A new friend for Tom

Tom, a eleven years old boy, went on vacation with his parents to their house in Queralbs. When they arrived there, the first day, they met a little dog that was walking around the house.  It seemed to be abandoned because it wasn’t wearing any collar. Every day, Tom gave it some food and water and they played together. They became close friends. Tom asked his parents to adopt it but they refused. One afternoon, Tom went for a little excursion with his new friend, the dog. Suddenly, Tom fell down to the ground and hurt his leg. He couldn’t stand up. The dog began to run and let Tom alone.  It went to warn Tom’s parents. When the dog arrived to their house began to bark very loudly. Tom’s parents noticed that something happened and decided to follow the dog and found Tom. All the family was very grateful with the dog. A few days after, the family finished their vacation and returned home.  A new member was going with them.

Pseudònim: Maris


The sub-Saharan boy

The water was cold, very cold. It was the only thing I could see, apart from the flames. It was as black as coal, and it was all around me. Only a few hours had gone by since the boat had wrecked, and my fingers were already starting to get numb. If it hadn’t been for the lifejacket, I wouldn’t have survived.

It had all started because of the war in my village, in Africa. There I went to school every day, and I also helped my father to look after the sheep. But when the war started, my home was burnt down. That was the reason my family and I had left the conflict zone. The boat on which we were travelling had sunk, and I had been lucky to escape.

I woke up in a dimly lighted room, and noticed I was laying on a bed. And suddenly, I heard a voice calling my name. I turned around and there, next to me, stood my mother.

Pseudonym: Rovia


La història d’un vell llibre, la meva història

Jo sóc un vell llibre que juntament amb altres vells i avorrits llibres vivia en una biblioteca…

La meva vida era molt trista. Només tenia alegria quan aquella amable senyora de la neteja em treia el pols cada dos dies.

Aquest era el meu dia a dia fins que un nen d’uns tretze anys em va agafar i em va començar a llegir. Era increïble, mai ningú m’havia llegit. Segurament el que em va escriure sí, però jo no me’n recordo, que estrany…

El nen em llegia amb molt interès. Llegia i llegia fins que estranyament es va aturar en un full que per sorpresa meva tenia jo al meu interior. El va llegir i em va començar a rascar la tapa amb una llimona. Per què ho feia? Em preguntava, fins que em vaig convertir en el que realment era, un nen de tretze anys. Una bruixa m’havia convertit en llibre i es va desfer l’encanteri, per això jo pensava i ningun altre llibre ho feia…

Pseudònim: Vípero


What changed my life

Hello my name is Fred Richma I was born the 10th of May in 1936 (now I´m 80 years old), I live in the nord of England in 27 British street, I live with my son who is 40 years old. My wife died in 1926 when she was 70. I´m a retired since 1871, yes yes yes… I know my live is boring but one day all changed I saw a paper on the floor with letters in Chinese like these: “我們尋求老年人老鄉”=translation= We search older people as apprentice, I was bored and I decided to start working again so I went there and later I waited around five minutes then a guy appeared and called me. They asked me questions like where I studied and more things, then they told me to wait in the other room and a few minutes later they told me that I was in! So I started to work in the restaurant and in the secretary. So this is a way to show all who are reading this that  being old doesn’t mean being useless.

Pseudònim: Astronaut 2003


The Ant and the Fly

Once upon a time there was a very hard-worker ant. She always made the same things, with the same people, in the same place… One morning she decided to escape, because she wanted to know other people. The insect spent a few days walking until she bump at into  a very precious butterfly. The butterfly didn’t even look at her. She continued his trip during two hours, but she met with a very stong bee. He only talked about her muscles and why he was so strong. The ant was very worried because she thougt that she would never learn anything about other insects, and she returned home. While she was returning she saw a fly. They talked about their lives. That day the ant learned lots of things, but above everything: the most important things of a person, aren’t possible to be seen with your eyes.

Pseudonym: Carlos Garcia



Silenci, foscor, escalfor… Alguna cosa s’agita damunt meu i sé que ha arribat l’hora.

Una força m’empeny, no de manera continuada, a cops. Començo a sentir enrenou al meu voltant. La força augmenta, portant-me a una zona aparentment sense sortida. Sento una forta pressió al meu cap, crits guturals, una última empenta… adéu a la pressió.

Noto unes mans agafant-me. No puc respirar. El llum entra per les meves parpelles però no les aconsegueixo obrir. Les mans es mouen i… pam! El mal és immens per un cos tan petit i ploro desconsoladament, entonant el cant d’una nova vida

Pseudònim: Ita Uchi



Diu la llegenda que a un poblet, molt lluny d’on estem, anomenat Fender  només s’escoltava musica clàssica. També n’hi havia d’altres pobles com el Cort a unes dues milles cap l’oest on s’escoltava musica indie, però en cap poble podia sonar una cançó pop. El poble de Fender era un poble molt tranquil on tota la gent es coneixia i es saludava tots el matins. Una tarda normal con pot ser un 2 de febrer la gent va escoltar un soroll molt estrany que ningú mai havia sentit. L’alcalde va fer trucar al responsable d’aquell soroll per preguntar-li que era aquell soroll tant estrany. El culpable era una guitarra de 16 anys que havia sigut influenciada pels seus amics de indie, ella tant innocent va respondre que era… pop!  L’alcalde va castigar a la jove guitarra i a tota la seva família a compondre musica clàssica per la resta de la seva vida. El que l’alcalde no coneixia es que aquesta noia havia traspassat tot el seu ritme pop als altres nens. I des de aquell moment la família de les guitarres va fundar un nou poble anomenat…Jackson., el poblet del pop.



Modern Saint George

Once upon a time in a tiny village near Barcelona named Sant Cugat the daughter of the president called Susan, disappear. Everybody was scared because they thought that Susan was kidnap or dead, so the president gets on to the detective 023, named George. He explains to George what did her daughter the day of the disappearance and George started looking for some clues. After some days he found that there was a terrorist band called green dragon which each member have a tattoo of a dragon in the left arm and that kidnap president’s daughters to ask for a lot of money in Cerdenyola, Terrasa, Sabadell… George found the cave of the green dragons. After some fight he finally rescue Susan and capture all the members of the green dragon. This is the story  of modern Saint George.

Pseudònim: Borjabc



Once upon a time  there was an ogre named Jake.He had scared the neighboring town because he wanted to eat them. The mayor thought a plan to catch it. He placed a trap in the forest. They put sleeping herbs in the forest so when the ogre see will eat it. He fell so they could meet him. When he woke up and found that he was a prisoner of those men, listened to his proposal. They wanted to change the way of life. It should work the land to get potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, beans. The major  said: you should create your farm for meat, milk, eggs If  you accepted it would not be released. He accepted when he saw it was a good way to live. From that moment appreciated the good intentions of those who were treated so badly. He was released and lived together in peace.

Pseudònim:  NORTINHO



En un dia de primavera com aquell, ningú no s’esperava aquell fatal esdeveniment. El cotxe s’acostava perillosament al lloc on la mainada jeia congregada. Atemorits per l’enrenou, tots els nanos van començar a sortir per cames, a excepció d’en Xavier, el despistat. Quan semblava que el destí ja era escrit per a aquella pobra criatura , tot d’una, un altre vehicle aparegué en sentit contrari i, salvant la vida del noiet però condemnant-se a la vegada, xocà estrepitosament contra l’altre.

Pseudònim: Billie