
Sempre l’havia vist cosint. Ja des de ben menuda, quan solíem passar certs vespres  a can Pedrals, la recordo asseguda al seu vell balancí; en aquell racó glaçat i mal il·luminat, mentre teixia el que esdevindrien llargues cortines pels finestrals o barrocs tapetes per a les calaixeres repartides per tot el mas. I ho feia sense badar boca, mentre s’endormiscava soleta fins aclucar el ulls. Segons la mare, feia ja molts anys que patia mal d’ossos, però mai no li havia vist un mal posat ni li havia sentit un sol gemec. Ni un. Havent lluitat sempre per evitar l’ombra de la solitud, mai no hauria imaginat que, a la fi, una maleïda bestioleta l’obligaria a dir adeu endollada a un respirador i sense ningú estimat a qui estrènyer ben fort la mà. Vençuda i absolutament sola.



Tanta paperassa em fa perdre l’oremus!
D’un rampell l’engego a pastar fang tot escampant-la per arreu. Quin desori.
Penedida i a desgrat, l’arreplego tot seguit del terra. L’apilo. L’arrenglero.
I llavors la veig: la pàgina insurrecta escapolida del meu llibre vital. Número 666.
Vet-ho aquí, t’he enxampat, trapella!
No entenc per què t’entossudeixes a tornar-me a lloc! s’exclama ella.
Ras i curt, perquè ets la meva vida escrita. T’he de bressolar per ser jo. Si et volatilitzes… jo em perdré pels amagatalls més tenebrosos de l’existència; però si t’aixoplugo, la vida m’encisarà amb paraules dites i escrites amb la tinta de la llum del sol.

Arlet Margot


Veo amanecer desde nuestro tálamo. El estruendo de las olas me llama como un canto de sirena mientras el sol ilumina los surcos de dolor en su rostro.

– Han pasado tres años, ya no es necesario que sigas tejiendo.

Los dedos se detienen. Su mirada se enreda entre la trama y la urdimbre de ese sudario amarillento destinado a quien no lo necesita. Noche tras noche, la rutina se repite implacable, desgasta la fibra.

Deja el telar y se tumba a mi lado. Me mira sin verme. Me escucha sin oírme. Maldigo el día en el que, a la furia de Poseidón, solo sobrevivió el alma del astuto Ulises.


What is like when you die?

When death arrives, you won’t be able to see your mom neither your dad, furthermore, they won’t be able to see you. But they are always going to be there, and you are always going to be by their side. You will never stop thinking about each other, you’ll never stop talking to each other. You’ll be always together, but you’ll be just on a different side of the room.



C’est le période ou nous, les ados, rions, profitons et nous amusons le plus.
Mais cela nous a été enlevé par la situation que nous vivons. Alors, avec
enthousiasme nous attendons que ça se termine pour rire, profiter et s’amuser comme nous le faisions avant.


Where am I?

I woke up with a headache in a room that I did not recognize and with clothes that were not mine. I didn’t remember how I got to that room, but I knew it wasn’t my home. I got up. I felt weaker than usual. I decided to see where it was, so I left the room. The place where I was seemed abandoned, there was moss everywhere, many walls were cracked and many of the lights were out. That place was pretty bad for me. I screamed in case someone heard me, but only heard my own echo. After wandering aimlessly, at the end of a corridor I saw what appeared to be a door leading to the outside. I ran with all my might. I just wanted to find someone who could help me. When I left, the only thing I saw was a massive desert of ruins and desolation.

Paco Macaco

An interesting excursion

My family and I decided to go on a excursion to spend the day. The plan was
to go up the mountain and have lunch there so we could go down in the
afternoon; the excursion was not very long, we had to leave home at 10:30.
That morning my parents and I got up early. Then we had breakfast and
prepared the bags with the lunch meal (a sandwich) and left the house and
started on our way. The climb was not difficult at all, everything went as
planned and when we got to the top we starved to death, the views were
spectacular !! We had the problem when we went down, it was getting dark
and we could hardly see anything so we got lost.
We had to retrace our steps and after a while we got home, we were very
tired !!


Intelligence wins over the force

Once upon a time, there was a huge tiger that hunted everyone in the jungle. Everyone who lived there was very afraid of him. Suddenly, the mighty tiger met a little fox, faced with the danger the fox had to use cunning. He told the tiger that he was the king of the animals of that jungle and then, to follow him to prove it. The tiger was prepared to attack him but decided to check if what the fox was saying was true. They walked through the jungle and all the animals moved away as they passed.

The tiger was surprised and finally promised the fox that he would not bother him again, but what the tiger didn’t know was that the animals didn’t move away from the fox, they were moving away from the tiger. In conclusion, the fox demonstrated that intelligence wins over the force.

Steve Oaki

Body swap

I always dreamed about being a guy who lived in Barcelona, well, in a town near Barcelona called Sant Cugat. I suddenly woke up in a strange bed. I wasn’t in my house in Pittsburgh, I was in the bedroom of a suspicious boy. At that moment a woman called me and asked me in Spanish to go and have breakfast. I looked in the mobile phone on the desk. I don’t know how I managed to unlock it. I saw the photos and there was the boy. I entered the contacts list. He was called Marc. I was surprised. After a while I realized that my dream came true.
-Wake up Simon-. My mom was hitting me.- You’re going to be late again!
Then I just realized it was just a dream

Connor Walsh


All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is in their own way. I am unfortunately in the second group, the unhappy one. And his way, he is too novelistic to believe. First reason: they had me too young, second reason: my father abandoned my mother, third reason: my mother’s family repudiated her because of her youth tajt se was when she haves me, fourth reason: she did not finish college, and many more reasons why my mother and I are now unhappy. The worst thing is the day to day, always the same cries of rage, the thousand and one bottles of wine or whiskey. The infinite strangers who come and go through my house. Secondary abuse by drunkenness. And much more.

Little lier