He turned around to look her straight in her eyes. “This-” he pointed at her, and then at himself. “This is never going to work. Never.” A slight quaver in his voice gave him away.

His blue eyes seemed cloudier than usual, like a storm was about to break amidst that sea of ice. After what seemed like an eternal minute, he ultimately stormed off, slamming the door behind him. And there she was left, alone again.

She stood there in the center of the room, the moonlight that seeped through the open window painting everything of pale silver. A teardrop streaked her cheek, leaving a glistening salty trail behind it. She curled up on the sofa as the impassible moon reached its highest point in the sky. The night seemed to grow even more silent as a slight wind rose up and cuddled her in its arms, until she finally fell asleep


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