Last test the Princess was the persona who was chosen to be sacrified for the dragon ,but a Knight sabes her and today is the day off her wedding. When the Princess was walking to the front part of the hall,we listened a noise. When we went out we saw another dragon coming to the hall. We started feeling scared and when the dragon stopped infront of us we started screaming. After five minuts the dragon took the Princess and the Knight to the hotel’s rooftop and ate them. While all of us were crying and screaming, the dragon shouted:” That’s for haing killed t’he king of t’he dragon’s city”. Karipe |
Author Archives: redaccio
Tormenta de verano
Llueve. Uno de esos chaparrones de verano que te deja calado hasta los huesos, tan inesperado cómo esa extraña llamada a la puerta hace tres días. Recuerdas que, además, justo pasaban tres minutos de la media noche. —¿Ahora? —fue lo único que dijiste después de unos segundos de incredulidad—. Pero…no…me ha dado tiempo… Llueve. Miras cómo las gotas se abalanzan sobre la piedra ya mojada, rompiéndose en miles de chispas vidriosas. La tormenta de verano aún pesa sobre el ambiente cómo una losa húmeda. Sonríes. Al fin y al cabo el más allá no está tan mal. Al menos ya no tienes que preocuparte por ese bochorno veraniego insoportable. Caronte |
Sindicat Gnòmic
Com que gnoms de jardí?! —xiuxiuejes, indignadíssim. —Com els agrada reduir-nos a simples gnoms de jardí. Com si no existissin els gnoms espacials! I els de piscina! I els de ciutat! Ja n’hi ha prou de tanta desconeixença! —pares un moment a redreçar-te el barret. —I a sobre, el vermell em queda fatal! El proper cop que m’assignin a un jardí, truco el sindicat. A mi, un llibreter! Quina indecència! Esbufegues, mantenint-te a l’ombra. Ja s’ha vist el que els hi fa el sol a aquests barrets vermells horribles. Que, a sobre de ser lletjos, es destenyeixen! Simplement indignant. Renegues en gnòmic una mica més, eixugant-te la suor. “Hauran de preocupar-se per aquestes coses els humans?”, penses. Qui sap! Gnom Indignat |
Repressió a la Llibertat de Premsa
Recentment, les autoritats russes han aprovat una llei que prohibeix tota publicitat en publicacions catalogades com a “agents estrangers”, afectant polítics, activistes i mitjans anti-Kremlin. A causa d’això, molts periodistes es veuran impedits de generar els ingressos necessaris per mantenir els seus canals oberts, i es veuran obligats a tancar-los. Alguns d’aquests periodistes sempre han ofert una visió imparcial dels fets, i ara la seva absència em deixa amb una gran sensació de tristesa, frustació i desesperació per què son les meves úniques fonts de notícies. És important reconèixer i valorar l’accés als mitjans de comunicació que ens ofereixen una imatge realista del món. En aquests moments, més que mai, necessitem tenir accés a informació verídica per poder prendre decisions informades sobre el nostre futur. Marush |
Les espurnes
Els amics estan asseguts al voltant del foc. És el mateix lloc on es van conèixer ja fa 15 anys en un campament. Entre diàlegs, somriures i riallades, comparteixen un munt de records del passat, mentre admiren el foc, on troben un refugi per a l’ànima. Quan s’entrecreuen les seves mirades, els ulls brillen com les espurnes del foc i, alhora, cadascú reflexiona sobre la importància de les connexions humanes i la companyonia. En el silenci reconfortant de la nit, cadascú s’emporta una espurna d’aquest moment, i recorda que la veritable llum de la vida són les persones que et fan feliç i amb les quals pots compartir experiències com les que brillen al voltant del foc. Ploma |
Quants cops t’has aturat en aquest camí de roses i esbarzers?
En el silenci de l’avui que fa més mal que el d’ahir.
Quants cops has navegat amb la barca foradada i no t’has enfonsat perquè la teva voluntat era més gran que un simple raig d’aigua?
Dóna’t la mà i seu en el firmament que et fa més fort.
Les paraules esperen la teva parada.
I tried, I really tried, but you can’t see it. You can’t see what I was doing, you didn’t see what was happening.
I tried, I really tried to talk, to solve the problem, to be okay, but you don’t see it, you can’t see the problem I want to talk about.
So I can’t, I really can’t do anything else. But I tried, and I keep going after you.
But you don’t see it, so 9 months later I stop and you don’t know how much it hurts. Because I saw you, doing the things you don’t do with me, doing it with others, but… Why not with me?
One day, Sunday was helping out in her parents store and, suddenly, an unexpected boy walked in. At that moment, she didn’t know how to act in front of him, but at least she knew his name, Jin, and also discovered that he is in the same school. The next day, remembered that she had to go on a trip with her family but she had an idea, her friend Rose should be a spy when she started classes, so she accepted the plan. Rose had a good idea to collect more information about Jin, to be her friend with Jack, the best friend of Jin. As they became close friends, they realized they liked each other. But, when Sunday came back, she was confused. She told her that this was the boy she fell in love with. When he went to the store where she was, his best friend lent him his school uniform, that’s the reason why the two girls had fallen in love without knowing that they were in love with the same boy.
It was a rainy day. I was at home, bored, with nothing to do. At that moment, my dad told me to go to the supermarket. I said that it was raining. He didn’t care. I left the house. I went to the supermarket. In the street there were too many people on a rainy day. I entered the supermarket. I bought all the things that my dad told me to buy. I went home. When I arrived, I saw a group of people at the entrance of my house. At that moment I realized: all those people were my friends and my family and that rainy day was my birthday. I had completely forgotten!
In a small village, there lived a young man named Juan. He was very brave and loved by everyone in his village. One day, a huge snake began attacking the village. The snake had been causing destruction for a long time and damaging homes.
Juan decided to face the problem. He put on his armor and mounted his horse to face the snake. Although the villagers were worried about his safety, they knew that Juan was their only hope. When Juan found the snake, it was spitting venom and its skin shone under the sun. Juan charged at the snake with his sword. The fight was intense. He dodged the snake’s venom and struck it with his sword. After a long and exhausting battle, Juan finally beaten the snake.
The villagers were happy. They thanked Juan for his bravery and considered him a hero. From that day, Juan became a legend.