
Both experts were climbing an inclined valley. Suddenly they saw a group of people.

They were carrying some machines from the year 3214, a little bit old but they worked very well.

– What do you think? – said the boss.

– In my opinion it’s horrible! – said the scared assistant.

They get close to that scene.

There were lots of human statues, medieval people and modern people! They were too realistic!

– I think they are petrified, sir… – said the assistant.

– I think so too – affirmed the boss.

Then they saw a sign that it were some descriptions in Greek.

They used the new translator, it showed “traitors will rest here until the end” It was very frightening…

They searched for this descriptions in the new searching app but they didn’t appear anywhere.

They took a photo.

They didn’t worry about those consequences.

A mermaid appeared, she had a female body and snakes instead of hair.

They saw her eyes.

She wasn’t strong enough to move the sign.

She needed help. But should we help her, or not?

Pseudònim: GOD

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