That witty smile wasn’t very reassuring, the run down building, nothing as we expected, was remote from the city. Patrick encouraged us to be positive but we just couldn’t.

The old woman standing on the blotchy white porch was utterly odd with her purple shoes and green skirt. Lily and Patrick had brainwashed and convinced me to sign up for the coolest summer camp in London. I knew I wasn’t getting a very good feeling about it when I saw the price, surprisingly low in comparison to others. And how come, I was right,  it was all a scam. It must have been the dullest camp I have ever gone to.

The woman had a thoroughly wierd grin and was absolutely dreadful. And so were the activities! Thank God it was only a week, I would not have survived there if I hadn’t been for my friends, who were trying to somehow make it up for me.

Pseudònim: Alibi

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