The story of a girl

Once upon a time, a girl who liked reading a lot, got into a story. The story of Sant Jordi. She was the princess but something strange happened. She wasn’t in love with the prince. She fell in love with the dragon, because he was beautiful and big. When the prince found out, he killed the dragon and hist blood turned into. And the prince gave one of them to the princes.

Pseudònim: AA

A day with a difference

It was a 23 of April, the day of my birthday. My parents weren’t in the house because they had travelled to Paris for work. I woke up at 7:30 a.m., I was alone. I went to school. We started the day with the physics chemistry, worst class ever. Nobody of my friends wished me a happy birthday. The school finished and nobody had wished me a happy birthday. I went to my house. I was so sad. I cooked my lunch, after I went to the academy, when I returned to my house it was in fire I forgot to turn off the stove!!! I had some money, I when to a hotel to spend the night. I went to sleep after I had called my parents, they didn’t wished me a happy birthday. After that I thought that it was the worst day of my life.

Pseudònim: 777

School of thieves

Once upon a time, there was a pig called “The Big Pig” that had a friend called “Gherkin The Armadillo” and they were going to their animals’ class of Spanish and they were the worst students in the school and one day they were expelled from school. After that, they decided to start to stealing and as a result of this, they created a school of thieves. And the school was very successful but when it started to grow they realized that what they were doing was not right. They decided to close the school and return to learn Spanish to go to Spain and live there. And so they did it. Big Pig and Gherkin The Armadillo were very happy and they were having fun in Spain. Finally Big Pig and Gherkin The Armadillo got married and had a great party with all their friends.                                                                                                                      

Pseudònim: CM

Manny the Bunny the White Rabbit Accidentally Destroys the supermarket

It was a sunny day when Manny the bunny the white rabbit went happily to the supermarket, he was hungry and he so went to look for his dad. He went in. All the people who were shopping fainted when they so him. The first place where Manny went was the vegetables aisle to eat some carrots. When he has finished he went was the dairy aisle, he was surprised by all the milk which where there. After he went to the cosmetics aisle because he wanted to have a new look. He started with the blush and when he was finished he was a pink and blue rabbit. Finnally he went to the meat aisle. He saw a pig without its head. Mannys ran and he tripped over witha a special package, one with a rabbit in it, “Dad!” showted Manny, he satrted to destroy the supermarket. The supermarket’s boss woke up and saw the supermarket destroyed and a note: “ It was an accident, don’t kill more rabbits. Manny the bunny the pink and blue rabbit”.

Pseudònim: PR


Once upon a time, there was a 8-year-old boy named Rocky.

One day, his mum Alexandra told him that she had reserved a room for two nights at the Sea Hotel for the first weekend of August. They were happy because his mum’s friend had been there one year before, and she’d told them that her daughter Selena had made a lot of friends there, so Rocky’s mum thought that Sea Hotel was a good idea because Rocky didn’t have too many friends…

The first weekend of August arrived, and Rocky and his mum went to the hotel. The first day, they were in the pool, and Alexandra told Rocky: “Go to the little pool and play with those guys”.

Twenty years later, Rocky was hanging out with those friends.

Pseudònim: MORTY

The explotion

Once upon a time, at night, a girl was watching Netflix on her sofa while her parents were sleeping.
She was enjoying the same series of always, Pretty Little Liars, the last episode. Then -A the devil that torture everyone, was getting close to the televition everytime and and one of his hands came through the TV and appaered in the living room.
The girl was very sacred and she didn’t know to do, but -A told her that she had to do something. She has to fight with him. And so the started fight.
-A was a person with lot of strategies. But not only did she beat him also killed him.
The series exploted and nobody remembered this series again.

Pseudònim: Mckenzy


The night started at 20:00 p.m. the friends went to the room, one friend looked in the window and she saw a shadow. She run outside and the others friends followed her. The girl say’d “ I saw a scary shadow, it’s true “. The friends didn’t find anything and went back to the room.  The next day everything was normal, but at night  another boy saw the same shadow, The friends decided to go look. The friends looked everywhere  but nothing, in the left, the hotel haved an abandonate house but nobody went into only two persons wont in 3 years ago an they died. But two friends decidaded to go they enterd  the house they looked in every place but nothing, only  one wardrobe they looked and… they found a  man who worked in the hotel. The man told a joke to the friends, and everybody is laugthen.

Pseudònim:  Martina Gallego

The thief’s name

It’s been a long time since the last time I saw her, she was a fascinating girl, I didn’t talk to her so I didn’t know her name but she didn’t get out of my mind. I labeled her a thief because I think she stole my heart. I went to the same place I saw her every day until I saw her again.

“Hey! Miss!” I said with enthusiasm, she turned around to look to me, my mouth dropped open when I saw that eyes that were actually green. “I’m sorry Miss, but… What’s your name?” I asked looking at the scarf she had around her neck. She smiled slightly and answered with a soft voice “My name is Peach”. She was about to say something else when a friend came to get her, she quickly handed me a little card with I suppose was her number, she turned back and went with her friend.

“Bye my little thief Peach…” I whispered looking at the card she handed me. 

Pseudònim: Carapan


We had the trip organized but not everything went as we expected.

We took a plane to Madrid and then two hours later we took the second on where we would be for nine hours until we reached our destination, Cuba.

After checking in the hotel in La Havana we decided to go out and explore the city. We were going down with the elevator to go to the street when the elevator suddenly stopped. The buttons didn’t work. We knocked on the door until someone helped us to get out. After this unexpected event we went to visit La Havana Vieja.

Two days later, we picked a bus that took us tú Varadero. We arrived at the hotel exhausted looking forward to have a rest. We went to check in but another problem went through: our reservation was cancelled!

Finally, it was all a misunderstanding and we could finish enjoying our vacation.

Despite the problems we enjoyed the trip a lot.

Pseudònim:  Giraffe

A surprise in the moon

In September 17, 1999, I began to work at the atronaut women’s project at NASA. There were 27 teachers who taught us how we could be astronauts, it was one-course course, so we had to learn a lot in a short space of time. In the final, we had an exam. The woman who would get a ten in the exam would be the first woman to be an astronaut and go to the Moon in the world. I studied a lot, it was my dream! Two months later I knew that I won the “prize.” In December 20, my rocket got off and I stepped on the moon. I discovered a secret committee of aliens. They destroyed my rocket and now I am their prisoner. I’m here since December 21, 2000 and I do not remember what day it is today. I’m bored and I’m very scared too…

Pseudònim: Sweet Moon