Two best friends were at the park, it was 12:00p.m, and Hayley wanted to play a questions game. So, she asked Harley “what’s your full name?” and Harley said “Harley Marinii Dorothy”.Hayley fainted. From her pocket, dropped her ID card there was Harley’s photo, “Harley Marinii Dorothy’s” photo. Hayley read her full name. There were sisters! She was in shock, but she called an ambulance.
When they were in the ambulance Harley woke up, she looked very pale. She was intimidating Hayley. They hugged and they started to cry. A lot. The driver didn’t know what was happening, the doctor didn’t know what was happening, the nurse didn’t know what was happening, anybody knew what was happening! Then, Harley said “You are. My sister!”
Pseudònim: NR