The mystery house

There’s a house in the middle of the dark forest, where no one has entered for more than 100 years. Legend told that, the house was a nursery and that on April 24 all the babies and teachers disappeared. Nobody can explain why but there is a man in the town who lives near the house, he is older, tall, has white hair and a mark on his arm with a particular symbol. He comes into the house every morning at 9:06 am and stays there until dark. Nobody can talk with the man, he can’t say anything. But the only thing we know is that he was one of the children from the nursery, but he’s alive. We have to try to solve the mystery of the house in the dark forest. Will you help too?


I miss you

Remember all those nights when we talked for hours? I miss it. I miss when we texted all day without getting tired. I miss when you liked being with me. I miss when I was happy with you. Because now I feel like every day is the same, like something is missing. The first thing I do when I wake up is to check my notifications to see if your name is there, but it never is. It hurts to see how the emotion between us is fading. It hurts to see you go away. But it hurts more to know that it’s all my fault, that if I had done something when I had the chance, I would still with a smile every day. Because yes, you were my reason to smile. And now all I do is cry because I know someone else is making you happier than I did. And that kills me because I still love you.


What I used to…

I miss when I was a little girl.
My only concern was not to get out of line while painting. For the only thing that I used to cry was about broking my toys, I didn’t used to worry about my appearance I ate wherever I wanted without thinking about my body shape.
If I go out I have to go well dressed or I feel insecure. When I got dirty in mud I used to think it was funny but now it’s all complaining.
The rain was for playing not for crying in silence. The music was to dance, not to cry with it.
Now, everything it’s harder and it gets harder every day. I just wish I was that little girl again; dancing, laughing, smiling… I miss her.


Primavera al rusc

Les paraules són abelles, que volen per aquí i per allà buscant el néctar de noves imatges.
Treballen nit i dia, i amelen als llibres, a la ràdio, pel mercat, pels carrers…
Entren al rusc de la meva ment i busquen la on deixar el seu regal, per alimentar la abella reina, la meva ànima, amb el més dolç recull que han trobat pel món. LLavors, jo jugo amb elles, les combino, les penso, les pronuncio, les intercanvio, les regalo…i desprès les deso amb molta cura, cada una al seu lloc.
Però aquest any les abelles només han trobat carrers buits, portes tancades… Fan massa brogit, moren en sentir-se presoneres. Les cel.les perden el seu ordre i de vegades, costen de trobar. No m’enrecordo on les he desades.
Somio una altra primavera, una nova esperança i deixar-les volar lliures.


Oughta Know…

I’m drained. Drained of the suffocation. Drained of them throwing me under a tomb. Literally. I mean, who would find it funny, after a couple of drinks, to just grab a friend and pop them in a coffin? Not even a friend, a drinking buddy. It’s hilarious, really. I would laugh if I had enough oxygen. They also found it hysterical to add tacks on this rusty, pungent catacomb, just for fun. You know, sometimes I get urges to bite my nails, or to scream or even to bawl my eyes out, but the urge that I have now to do something to them… I’ll just wait for the right moment, and then, they will see. They shouldn’t have messed with an individual like me, who always keeps a crane in their pocket, who knows every secret like the back of their hand. They ought to know who Alana Franklin really is.



Ha llegado el fin. Después de tantos años evolucionando, siguiendo el círculo de la vida, ahora se tiene que acabar. Hoy a las 8 del mañana, el mundo termina. Supongo que de alguna forma, el caos es la única forma de obtener la paz, sea lo que sea las consecuencias. Supongo, que estos meteoritos serán simplemente metafóricos algún día, y otras especies podrán disfrutar nuestra historia como nosotros la hemos disfrutado. Ahora solo hay que esperar.
-Manny, ¿quieres parar de jugar con tu juguete de ese T-Rex raro e ir a poner la mesa?
-¡Voy, un momento!



Els miralls són molt graciosos. Ens ensenyen una imatge del que passa davant de nosaltres. Però no mostren la veritat, només el que vols veure. I a vegades, un mirall pot ser la traïció mateixa. T’enganya, et trenca, et menteix. És una via que sempre acaba malament. Són tan esgarrifosos, que els estimes. Pots passar hores i hores, sense tancar els ulls, i en veritat mai els hauràs obert. Compte amb les reflexions.


A mission on the Moon

I suddenly woke up, very cold and uncomfortable. I was covered with a very strange type of blanket. It looked like night, it was all dark, but the sky was full of stars. There were too many. I decided to look around me. I wasn’t in my garden, where I fell asleep yesterday. While I looked around me, I noticed something in the sky. I could see the Earth from where I was. So I looked at the ground. It wasn’t grass. I was in a big crater. And, for a moment, I understood what was happening: I was on the Moon. I started having lots of questions, but a little piece of metal hit me in the head. I grabbed that object and it turned out to be an hologram from a person I’d never seen. That person looked scary and said a little message: save the Earth as soon as possible, please! I didn’t know what to do, but I had a mission. 

I’m Sarah Perks, the girl that can save the Earth from the Moon.


El jardiner de Sant Jordi

Tothom recorda que Sant Jordi va salvar moltes vides però, sense voler-ho, també va enfonsar la meva. De ben segur coneixeu la llegenda: el drac, la sang, el roser… El que no s’explica és el silenci que va deixar darrere seu: la princesa n’havia quedat totalment enamorada, i quan tots pensaven que es casarien, ell va marxar. La vila va quedar sumida en una depressió generalitzada. La princesa passava les hores tancada als jardins que es van construir al voltant del roser, convertit en una relíquia o un fetitxe. Aleshores vaig arribar jo i vaig voler casar-me amb ella. Només va posar una condició: hauria de cuidar personalment el seu jardí. I clar, vaig acceptar. I va ser així com la gent va posar-me el sobrenom de ‘el jardiner de Sant Jordi’, i la meva vida va ser només l’ombra d’un heroi fugit.

Deus Ex

El gato

Pasábamos la tarde en casa de Isaac. Fui a la nevera a coger una cerveza y aproveché para tomar el aire en la galería. Vi que algo se movía abajo en el patio. En ese momento llegó Blanca.
—¿Qué haces? —preguntó.
—Nada —contesté—. Mira, hay un gato ahí abajo. Parece que está cojo.
—Lo dices como si fuera algo grave.
—No sé, me ha parecido importante —observé.
Tiró lo que quedaba de su cigarrillo sin apagarlo. Al verlo caer, pensé que habría un incendio, pero no pasó nada. Solo cayó y chisporroteó contra la uralita.
—Ese es tu problema —me dijo. — Para ti todo parece importante.
Se fue sin decir nada más. Noté como la pena subía desde el pecho y los ojos se me humedecían. Tragué saliva y miré abajo por última vez. El gato ya no estaba.

Guybrush Threepwood