  it was all a scam. It must have been the dullest camp I have ever gone to.

The woman had a thoroughly wierd grin and was absolutely dreadful. And so were the activities! Thank God it was only a week, I would not have survived there if I hadn’t been for my friends, who were trying to somehow make it up for me.

Pseudònim: Alibi